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60 Minutes - Abstinence

*Edit - Video Dead - But I have another copy - Google video is not either not a fan of 60 Minutes or You simply have to call CBS and buy this episode to learn about what the government is spending your tax dollars on. I bet now you wish you were sitting in front of your TV on this Sunday evening back in June 2005. How does that make you feel.

Umm. Sorry, this video got published after I killed, I have a copy of this video in an unsupported sift format, over at my old website.

In a world where sexually transmitted diseases are quite common, the Bush Administration is paying Christian organizations millions of dollars to teach teenagers not to use condoms and even worst, telling them straight up condoms don't work.

This 60 Minutes segment is from September 2005.

LOL! so funny ! like serously i think you should only have sex if u love the person you are with ore its more than just sexual lust. but then at the same time thats just me i dont care what other people do everyones difrent some people will never fall inlove and sex is fun evan if it is just a shag. allso yah what if your partner is totaly crap in bed ore you dick is to big ore small for them it dose happen. seting up binary rules for everyone just dosent work. the issue realy is STDS afect everyone so the only thing that is a good thing to promote is to get people do do stuff that reducess STDS contraceptoin seems to do a good job of that + reduce pregnancy. its been proven than the abstinance thing just dosent work as it gives out the wrong message about protectoin. aditoinaly people in the abstinance croud will probably have unprotected sex with there partner and then what if thay split up.


I personally don't care how people chose to have sex. But I do believe responsible adults have a responsibility of teaching kids about safe sex.

The adults in this 60 minutes documentary are not responsible, they should not be awarded with multi-million dollar government contracts for sexual education. It's all backwards

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