6 year old suspended for bringing Cub Scout knife to school

October 12, 2009 CBS News

I disagree with the comment at the end: that was exactly the face of trouble, the profile that has shot up schools like Columbine. And I am sure with home schooling, this boys will go further in that direction.

No outrage here. I don't want my kid exposed to weapons of any sort at school. I don't care if there is a spork attached to it.


You're calling a Swiss army knife a weapon? More to the point, using a Swiss army knife to eat is threatening how? Zero tolerance is usually a justification to get away from any actual thinking and just throw the book at people, or small children in this case. I think the mom in the AP video summed it up best saying hard and fast rules cause a lot of collateral damage, kids tossed aside needlessly to obey the letter of the law and not its intent.


I think they were just mentioning that to further the point that it should be a case-by-case basis instead of a zero tolerance bullshit policy. I was a victim of zero tolerance in high school, so maybe I'm biased.

I really hate the "precious little snowflake" mentality of some parents.

Did you guys read about the case where a girl brought a birthday cake to school with a knife to cut the cake? The teacher cut the cake and served it, THEN called the principal and reported her.. ugh.

I wish all these assholes enforcing this crap realized they are in effect ruining these pupils' educational lives. These things stay on your record and they really can prevent you from pursuing further education.


>> ^videosiftbannedme:
I don't see how the kid being a little leaguer and member of his church youth group have anything to do with this "news" story.
Present the facts, not rhetoric.

Part of the disputed facts of the Columbine kids is that they were fairly reclusive and not really engaged in the community, estranged alienated youth. This child was engaged in regular kid social groups and norms. It isn't rhetoric but very conditional information about how he doesn't fit the profile at all of a "troubled teen", which is what that law was trying to help fight against.

And seriously, a knife? Are we going to shelter kids SO much now a days that a knife, any knife, is now a deadly weapon. How are the youth of tomorrow going to prepare food?


Possibly. But what would have happened if he had planted the knife into the neck of a classmate? Or if another student took it from him and did the same? We would have heard boatloads more about this then! Just because he's six, that's no excuse. A six year old has no comprehension of the consequences of their actions, just like a mentally disturbed 17 year old who brings a gun to school doesn't.

I am playing devil's advocate here mind you. I think the school overreacted. They should have confiscated the knife, called the parents and warned them to not let little Johnny bring it in again. Then the parents, if so inclined, could attempt to make their case. But in the land of lawsuits, educational accountability, and the "better safe than sorry" culture that we have evolved into, the school did take the right action; even if overboard with a 45 day suspension (which apparently has been revoked.) Sadly it takes that much to get a parents attention nowadays. They obviously weren't paying attention by allowing him to take a knife to school in the first place. And why does he need to bring the knife to school in the first place? Because it's got a fork and spoon? He can't use the same cutlery as the rest of the students?

I've got to error on the side of the school on this one, only because the other option would be too disastrous to contemplate.


Hehehe indeed, but that is a different argument, we were talking about safety not academia appropriateness. In the end, I am glad that the kid has gotten to resume school over what seemed to be more or less bureaucratic bumbling. When a students education is on the line, knee jerk isn't the most helpful. You could of sent the kid home for the day or something seems reasonable till the situation can get fleshed out, but sent to "anger management" school for troubled kids seems too far out of wack with reality.


>> ^videosiftbannedme:
I'll submit that a backpack of books belongs in a school, while a knife does not.

Kids at my highschool used to drive in with their rifles in the backs of their trucks. That was oh 15 years ago or so but see the point I'm getting at? Oh and carrying a knife when I was in school was not only smart, it was a requirement. Being prepared and all that. I hate to say this, but things have run amok to the point where commonsense has gone out the window.

Remember anything can be a weapon. Therefore I submit, you shouldn't be allowed to wear any form of clothing either.

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