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10 minute recording of Salvia trip

Alex smokes Salvia Divinorum, which is legal, in front of camera and records the entire trip (video 10 minutes long)

I tried Salvia recently, the decision based on a video I saw right here on VideoSift! What a sheep eh?

Few things to note on what he says. He mentions designs a lot, it's definitely a very graphical trip. I personally saw a parquet waterfall that was so real that I kept putting my hand on the back of my buddy so he wouldn't fall over it. There's a lot of grids and graphs and stuff.

He also says at the beginning that he wished it would stop, that's very real too.

The sites I read while researching warn people of going too far, but don't mention what happens if you do go too far. It's actually a safe drug to try physically, (this is the reason I tried this, I've never taken a mind drug in my life and only smoked pot maybe 10 times and don't like it at all). What happens when you over do it though, is a panic attack. I had to consciously avoid the thought that this might last forever because I felt intense panic when I did.

In this video he also says/does goofy stuff towards the end. That's not really genuine, you lose your desire to not be fake for a time and start making stuff up that really isn't happening. Best way I can describe that.

Afterwards there's no huge desire to try it again. My buddy still has some left over and he hasn't touched it and none of my friends want to do it again themselves. We only maybe want to watch someone else we know do it for entertainment, but not really. It's not a 'fun' drug.

CNN recently put something on TV about it, with a woman whining that Salvia killed her son, but doesn't mention at all how he actually died. I assure you it wasn't an overdose, he probably fell over and hit his head or something and she felt the need to blame the drug instead of blaming bad luck.

Gupta talked about what Salvia does to your brain. Your brain has specific parts that process their respective sensory inputs and Salvia causes those areas to overflow into each other. Something like that.

So basically it's the safest mind-trip drug I've ever heard of. 8-10 minute high, no lasting physical or mental damage, no addiction. The soccer moms are all over it like the cum dumpsters that they are because they don't want their children to experience anything that might cause them to stray from the path to sheepdom they have set in front of them.

If you've ever wanted to try a one shot experiment, this is it. For me it's actually removed any desire to try acid or mushrooms, there's no way I would want to put myself through an elongated loss of control like that. No way.


um If you were worried about it when u took it you obviously didn't research it enough and also took to higher dose for a first time. if u gradually got into it ore read up then you wouldn't have been scared of the trip lasting 4 ever. saliva will make u aware of anny anxsiaties that you currently have evan preconceptions of anxsiaties you may have. so its important to take it when u r in a happy mood not worried and in a comfortable place. the resoin why people cnt describe what is happaning when thay r tripping and shortly after is a) its normally 2 abstract and visual to describe in a easily interpretable way b) its hard to talk and think in a logical structure when u r high

what i believe salve a dose is as u pointed out is allow u to move more you consciousness into the hemesphear of your brain that focuses more on abstract thought rather than logic however it maintains enough of your consciousness in the logical side so that u can interpret what is happening. the larger the dose the more your mind moves into abstract thought giving you a more profound trip but less control ore ability to remember what happened.

I don't believe you can learn much from smoking weed if u listen to some stoner's talk whilst u r sober you can easily tell thay r talking nonsense only think its significant. with salvea what you see and feal and the conclusions you arrive at in terms of who you are can be quite profound.

as for the woman killing her son how the hell would you kill sum one when high on salvea ? i guess if u acidently fell on them maby but you would have to be a retard in the first place for taking it with a kid near. its like if i decided to light an open fire for warmth next to a small baby and dident look after them.

last of all ! don't take this for a one off experiment take it because you researched it and u think it will be a worth while exsperance the problem with taking it after watching an internet clip or a bunch of mates take it is that you will have a preconception of what the exspearance will be like and that will tarnish the trip. This is why its encouraged to grow the plant yourself before you take it (although most people smoke refined stuff (x5-x40)) because your subconsciouses will develop a relationship with it and the fact you grew it an nurtured it will make a difference.


Well I didn't want to develop a 'relationship' with a plant, lol. I wasn't looking for any spiritual insights or revelations, just insights into a different perspective with my same personal sensory inputs. For me it is just a substance that chemically screws up your brain wiring for a short time, not a life altering voodoo-see god thing. Guess that's why I don't like drugs in general. I don't have a desire to 'ride the snake' or become one with the universe etc.

That said, it was definitely worth the trip. I have a better understanding of what it's like to lose your personal mind control and how complete that can be. For instance, I won't be looking at a mentally retarded person the same way, that's for sure. It gives me more respect for their lack of ability to control themselves. I'll also be more sensitive to someone that may be having a bad trip on something else, if that happens.


you develop a relationship with anything you sense u brain records everything and then you conchouse sifts through things for you to be aware of ( like a mental video sift only u past exsperances dictate what gets voted up ) . If you are a person of scince then you will get insight into your knowlage of scince if you believe in religoin then u will probably think you r having a religouse exsperance. you talk about losing mind control one of the resoins salivea is so safe in comparison to anny other hallucinogen is that you have so much control over your thoughts and can direct your trip. i think you took way to much and totally triped out this is what u see allot of people doing on these videos. its no more insightful ore clever than drinking a bottle of vodcah . for annyone planning on doing it its important to note that it affects everyone different some people are super sencative to it and others wont be affected at all. additionally the more often you take it the less you need to achieve the same affects.

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