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dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yes. Censorship. Let's go there. You might as well invoke Hitler too- it seems that's the direction your hyperbole is heading.

In fact, the fate of this group masturbation video may validate or destroy Democracy in the western world as we know it. We must choose wisely!

Anywhooo ... I've offered to leave this in Sift Talk where you can visit it as much as you want - tell your friends, too! Post it to Facebook- we can't cover up this awesome masterpiece of video journalism. Power to the people and keep up the good fight against wicked censorship ... my liberty loving brothers and sisters.

>> ^kulpims:
@dag: i know you're concerned about sponsors and all that shit and i understand your point of view, i think. enough to know it's useless to debate this any further cause you're gonna discard it anyway.
just a few words though: what happened to majority rule? i thought we don't need administrators to tell us what content is acceptable and what is not. why not let votes decide the issue of porn or no porn? besides you and your girlfriend lucky i only see 2 guys here who think this video is too shocking for the general public - sheppard and choggs (a big fuck you to both of them). for me this is an issue of freedom of expression and i'm sorry to see choggie fight against it as I've always supported his bloody right to express himself on VS in his unique and often misunderstood way. my position on the matter is clear as always - censorship sucks and never works out


kulpims says...

@dag: i know you're concerned about sponsors and all that shit and i understand your point of view, i think. enough to know it's useless to debate this any further cause you're gonna discard it anyway.
just a few words though: what happened to majority rule? i thought we don't need administrators to tell us what content is acceptable and what is not. why not let votes decide the issue of porn or no porn? besides you and your girlfriend lucky i only see 2 guys here who think this video is too shocking for the general public - sheppard and choggs (a big fuck you to both of them). for me this is an issue of freedom of expression and i'm sorry to see choggie fight against it as I've always supported his bloody right to express himself on VS in his unique and often misunderstood way. my position on the matter is clear as always - censorship sucks and never works out

peggedbea (Member Profile)

Shepppard says...

I agree, banning and hobbling in this situation is rediculous. My point is basically that the content in that video is far too graphic for anything to be on the sift. The site has no disclaimer, and as such I believe is held liable, you seem to have grasped that. Let me clarify - I personally have no problem with the video of a bunch of grannies getting their "Liberation" on, but for this website, I do.

I have friends, whose mothers demanded things like speed humps be put in on a road by a school, even though the school, and street, have been there for over 50 years without accident. Their child is more important, and therefore must be protected at any cost. And god forbid they see any form of arousing content on the internet. Hell, they'd probably picket outside dags house.

Videos, even such as your "Lymphy..whatever, massage" can at least be defended against with "It's nothing sexual, and even somewhat educational", or the "Kung Fu sex" clip, the shear absurdity of it still doesn't excuse it, but its still nothing truly "Graphic".

I'll finish by saying, again, I have no quarrel with brain, and don't wish to see him banned or hobbled, having posted the video is actually quite eye opening in the sense of what we need to do for certain content, but I still think the sift should never need to use a disclaimer for any of its content.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
the underage viewer viewing it is a valid point, and im curious what dags liability would be in that situation.

however, withstanding that. now that the video has been released from purgatory, i was free too and did infact downvote it, because i didn't like watching it. my whole point is that 1. the gage of offensiveness can't be measured by one person or 4 persons or their penis's. and 2. the voting system is a sufficient guideline to determine if something is siftable, which is a matter of personal preference. personally i find family guy clips viscerally offensive and wish they didn't find their way to the sift, but they do and so i downvote them. if a video hits -3, its gone.

but the talk of bannings and hobblings because a seasoned member posts a provocative video is ridiculous.
and i think i accidentally hit the wrong button and am posting this to sheppard's profile now. but oh well im not going back and redoing it. sorry sheppard.
and now ive lost my train of thought and its time go do real life things. tralalalllala

Shepppard (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

the underage viewer viewing it is a valid point, and im curious what dags liability would be in that situation.

however, withstanding that. now that the video has been released from purgatory, i was free too and did infact downvote it, because i didn't like watching it. my whole point is that 1. the gage of offensiveness can't be measured by one person or 4 persons or their penis's. and 2. the voting system is a sufficient guideline to determine if something is siftable, which is a matter of personal preference. personally i find family guy clips viscerally offensive and wish they didn't find their way to the sift, but they do and so i downvote them. if a video hits -3, its gone.

but the talk of bannings and hobblings because a seasoned member posts a provocative video is ridiculous.
and i think i accidentally hit the wrong button and am posting this to sheppard's profile now. but oh well im not going back and redoing it. sorry sheppard.
and now ive lost my train of thought and its time go do real life things. tralalalllala
In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
>> ^peggedbea:
titty babies are traumatized by vaginas that are not attached to porn stars.
the polling system is built into the site. and don't even get me started on the number of videos that got mass amounts of votes for being sexy. even if the content itself wasnt intended to strictly titillate, the reason these videos made it to the top was the male sift brain sexualizing it. there is even a video clip from an actual soft core porn vid, allowed to stay without the fuss.
and the talk of bannings, RIDICULOUS.

Soft core is just that - soft core. It shows basically nothing but the odd breast and nothing truly graphic.

This, is not soft core. Videosift doesn't have a "You must be 18 to enter this site" page, this video embed doesn't have a "You must be 18 to view this content" link, however, if you follow the embed you have to click a "I agree that I'm 18 years old" button.

Soft core is displayed on basic cable now. This is not. This is fully graphic material, and other then a small tag of "NSFW" along the side, has nothing to even show what the content is. Right now, I believe the sift is liable if some mother gets pissed off that her kid found something of this quality on here. If there was the "I agree to be 18" button, or the video required you to input age, that would be a horse of a different colour, because that means that the child willingly knew what he was going to be seeing, and the sift has no blame.

It only takes one angry mother to lead a vendetta against something because her child is more special then the others and therefore has to be protected.

That being said, if theres an "I agree that I'm over 18" button on the front page before you can enter the site, who knows how much traffic that'll stop. I came here when I was 17, and granted, would've clicked the button anyway, but there's a lot of goody-two-shoes out there.

Maybe even if there's a system in place that makes it so you have to hit one of the "I'm over 18" buttons to view anything flagged as NSFW, or have to be logged in and have an input age when you sign up. But as it stands right now, this is not educational, this is not art. This is a bunch of women sitting around for one common goal. You want to see something of this sort? Go to a free porn site then. The sift is not one. And again, softcore clips are not as bad, they're on basic cable now. But they're still up to dags discretion.

Alternate View of the Japanese Whaler Sea Shepard Collision

rougy says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
>> ^rougy:
I have to disagree about the "both sides" thing, hombre.
The Japanese fishing industry is raping the ocean and needs to be stopped.
Whaling is probably the most critical aspect of their crimes, but not the only one.

No doubt, but I am not picking sides on their actions only the way they deal with it.
More often than not most of the conflicts I have solved on my own have been peaceable, but those conflicts didn't deal with monetary incentive.
When there is money to be gained and someone wants to stop it for the right reasons then people will get hurt. Right is also subjective and relative. Your version of right, and mine may be two completely different things. The latter sentence is just a figure of speech, I do think the Japanese are wrong, but I also think the Sea Sheppard crew are playing with fire.
I have some other opinions about monetary incentive, bodily harm, and the idea of swift pacification. But I fear repercussion for leaving a record of them here.
Lets just say, it's all fun and games until someone gets killed or maimed.

I see what you're saying, and even though one could argue that the point is relative, there is a real difference between right and wrong, and that supercedes whatever "money" has to say about it.

The over-fishing of our oceans has a real impact on all of us, not just the industries, and just because our governments are either too corrupt or too craven to do something about it--like, say, to write and enforce laws--that doesn't mean that somebody out there shouldn't at least try to do the right thing.

Alternate View of the Japanese Whaler Sea Shepard Collision

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^rougy:
I have to disagree about the "both sides" thing, hombre.
The Japanese fishing industry is raping the ocean and needs to be stopped.
Whaling is probably the most critical aspect of their crimes, but not the only one.

No doubt, but I am not picking sides on their actions only the way they deal with it.

More often than not most of the conflicts I have solved on my own have been peaceable, but those conflicts didn't deal with monetary incentive.

When there is money to be gained and someone wants to stop it for the right reasons then people will get hurt. Right is also subjective and relative. Your version of right, and mine may be two completely different things. The latter sentence is just a figure of speech, I do think the Japanese are wrong, but I also think the Sea Sheppard crew are playing with fire.

I have some other opinions about monetary incentive, bodily harm, and the idea of swift pacification. But I fear repercussion for leaving a record of them here.

Lets just say, it's all fun and games until someone gets killed or maimed.

Mass Effect 2 - Cinematic Trailer

Asian Girl Destroys PS3 While Boyfriend Is Playing

thatavguy says...

Completely Agree with Sheppard - Dunno whats going through someone's mind when they think they can fix the problem by Destroying an expensive piece of hardware.
I imagine she didn't want the relationship to continue and wanted a bit of fame in the process..

Misirlou ('Pulp Fiction' theme) on guitar, with pencils

Shep Smith Apologizes For "Lack Of Balance" In Fox Report

Shep Smith Apologizes For "Lack Of Balance" In Fox Report

MV Steve Irwin Slams Against Japanese Whaling Ship

Yogi says...

Wow a clip from the Whaler Boat that's pretty cool. I like the Sea Sheppard peeps, reminds me of the old west, and they're like Sheriffs.

Or maybe the crew of the Serenity in the movie Serenity...yeah that fits better.

Stop calling Bill O'Reilly a Homo!

Asmo (Member Profile)

budzos says...

I don't see how your argument runs counter to my assertions at all. Your wife got half her face eaten by a German Shepherd... that does not mean Pitbulls are less likely to snap. It doesn't really have any bearing on what I said, at all.

So, Shove your self-righteousness up YOUR ass.

In reply to this comment by Asmo:
>> ^budzos:
Go pursue an inane cause that doesn't require everyone around you to accept the premise that "don't worry, this bomb I bring everywhere won't go off while your kids are around. I'm a responsible bomb owner.

and my wife, when she was 4 years old, had her face half torn off by an old german sheppard who had been peaceful and friendly all it's life. Totally unexpected, she was playing with it as she had done many times before and it just turned, latched on and proceeded to eat the chunk of her left cheek it had removed.

Animals, like humans, can snap and there doesn't have to be any rhyme or reason to it. So feel free to shove your rhetoric up your ass where your head is already firmly planted.

Pit Bull Viciously Attacks News Anchor With Love and Slobber

Asmo says...

>> ^budzos:
Go pursue an inane cause that doesn't require everyone around you to accept the premise that "don't worry, this bomb I bring everywhere won't go off while your kids are around. I'm a responsible bomb owner.

and my wife, when she was 4 years old, had her face half torn off by an old german sheppard who had been peaceful and friendly all it's life. Totally unexpected, she was playing with it as she had done many times before and it just turned, latched on and proceeded to eat the chunk of her left cheek it had removed.

Animals, like humans, can snap and there doesn't have to be any rhyme or reason to it. So feel free to shove your rhetoric up your ass where your head is already firmly planted.

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