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Wow! Thats really f*cked up! E-bay scammer on Judge Judy

shuac says...

One man's opinion: you're wrong, Sheppard.

Judge Judy is the best of all the "reality" court shows, which is, admittedly, a bit like being the prettiest Denny's waitress, but you'd have to agree with me.

Triple Human Botfly removal

billrothii says...

I like Sheppard's comment better.
>> ^xxovercastxx:

Uh, no...
They stay in there for 6-10 weeks and you have a large, painful boil. Once they reach their third larval stage they drop out and burrow into the ground.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> Shepppard said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box"> your arm gets horribly infected as they start to eat their way out, parts of the skin and arm itself will die, until eventually the damage will be too severe and your arm would need to be amputated.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: right; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> residue said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: right; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-top: 1px; right: 52px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">►</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-right: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">wow. i wonder what happens if you just leave those suckers in there

Owners dog leads police to house fire! (Dashcam Video)

Owners dog leads police to house fire! (Dashcam Video)

Owners dog leads police to house fire! (Dashcam Video)

Owners dog leads police to house fire! (Dashcam Video)

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

Cry Some MOAR!!!!!!

Expensive Bottled Water Trend

Sniper007 says...

Right Sheppard, we buy filtered water by the 5 gallon jug because we don't care to drink fluoride or chlorine. It actually causes health issues for my family. But this isn't that. This is beyond...

Your My Documents

Jacques Magazine presents Tori

The Funny Squirrel Song

enoch says...

i did the second downvote because this seems like an honest mistake by someone who did not read the posting guidelines.i agree with sheppard in that a 3 downvote discard is better than a ban.

5 year old forced off school bus miles from home

westy says...

>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^Stormsinger:
Point one, the fact that you didn't -like- my answer does not mean I didn't answer.
Point two, you sadly underestimate the capabilities of a five year old. They are fully capable of taking actions on their own. That fear you fixate on is -taught- to them by parents that are paranoid about the 1-in-100000 chance of meeting one of those exceedingly rare predators. You're promoting ignoring a real problem for a potential problem. Which is more likely? I'm pretty damned sure that getting lost is -far- more likely than getting the attention of a at least a hundred to one.
I'm just glad my parents weren't advocates of the ostrich school of child development. You're free to fuck up your kids any way you like...but I fail to see how ignoring the more likely problem is better.
I'm done beating my head against the wall. You're not interesting enough to justify the irritation.

Might I point you towards the thing I was raised on, the Block Parent Program. This program is what most Canadian children are brought up on, it's taught in schools (At about grade 3, you know, around 8 years old) but most kids have already heard about it.
The theory behind it is fantastic, the problem, as I've mentioned before, is that I've seen 3 houses with those signs in them my entire life. I'm not underestimating the capabilities of a 5 year old, I remember my childhood, and I've got two younger siblings. I know all about the capabilities of a 5 year old, and they DON'T want to approach any strangers houses.
I've got stories, they've got stories, hell, even my parents have stories about a time when they were young, got lost, and completely panicked. Not to mention, what are the odds someone's even in the house? Most people don't get off work until 4-5ish, and most kids are home around 3:30. What's to guarantee that the house you go up to has someone in it to call the cops?
Which leads me to another point about both the block parent training, and you're "Idea".. For the block parent program, what happens when you can't find one, or your idea, what happens when a couple houses don't answer the door, or have nobody home.
Your kid panics. Yet another fatal flaw.
I'll refer back to the point that I've been trying to make this entire time, but you don't seem to get this.
You don't - leave - kids - alone. This should never have been an issue, and never should be an issue.
The bus driver was taking care of the kids, the kid should never have needed to be in this situation of not knowing what to do. This is nothing you should need to train your child for.
As for them getting lost.. Where would they get lost? Again, 5 year olds don't go places by themselves. Most kids don't until they're much older. If you go anywhere, you're accompanied by a parent. If you're in the mall and get separated, the parent is the one that instigates getting the child back. And don't bother trying to tell me that a 5 year old will stay calm in a shopping mall full of people, and go to the front counter of a store, or up to the security guards, because they won't. They'll panic, and probably cry.
However, getting picked up by a predator in the mall? That's a horse of a different colour. I was -always- told, that if someone came to pick me up, and it wasn't my parents, they'd know our "code word". If they didn't know it, they were someone that I shouldn't be talking to, and need to get away from them, but that's another discussion entirely.
However, I never said I didn't like your "Training" (Although, I don't, it's a silly idea to tell your kids to approach a strangers house in the first place) but it's not practical.

LOL SHEPPARD YOUR A MORON PLEASE SHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zero Punctuation: Borderlands

NetRunner says...

>> ^Krupo:
I got ME1 for five bucks on sale through Steam. You have all confirmed I might as well wait for ME2's five buck sale as well - at least I'll feel like I'm getting my money's worth.

Just to clarify, I think ME2 is a great game, and a must-buy for anyone who liked the first one.

I'm mostly expressing my disappointment that it didn't meet my outlandishly high expectations for it, and that I personally preferred the story elements and nearly linear progression of the first game.

The combat mechanics are vastly improved -- it's now basically on par with a real 3rd person cover-based shooter, and that's a plus. They've ditched a lot of the RPG elements (no inventory, and no base weapon skills to level), but I found that to be a plus as well. I hated inventory management in the first one, and hate needing to level up a skill to make my aim steady with weapons. They do still have some decisions to make as far as which of your skills you level, but it's basically a base +dmg +health skill, or one of your activatable powers.

The classes also all got revamped to make them more unique and distinctive, and having tried a Soldier & Vanguard I can say that they've definitely succeeded on that front.

They ditched the Mako, but now the exploration missions are actually interesting, instead of being bland and somewhat pointless. They also went from the 4 multi-hour missions of the first game to literally 30+ sub-hour missions that you could do in almost any order (or not do if you so choose), punctuated with 3 or 4 mandatory missions at certain intervals to move the main plot along. Supposedly they'll be releasing a hovertank as DLC, but I have no idea how that will work.

I haven't played with how many ending scenarios there are yet, but I'll mention as a minor spoiler that I'm essentially certain that every single member of your team can die in the last mission, including Sheppard himself...or you can come away without losing anyone.

I personally felt the story wasn't up to the standard set by the first game, but it was a joy to play, and I'm already well into my second playthrough, and I think I'll probably do a third run -- I wanna try out the new Infiltrator class!


silvercord says...

>> ^kulpims:
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since February 16th, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 136, 0);">dag: i know you're concerned about sponsors and all that shit and i understand your point of view, i think. enough to know it's useless to debate this any further cause you're gonna discard it anyway.
just a few words though: what happened to majority rule? i thought we don't need administrators to tell us what content is acceptable and what is not. why not let votes decide the issue of porn or no porn? besides you and your girlfriend lucky i only see 2 guys here who think this video is too shocking for the general public - sheppard and choggs (a big fuck you to both of them). for me this is an issue of freedom of expression and i'm sorry to see choggie fight against it as I've always supported his bloody right to express himself on VS in his unique and often misunderstood way. my position on the matter is clear as always - censorship sucks and never works out

While I didn't go back and count, you're already off by at least half. Dag and I don't think this is Siftworthy, either. Since I've been here, this has been unacceptable content for this site. It's not the subject matter. It's not that it's an argument from prudishness. This stuff has always been available . . . somewhere else.

Four years ago, my brother recommended this site to me because it was a place where he could allow his kids come to as well without fear of them accessing the more racy side of the web. While that opportunity has long gone by the wayside as the Sift has been largely adultified with language, sex and violence, I don't agree that we need to abridge the rest of the graphic visual library of the Internet as well. We've already had this discussion regarding snuff and it is not allowed. We've also had this discussion regarding explicit adult content. There are other places for that. Just not here.

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