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I purdy lady...I shoot for meee!

kymbos says...

"Lone, mentally-ill vermin". With deference to @bareboards2, I'll quote Stephen Budianski:

"For as long as I can remember, I have heard conservatives blaming everything that is wrong in the universe, from violent crime to declining test scores to teen pregnancy to rude children to declining patriotism to probably athlete's foot... upon Dr. Spock, Hollywood liberals, the abolition of prayer in school, Bill Clinton, the "liberal 1960s," the teaching of evolution — in other words, upon symbols, rhetoric, cultural norms, and the values expressed by political and media leaders. Yet from the moment when someone gets a gun in their hands, apparently, society ceases to have any influence whatsoever on the outcome and individual responsibility takes hold 100%. Something is driving the tripling of death threats against congressmen (and the concomitant rise in threats against Federal judges and other villains of the right, from Forest Service rangers to climate scientists) and it isn't the sunspot cycle."

AronRa Wishes You Happy Holidays Anyway

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Djevel:

When entering into the USAF back in the mid-90's, I was advised not to put down my denomination as Atheist. The SSgt wouldn't go into details as to why, other than if I happened to be in a life threatening situation with others, it may be impressed upon those of religious persuasion to save their brethren before making the attempt for me. It would be easier for "everyone" if I just put "non-denominational" instead. Throughout basic training and tech school, I also had the luxury of additional detail (labor) because I wasn't comfortable attending church services. Later, as I gained rank, it was also impressed upon me that to further my career, organizations, such as Toastmasters, would be enthusiastically encouraged from my leadership chain.
If things have changed since then, fantastic, but I was never given the impression that the armed forces were the enlightenment of civilization in regards to secularism, "all walks of life" withstanding.

And for @Gamble... I know your movies like "Full Metal Jacket" does exactly what's being described, but have you guys (or anyone in the armed services) ever seen/had/heard a Atheist Sergeant ? It seems to me that besides on the death bed and when you are in a "peaceful" defensive setup that only then would religion (and only then) be allowed to function full strength.

It seems incredibly counter-intuitive to have instilled or given religious Christians (the ability to countermand--without a court-marshal & on-site kick to the groin and punch in the face--[ I know they don't have the ability--they just have people that are willing to be unscrupulous for them to cover anything up--how very Christian of... yadda, yadda, yadda...]), to ever (I know the point was that he was a crappy Sergeant, but they're are many like him ; but this one example is mine ) have a Sergeant teach at basic and later on for specialists (marines/rangers/etc...) that creates a not only a physical division within the ranks, but a mental one.

If actually acted upon or even used in the normal functions of combat you put: the mission, the soldiers, civilians, allies, and more like completely missing/noticing any opportunities to get the enemy. Tactics and doing your job should always be priority number one. If religion is in any of these top priorities, except for morality (as it is altruistically linked to religion and life, even Atheists; morality is being linked more and more as a intrinsic property of our evolution and all mammals in general; even bee colonies work together "through Christ" though?...), but morality is a near fully physical psychological manifestation due to instincts and evolution (and religion; especially when you fear dying and going to a lake of fire; this could be considered a "psychotic" attribute, especially when it concerns *this, present, reality*).

As state and religion are compelled to stay apart due to the constitution and how it relates the two and law in the First Amendment; so should religion and military as they have the same correlated negative qualities as what comes from not following the First Amendment. (Yes I know it never says it, but: Thomas Jefferson did, the Supreme Court has used it many time (making it essentially a law, regardless), and the First Amendment if understood correctly (look at the Supreme Court cases involved and how they interpreted it) creates a literal gap between the State (the State can't make a law concerning Religion, whatsoever) and Religion ( Religion like the State must never become entwined in any fashion with the State; if it does it isn't considered a Religion by the State and loses all it's protections, like the notion of organization tax exemption, which unlike a typical organization can make money [this is why so many people hate Scientology as it's literally at the line that shouldn't be crossed and is considered a tax haven by many]).

Only more lives will be at risk. Giving yourself a moral boost using religion can be done silently; I know I used to be heavily religious.
Keep your mind at task; this is life and death. It's also not just your life on the line.
/sorry ran a bit longer than intended

Republican Space Rangers!

Diablo 3 - Demon Hunter Gameplay Video (Blizzcon 2010)

MilkmanDan says...

I generally like ranger/archer class types, but this one looked a little weird from what I could figure out:

The shot the put glowing purple/black orbs around things and chained them together seemed to be a universal opener for the first half or so of the video. It seemed like nothing did very much damage without that being applied first, so it must either be a debuff or DoT. It looked odd.

Generally archer types get a good moderate-high DPS from rapid-fire normal attacks, but this looked like it was always debuff, spike, area attack (traps/short range circle). I'd like to see a fast string of default attacks.

...NEEERRRRRDDD!!! ---------------->

Dallas Car Chase - June 29, 2009

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^Nebosuke:

That HOV fine will be killer.

Anybody else flashback to Big Lebowski lines to compare to his announcement on the HOV lane fine?

"...And using the HOV lane like that second occupant in the car ...not sure about the time of day limits ...that ain't legal either."

"What are you, a fuckin' park ranger now?"

Streaming MST3K 24/7

How do we forgive our fathers?

The Weakerthans "Elegy for Gump Worsley"

calvados says...

He looked more like our fathers
Not a goalie, player, athlete period
Smoke, half-ash, stuck in that permanent smirk

Tugging jersey around the beer gut
"I'm strictly a whiskey man"
Was one of the sticks he taped up
And gave to a nation of pudgy boys in beverage rooms

Favorites from Plympton's list
Of objects thrown by Rangers fans
Soup cans, persimmon, eggs, a folding chair and a dead rabbit

The nervous breakdown of '68 and '69
After Pan Crap flights from LA, the expansion
A shrink told me to change occupations, I had to forget it

He swore he was never afraid of the puck, we believe him
If anyone asks, the inscription should read
"My face was my mask."

Generation Chickenhawk: Will College Republicans go to Iraq?

highdileeho says...

They're not in Iraq for a simple reason, they are rich. Iv'e never ever ever ever seen a person in uniform that was from a wealthy family, let alone one who could afford a three piece business suit. People talk a good game but won't sacrafice years of their lives to wallow in the trenches for minimum wage. Their was only the football player who joined the airborn rangers. If you want action you become a grunt, if you want the glory associated with being a grunt, you become a marine. If you are dangerous, wreckless bastard who is indifferent to either notion, you become a ranger. If you come from a rich family, you go to a good university and become middle managment at a law firm. Simple. Politics has nothing to do with the uniform, it's the suits a million miles away that deal with that shit.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

When You Close Your Eyes ~ Night Ranger (1983)

Royal Navy Field Gun Competition

Driving shenanigans in Taiwan

spawnflagger says...

actually, in Taiwan "good" driving is when you can go fast, so this guy isn't a very good driver.

he should have pointed out how left turns are made - there is a square at every major intersection that is made for scooters/bikes (you see it at 0:25 when he's talking about power rangers). To make a left, you would go straight and then pull into that square, and wait for the next light to change and go straight again.
It's counter-intuitive, but works really well in practice. That's only for scooters/motorcycles though. Cars just have to deal with making a regular left.

oh, and if you want to see the craziest display of multiple people + stuff on scooters, check out the Costco in Taipei right before Chinese New Years.

Princess Robot Bubblegum

Stephen Fry Approaches a Mighty White Rhino

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