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eric3579 (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Badass Park Ranger - Don't Do It In The Park!

This is why God created YouTube

Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers - Jubilation Day

Children Playing Suicide Bomber Game

meggymoo says...

I'm pretty sure we used to play armies and shoot each other and pretend to die, We always used to pretend to kill things when we played power rangers as well. Violence is fun when you're a kid

Leaked test footage from the Thundercats reboot

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^skinnydaddy1:
>> ^ant:
Stop ruining my 80s/1980s childhood, Hollyweird! I think the new animated one would be bad too.

Sorry, This is not the Reboot. This is Footage From Abandoned Thundercats CGI Movie. You do not have to worry this project was killed. stamped flat, set on fire, and the ashes buried under Chernobyl. I believe this is the only surviving footage. The people who had come up with this are a couple of feet away from the ashes.

OK good, but what about that new animated series? Ugh.

I have no clue yet, That one came out of left field. Your going to see a lot of that from now on. They don't have any new ideas and rebooting old IP is still far cheaper then developing new ones. This way they get the old fan base just to see if its as good and destroys the rabid fan boys that scare away people. Transformers, Star Trek and GI joe proved it could work so its now the single most growing field in movies and TV. I've also heard there is a group looking to Reboot SDF Macross (Robotech), Star Blazers, Galaxy Rangers, Freakazoid and Mask. Sorry to say they are going to Squeeze the 80's dry and not use any KY.

Photographer captures huge roadside bomb explosion in Kirkuk

MarineGunrock says...

Those trucks weren't up armored. They're just standard Ford Rangers. markd was right about the timing though. Good tactics do say to wait until point man/vehicle has passed before you detonate a mine/bomb/whatever. This separates the forces and increases your odds. I

God, I'm so fucking glad we're pulling out of that shit hole. We had no business there to begin with, and it's obvious they aren't ready to act like a civilized people. >> ^therealmarkd:

>> ^StukaFox:
Why were they shooting after the bomb went off?

The blue truck was the first up-armored vehicle in a convoy. The bomb went off in an effort to destroy the white up-armored truck caught in the blast.
The shooting was the follow-on ambush of the convoy by whoever set the car bomb and/or the crew of the convoy shooting at someone they thought was responsible for the bomb... Pretty standard tactics.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

JESUS CHRIST! Who said Christian music has to be bad?

Sagemind says...

Wow, this is loaded - Pokemon Parody - but aren't Pokemon supposed to be Demons?

Pokemon actually means Pocket Monsters but that's not what them Christians think...

The Best Pokemon Site Ever:
My little grandson is only 3 and a half, but is already obsessed with Pokemon, and his Mum, my daughter Deborah, {who is not saved as yet,} buys him whatever he asks for. The last time they visited us, he had his pokemon cards, coins, and figures with him, and he was DREADFUL!! He was rude, cheeky, wouldn't eat any lunch, tried to run away several times, bit his big sister hard on the arm and made her cry. He also likes Power Rangers!"

Another good one!
"Earlier this week at Landover's Wednesday evening service, children's pastor Marty Richards told 714 kids ages 2 through 10 that Pokemon is evil and was sent to this planet under direct orders from Satan himself. "
(landoverbaptist is a parody site)

Adorable Chipmunk in Slow Motion

Colbert: Affirmative Reaction

VoodooV says...

I know nothing about this guy so I can't really comment about Kasich. But isn't it feasible that somewhere in the world, there is a place where the most qualified leadership are all white? just statistically speaking? just like somewhere in the world the most qualified leadership is all black/asian/etc etc.

Don't we always make fun of television shows whenever they forcibly insert someone purely because they want to appear multi-ethnic? Colbert referred to the Power Rangers, Weren't they pretty guilty of putting in token ethnic characters?

I don't understand I guess, or is Kasich just known for his racism and this is the latest incident? Wouldn't it be pretty hard to prove that he intentionally hired an all-white cabinet?

I just don't have enough information. but isn't putting ethnic minorities in positions of power just to appear multi-ethnic pretty much the definition of racism?

Mattel releasing Hot Wheels car with POV Camera. WANT!

Why I am no longer a Christian

radx says...

By skipping through the parts, I have spent maybe an hour watching a total of around 40 minutes -- the overall tone made it hard to focus, so I had to view some parts twice. And now it can be conclusively said that I'm not part of his target audience. The whole Royal Ranger story, for instance, couldn't be more alien to me if it included penguins robbing a store with bananas.

I purdy lady...I shoot for meee!

Boise_Lib says...

Hear, hear!

Great quote, kymbos!

>> ^kymbos:

"Lone, mentally-ill vermin". With deference to @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 3rd, 2009" class="profilelink"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 136, 0);">bareboards2, I'll quote Stephen Budianski:
"For as long as I can remember, I have heard conservatives blaming everything that is wrong in the universe, from violent crime to declining test scores to teen pregnancy to rude children to declining patriotism to probably athlete's foot... upon Dr. Spock, Hollywood liberals, the abolition of prayer in school, Bill Clinton, the "liberal 1960s," the teaching of evolution — in other words, upon symbols, rhetoric, cultural norms, and the values expressed by political and media leaders. Yet from the moment when someone gets a gun in their hands, apparently, society ceases to have any influence whatsoever on the outcome and individual responsibility takes hold 100%. Something is driving the tripling of death threats against congressmen (and the concomitant rise in threats against Federal judges and other villains of the right, from Forest Service rangers to climate scientists) and it isn't the sunspot cycle."

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