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Matt Damon defending teachers

newtboy says...

Far too long....

>> ^quantumushroom:
QM:I'm happy to see that you accept the label 'right wing nutjob', that saves us time.
If it makes you happy to believe that, go right ahead. And there is no time being saved here at the sift.

Make me happy? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
It saved me time to waste on other stupidness.

I wonder where you get your 90% figure (or your implication that 100% of teachers unions are democrat)...if true, why don't right wingers believe in education and journalism? No one is stopping them from being teachers or journalists.
" identified 143 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 16 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties.
The pattern of donations, with nearly nine out of 10 giving to Democratic candidates and causes, appears to confirm a leftward tilt in newsrooms."

So, in your small sampling, it's 87%. I somehow think the sampling may have been intentionally skewed, but OK. Note I didn't disagree with your stat, just questioned it's origin, if it was Faux, I would discount it offhand.

You're part right about McCain, I did respect him for the most part (but didn't always agree with him) until he sold his soul and lost his mind in/after 2000 when the 'straight talk express' took a 90 deg right turn into a sewage filled ditch of lies, direction changes, blatant pandering, and BS. It makes me shudder to think what might have been if he had been president during his 'right wing wind sock' days, turning whichever way the right wing wind blew that day.
Yeah, because things are going SO great with the clueless community organizer at the helm. Did you see the Dow drop 500 points today? No confidence in the Obamateur, from Americans or the world.

You seem to assume that because I think McCain is worthless now that Obama must be my preferance, and that I support his policies and actions and think he's leading us strongly. That is an incorrect, and all to often made assumption. Why must you continue to make an ass out of umption, do what you like to yourself.

You have no idea when or how I was raised, so you should refrain from commenting on that subject. Let's just say your statement is wrong, as I'm sure are most of your assumptions about me.

Well, you're not overtly libertarian or conservative. So what's LEFT?

I'm what used to be republican. I'm a social liberal, and fiscal conservative. There is no sane party I can call home today.

The idea that the left is 'running roughshod' over the right is more complete insanity, the left is incapable of being cohesive enough to do much of anything intentionally. The right is cohesive, but their ideas are insane and proven repeatedly to be wrong for the most part. I do give them credit for knowing how to get their agenda furthered, I just disagree with their agenda as enacted.

Obama is on track to spend more than bush, but he has not yet. The reasons for the respective spending sprees and amount of each is another discussion in itself.

Sorry, this is untrue. Obama so far has spent 3 trillion in 3 years, whereas Bush spent close to 5 trillion in eight years, much of it opposed by the Right.

This is why people call you are insisting that 3 trillion is more than 5 trillion, and that spending sprees and tax (revenue) cuts under total republican control were against republican (the right's) wishes.

All taxpayers tired of being 'over' taxed are not right wing nutjobs, or even right wingers. That's an utter falicy and insulting BS. It's seemingly easy for you to point at the failings of one underfunded, over administrated program (public schools) and make the leap to the theory that all governmental programs are failures, but that is a gross simplification of a multifaceted problem.

Goverment schools are "underfunded"? On what planet? BTW, there is no direct correlation between school performance and how much money is spent per student. I believe DC spends the most per student and you can see how well that turned out.

Underfunded because of insane administration costs, better? More money doesn't automatically make better schools, but it helps, but not if it's all spent on non-school related administration expenses.

Even so, that theory doesn't hold water. The 'free market' for higher education shows that many, if not all completely 'private' schools provide sub par education (if any at all) while many schools using 'public' funds are among the highest ranked in the nation.
And yet how many liberal politicians send THEIR kids to private schools, even as they need teacher union votes? Competition weeds out crappy private schools while failing government schools keep churning out dummies. Government schooling is a racket, as well as unconstitutional at the federal level.

I'm not sure your arguement here...I'm not a liberal politician, or a true supporter of them, so how does what they do relate to me? I've been to good and bad private and public schools, the ones with money always had a leg up. I really believe if you have children, you should be taxed the cost of a decent education and allowed to spend it at the school you prefer (excluding religious school, that's another issue). Since this doesn't happen, I prefer decent public education be purchased with my tax dollar rather than prison cells and barbed wire. I do see it as an either or situation.

I'm sure you did call the feds attempt at stoping the failed CEO's from looting the failing companies we had just bailed out "obamatrons trying to loot corporations in the name of "social justice" ", so why isn't it 'the far right trying to loot the pensions and paychecks of the teachers' in the name of social justice? What's good for the goose...right? A legal contract is a legal contract, right?

I was never a fan of any bailout. Bush was barely conservative as it was. The left was too busy hating Bush to notice him rubber-stamping most of their spending requests. Stupid Hillary is on record claiming she'd like to seize all of the oil companies' profits. To the best of my knowledge, some states are making some teachers pay a tiny fraction more for their own health insurance and/or pension. Hardly the a$$rape by unnamed "far right" specters you're insinuating.

I'll never understand the arguement that, when confronted with their own abhorrent behavior people answer with 'look, that other guy I always call an a$$hole is doing bad stuff too'.
As I understand it, many states are cutting back on pension payments, or not paying them at all. At the same time they are regulating teachers, denying them union status, and forcing renegotiation of in place pay and work hours/load contracts. Not total a$$ rape, but close, and certainly not fair or acceptable treatment.

I'm not sure if you are ignoring my last statement there or if that's some kind of 1/2 assed, racist response. Either way, TOTAL FAIL.
Knowing me, I probably just didn't give a sh1t. Nothing personal. Youse guys have such thin skins when it comes to these faux-racial matters. What part of 'Kenyanesque Hawaiian' is racist? Odumbo's fadda was Kenyan and he (the son) was purportedly born in Hawaii. Where's the racism? Only in your mind.

I said:Letting right wing nutjobs re-write contracts and negate our obligations was one of our biggest mistakes.

You replied: Fail. The Kenyanesque Hawaiian never met a spending cut he liked. He's overclocked this economy because he wants to cripple it. Here comes the broom to sweep the moonbats out of the belfry.

The ridiculous infactuation with his ancestory (race) is where the racism is. Kenyanesque only applies if he acts Kenyan, and he does not. It is intended to be racially insulting, you know it, we know it. Either give it up or own it.
It's sad that you just don't give a sh!t about your people being so unstable that you can't trust any agreement made with them. That's my issue, not so much their political party, but their actions and trustworthyness. I'm hardpressed to find a politician of either party I wouldn't call fectless and feculant. I call out the right more often because they went bat sh!t crazy and deserted me, leaving me partyless.

Matt Damon defending teachers

quantumushroom says...

QM:I'm happy to see that you accept the label 'right wing nutjob', that saves us time.

If it makes you happy to believe that, go right ahead. And there is no time being saved here at the sift.

I wonder where you get your 90% figure (or your implication that 100% of teachers unions are democrat)...if true, why don't right wingers believe in education and journalism? No one is stopping them from being teachers or journalists.

" identified 143 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 16 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties.
The pattern of donations, with nearly nine out of 10 giving to Democratic candidates and causes, appears to confirm a leftward tilt in newsrooms."

FOX news appears to 'tilt' right. You may have heard of them.

As for conservative educators, they're out there but are a minority on kollij kampii.

You're part right about McCain, I did respect him for the most part (but didn't always agree with him) until he sold his soul and lost his mind in/after 2000 when the 'straight talk express' took a 90 deg right turn into a sewage filled ditch of lies, direction changes, blatant pandering, and BS. It makes me shudder to think what might have been if he had been president during his 'right wing wind sock' days, turning whichever way the right wing wind blew that day.

Yeah, because things are going SO great with the clueless community organizer at the helm. Did you see the Dow drop 500 points today? No confidence in the Obamateur, from Americans or the world.

You have no idea when or how I was raised, so you should refrain from commenting on that subject. Let's just say your statement is wrong, as I'm sure are most of your assumptions about me.

Well, you're not overtly libertarian or conservative. So what's LEFT?

The idea that the left is 'running roughshod' over the right is more complete insanity, the left is incapable of being cohesive enough to do much of anything intentionally. The right is cohesive, but their ideas are insane and proven repeatedly to be wrong for the most part. I do give them credit for knowing how to get their agenda furthered, I just disagree with their agenda as enacted.

Obama is on track to spend more than bush, but he has not yet. The reasons for the respective spending sprees and amount of each is another discussion in itself.

Sorry, this is untrue. Obama so far has spent 3 trillion in 3 years, whereas Bush spent close to 5 trillion in eight years, much of it opposed by the Right.

All taxpayers tired of being 'over' taxed are not right wing nutjobs, or even right wingers. That's an utter falicy and insulting BS. It's seemingly easy for you to point at the failings of one underfunded, over administrated program (public schools) and make the leap to the theory that all governmental programs are failures, but that is a gross simplification of a multifaceted problem.

Goverment schools are "underfunded"? On what planet? BTW, there is no direct correlation between school performance and how much money is spent per student. I believe DC spends the most per student and you can see how well that turned out.

Even so, that theory doesn't hold water. The 'free market' for higher education shows that many, if not all completely 'private' schools provide sub par education (if any at all) while many schools using 'public' funds are among the highest ranked in the nation.

And yet how many liberal politicians send THEIR kids to private schools, even as they need teacher union votes? Competition weeds out crappy private schools while failing government schools keep churning out dummies. Government schooling is a racket, as well as unconstitutional at the federal level.

I'm sure you did call the feds attempt at stoping the failed CEO's from looting the failing companies we had just bailed out "obamatrons trying to loot corporations in the name of "social justice" ", so why isn't it 'the far right trying to loot the pensions and paychecks of the teachers' in the name of social justice? What's good for the goose...right? A legal contract is a legal contract, right?

I was never a fan of any bailout. Bush was barely conservative as it was. The left was too busy hating Bush to notice him rubber-stamping most of their spending requests. Stupid Hillary is on record claiming she'd like to seize all of the oil companies' profits. To the best of my knowledge, some states are making some teachers pay a tiny fraction more for their own health insurance and/or pension. Hardly the a$$rape by unnamed "far right" specters you're insinuating.

I'm not sure if you are ignoring my last statement there or if that's some kind of 1/2 assed, racist response. Either way, TOTAL FAIL.

Knowing me, I probably just didn't give a sh1t. Nothing personal. Youse guys have such thin skins when it comes to these faux-racial matters. What part of 'Kenyanesque Hawaiian' is racist? Odumbo's fadda was Kenyan and he (the son) was purportedly born in Hawaii. Where's the racism? Only in your mind.

TDS: The Dodd-Frank Act

Evil Tow Truck Driver

Januari (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

Agreed, but calling him out made me feel a bit better

In reply to this comment by Januari:
If you look at a few other post from this wonderful sifter you start to get a pretty clear indication that VERY little he says isn't utter BS and they are more interested in getting reactions out of folks... just my opinion anyway...

In reply to this comment by ChaosEngine:
>> ^cito:

I hate pigs, I have a friend of mine who became a cop out of highschool, he was in there about 2 years but he quit and turned whistleblower for GBI. The local cops were hitting up drug dealers, would threaten them with arrest unless they turned over their drugs and money. If they refused or ran they got beat. The cops would then smoke the pot, and sell the rest. Then use the dealers money to augment their own salaries.
My friend was actually shown how he could get 2 or 3 dealers of his own, and run the racket to give himself a pay raise by using threats of arrest to take all the money of the dealers for himself.
anyhow he turned whistleblower and they fired 32 police and the sheriff in town. Since we are a smaller town there was no chief, the sheriff ran it all.
Anyhow I could write a book on corrupt pigs from all the stories I was told from the inside.
people seriously need to rise up and drag these pigs into centers of streets and beat them until they can only crawl home. And do it on a mass scale across the country.

"Pigs"? Seriously? Grow the fuck up. Idiot.

Cop Threatens Execution After Concealed Weapon Found

GenjiKilpatrick says...

What he meant was "Corrupted Bureaucrat". ..I think.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^cito:
I hate pigs, I have a friend of mine who became a cop out of highschool, he was in there about 2 years but he quit and turned whistleblower for GBI. The local cops were hitting up drug dealers, would threaten them with arrest unless they turned over their drugs and money. If they refused or ran they got beat. The cops would then smoke the pot, and sell the rest. Then use the dealers money to augment their own salaries.
My friend was actually shown how he could get 2 or 3 dealers of his own, and run the racket to give himself a pay raise by using threats of arrest to take all the money of the dealers for himself.
anyhow he turned whistleblower and they fired 32 police and the sheriff in town. Since we are a smaller town there was no chief, the sheriff ran it all.
Anyhow I could write a book on corrupt pigs from all the stories I was told from the inside.
people seriously need to rise up and drag these pigs into centers of streets and beat them until they can only crawl home. And do it on a mass scale across the country.

"Pigs"? Seriously? Grow the fuck up. Idiot.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

Januari says...

If you look at a few other post from this wonderful sifter you start to get a pretty clear indication that VERY little he says isn't utter BS and they are more interested in getting reactions out of folks... just my opinion anyway...

In reply to this comment by ChaosEngine:
>> ^cito:

I hate pigs, I have a friend of mine who became a cop out of highschool, he was in there about 2 years but he quit and turned whistleblower for GBI. The local cops were hitting up drug dealers, would threaten them with arrest unless they turned over their drugs and money. If they refused or ran they got beat. The cops would then smoke the pot, and sell the rest. Then use the dealers money to augment their own salaries.
My friend was actually shown how he could get 2 or 3 dealers of his own, and run the racket to give himself a pay raise by using threats of arrest to take all the money of the dealers for himself.
anyhow he turned whistleblower and they fired 32 police and the sheriff in town. Since we are a smaller town there was no chief, the sheriff ran it all.
Anyhow I could write a book on corrupt pigs from all the stories I was told from the inside.
people seriously need to rise up and drag these pigs into centers of streets and beat them until they can only crawl home. And do it on a mass scale across the country.

"Pigs"? Seriously? Grow the fuck up. Idiot.

Cop Threatens Execution After Concealed Weapon Found

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^cito:

I hate pigs, I have a friend of mine who became a cop out of highschool, he was in there about 2 years but he quit and turned whistleblower for GBI. The local cops were hitting up drug dealers, would threaten them with arrest unless they turned over their drugs and money. If they refused or ran they got beat. The cops would then smoke the pot, and sell the rest. Then use the dealers money to augment their own salaries.
My friend was actually shown how he could get 2 or 3 dealers of his own, and run the racket to give himself a pay raise by using threats of arrest to take all the money of the dealers for himself.
anyhow he turned whistleblower and they fired 32 police and the sheriff in town. Since we are a smaller town there was no chief, the sheriff ran it all.
Anyhow I could write a book on corrupt pigs from all the stories I was told from the inside.
people seriously need to rise up and drag these pigs into centers of streets and beat them until they can only crawl home. And do it on a mass scale across the country.

"Pigs"? Seriously? Grow the fuck up. Idiot.

Cop Threatens Execution After Concealed Weapon Found

cito says...

I hate pigs, I have a friend of mine who became a cop out of highschool, he was in there about 2 years but he quit and turned whistleblower for GBI. The local cops were hitting up drug dealers, would threaten them with arrest unless they turned over their drugs and money. If they refused or ran they got beat. The cops would then smoke the pot, and sell the rest. Then use the dealers money to augment their own salaries.

My friend was actually shown how he could get 2 or 3 dealers of his own, and run the racket to give himself a pay raise by using threats of arrest to take all the money of the dealers for himself.

anyhow he turned whistleblower and they fired 32 police and the sheriff in town. Since we are a smaller town there was no chief, the sheriff ran it all.

Anyhow I could write a book on corrupt pigs from all the stories I was told from the inside.

people seriously need to rise up and drag these pigs into centers of streets and beat them until they can only crawl home. And do it on a mass scale across the country.

Madeon - Pop Culture - Live mashup of various songs

Hybrid says...


Alphabeat - Boyfriend
Alphabeat - Fascination
Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars
Black Eyed Peas - Gotta Feeling
Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time
Capsule - Can I Have A Word
Chromeo - Mamma's Boy
Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Daft Punk - Aerodynamic
Daft Punk - Around The World
Deadmau5 - Raise Your Weapon (Madeon Remix)
Deadmau5 - Right This Second
Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed
ELO - Mr. Blue Sky
Girls Aloud - Biology
Gorillaz - Dare
Gossip - Heavy Cross (Fred Falke Remix)
Gwen Stefani - What You Waitin For (Jacques Lu Cont Mix)
Housse de Racket - Oh Yeah
Justice - DVNO
Justice - Phantom Part II
Katy Perry - One Of The Boys
Ke$ha - Take It Off
Kylie Minogue - Wow
Lady Gaga - Alejandro
Linkin Park - Crawling
Madonna - Hung Up
Martin Solveig ft. Dragonette - Boys and Girls
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
Nero - Me and You
One Republic - All The Right Moves (Danger Remix)
One-T - Magic Key
Ratatat - Shempi
Solange - I Decided (Freemasons Remix)
Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You
The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star
The Killers - Losing Touch
The Who - Baba O'Riley (SebastiAn Remix)
Yelle - Que Veux Tu (Madeon Remix)

Corporate Givaways Cost us Schools, Public Safety

heropsycho says...

This is the kind of thing that just totally blows my mind someone would actually say. Dude, we tried a private only education system already in our history. It resulted in the majority of our population being illiterate. The vast majority of people received no formal education whatsoever. A universal public education system was instituted after the industrial revolution that was compulsory, and it transformed society in the US unquestioningly for the better.

The problem isn't the "public" in "public education"; it's "education". And much of it isn't due to gov't interference. It's insistence by society to inadequately fund it. It's mistrusting and undervaluing education and learning in general (regardless of the educational institution). It's exponentially higher concern for assessing what little is learned instead of helping people actually learn and think critically.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Fedgov has zero Constitutional authority to "educate" anyone. If it got out of the education racket I imagine children would still be educated, just more efficiently and for FAR less money.

Corporate Givaways Cost us Schools, Public Safety

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Fedgov has zero Constitutional authority to "educate" anyone. If it got out of the education racket I imagine children would still be educated, just more efficiently and for FAR less money.
A "tax break" as the left likes to call it, is a bully allowing the extorted to keep a few cents of their lunch money. We have the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world behind Japan.
How about giving US a break, socialists? How about going after the pr1cks who loot 60 billion from your wonderful Medicarecaid EVERY year?
Or mayhap you're right, tis better to just RAISE TAXES on the herd. After all, we live only to serve your wonderful leviathan government.

See Q. Why do I always get suckered in by you? I mean, you're an intelligent guy. If you know that America has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world, then you must know that we have so many loopholes in the tax code that corporations actually pay some of the lowest rates in the world. Some of our largest corporations pay no taxes at all. You must know that right? How do you not know that?

Corporate Givaways Cost us Schools, Public Safety

Crosswords says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Fedgov has zero Constitutional authority to "educate" anyone. If it got out of the education racket I imagine children would still be educated, just more efficiently and for FAR less money.
A "tax break" as the left likes to call it, is a bully allowing the extorted to keep a few cents of their lunch money. We have the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world behind Japan.
How about giving US a break, socialists? How about going after the pr1cks who loot 60 billion from your wonderful Medicarecaid EVERY year?
Or mayhap you're right, tis better to just RAISE TAXES on the herd. After all, we live only to serve your wonderful leviathan government.

So just how much more of the nation's total wealth do the richest people need before this utopian capitalist paradise blossoms? I mean They've been slowly getting more and more, I kinda figured the top 20% having 85% of the total wealth would have been enough, but guess they don't have enough. So its up to you sifters, open those check books, and sign over those titles and certificates to your favorite millionaire. Maybe once they own 95% of the total wealth jobs, healthcare and education will bloom out of their asses and we can all dance gleefully through the golden showers of prosperity.

Corporate Givaways Cost us Schools, Public Safety

quantumushroom says...

Fedgov has zero Constitutional authority to "educate" anyone. If it got out of the education racket I imagine children would still be educated, just more efficiently and for FAR less money.

A "tax break" as the left likes to call it, is a bully allowing the extorted to keep a few cents of their lunch money. We have the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world behind Japan.

How about giving US a break, socialists? How about going after the pr1cks who loot 60 billion from your wonderful Medicarecaid EVERY year?

Or mayhap you're right, tis better to just RAISE TAXES on the herd. After all, we live only to serve your wonderful leviathan government.

Tennis Player Makes Very Odd Noises

entr0py says...

This study suggest that tennis players are clued into where the ball will go by the sound it makes when it strikes the racket. So, covering up that sound with your own sound effects gives you an advantage. I'm not sure the athletes themselves are often aware of why grunting (or warbling) helps them, they've just noticed that it does.

You could make an argument that it's a form of cheating, if indeed it works by depriving the opponent of one of their senses. In the same way that wearing a blinding reflective amulet would be foul play.

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