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The Great Sifter Roast XII ~ NeuralNoise ~ (Parody Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

I want to roast neuralnoise so so bad...but, god I just can't bring myself to do it. First I thought, hey, siftbot has more character, than this no-name nobody. After reading his roast prep, though I realized I was wrong. He comes off as one of those men of latin descent that are both very passionate, but also in touch with their feminine side. Enough so, that he can cry openly. Maybe like a character from "Y Tu Mama Tambien." I think roasting him would bring him to cry and cry. And then to relieve his anguish, he'll play some Flamenco on the guitar or maybe sip on some sangria in the courtyard of his Spanish style villa. Maybe he'll even do a couple lines of cocaine he picked up at the local farmer's market.

Fact of the matter is, his life is probably 20 times better than any of you jizz-tarts...

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

choggie says...

It's called ball-busting prep for the roast, chill out duuuude! Besides...It was early prior to coffee, my head hurt, blah blah excuse excuse!
In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
That poll is no less ridiculous than "Which hot chocolate topping do you prefer?"

^yes campionidelmondo, the idea behind the poll was to convey some irony by asking fictitious Tiger-Woods-lovin' receivers to come forward.

choggie i changed the poll picture just for you! quit bitching or discard it already

In reply to this comment by choggie:
Fuck!....dint work-Who promoted that shitty poll anyhow? Hmmm...appears t be one of the same tits who can't rub 2 clever cells together to come up with a decent T-Shirt design....

I got a T-Shirt for ya-DESTABILIZATION Big Gay Al Purple.

Did the Beggar's Canyon die?? (Sift Talk Post)

Tea Party Patriots laugh at Lost Daughter And Grandchild

Clumsy says...

>> ^gtjwkq:
The Tea Party movement is trying to do the right thing and has its heart in the right place, too bad it's being done by Americans: People who aren't capable of revolting intelligently anymore after years of being dumbed down by public education.

It's perfectly fine to protest something, but it's the attitude and the way they go about it that is completely unacceptable. I think it's rather shameful to point back to an education system as the reason someone can't protest accordingly. Protests are managed groups, organized, prepped and really built on the success of the organizers who can bring people together for an agreed cause and deliver on their message. Saying it's about public schools is just another political bullet point to throw out and rile up the other side, it's not in any way real or in any way about the group, but gosh it'll sure make those other guys angry ...

Congressman Alan Grayson Lists Number Of Dead Per District

spawnflagger says...

LordOderus is right - the problem that Winstonfield_Pennypacker doesn't seem to realize is that in an ER, they cannot refuse you care, but that doesn't mean it's free. YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT (or declare bankruptcy). Now, a social worker (either gov't employed or working for the hospital) will reduce certain fees and setup a payment plan, but it can be an astronomical debt.

My brother lives in a rural area, is a self-employed small business owner, and cannot afford health insurance. A few years ago, he had a cyst in his throat that required surgery, otherwise he would suffocate and die within a day. The local hospital did not have the facilities to do the surgery so he had to be taken to the city. 100-mile ambulance ride was > $10,000. (the helicopter ride would have been triple that, so he opted for ambulance). The surgery (not that complicated, probably took the actual surgeon 15 minutes, 2 hour total with setup/prep by the techs in the OR) was > $70,000. You can buy a house for that.

So, with some bad luck, you can get sick and get yourself into a lot of debt, or you can choose the republican plan - TO DIE QUICKLY.

If he had health insurance, he could have gone earlier (at the point where it wasn't an emergency situation), or if not preventable with earlier treatment, at least the insurance would cover most of that $80k of expense.

And people also seem to think that "the public option" would be free - it wouldn't. you still have to pay for it. It's simply cheaper than private insurance for the same coverage. I don't think it would ever be as efficient as a single-payer system (such as in Canada), but it would help millions of people financially.

Honeestly, I don't think congress is doing enough. Just put in the public option, but don't make it mandatory to have health insurance, and all the naysayers (people like QM and WP) will have the FREEDOM to choose the plan they want. If they want to spend $500/month instead of $100, that's entirely up to them. Or they can spend $0, cross their fingers, and if there is a major problem go to the ER and get in debt.

(I just hope I never see a 1-800-SAFE-BODY commercial, starring Justin Case.)

Child Birth as Orgasmic Experience

Deano says...

Interesting. I think the whole context in which procedures are done can change so much about your experience. I just tense up the moment i enter a hospital. It does affect your treatment and recovery. The way c-sections have become so common has always horrified me - there's got to be something wrong with that.

I suspect that most people being lazy won't want to go through all this kind of prep and just use the meds and get out of the hospital asap.

What level of education do you have? (User Poll by Throbbin)

Throbbin says...

Completed a college-prep program focusing on our Land Claims Agreement and Inuit history.

Currently working on Polisci undergrad.

Other assorted training (Statistics, International Indigenous Rights Program, Health Research Masters Courses).

Obama Administration Issues New Medical Marijuana Policy

Memorare says...

About time. Oakland is already prepping for an increase in applications for clubs and San Fran / San Jose likely will follow.

Next Step - as anyone who has dealt weed knows, the quick, simple, easy way to halt the deadly large scale illegal trade is to make it Legal.

Take the profit out of trade and you kill trade.

When people can buy a pack/box/bag/tin of WeedyBits at the local Safeway, no one's going to go to all the trouble of becoming Scarface.

So how are these Amazon links working out? (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That's a very good question. Now, before I tell you how much we made in our September month- I'd like to preface it by letting you know that I *like* the Amazon links, especially books that are related to Ted talks. I follow the links often, and feel like they add to the community in ways that are not monetary.

Having said that (I'm prepping you for disappointment) Amazon- to date, has not been a major source of income for us. Looking at the September results, we made .... [drum roll]

Disappointed that a neat, community powered idea isn't a major money spinner? As you young punks say, welcome to my world.

We do really appreciate the people who have tagged posts with interesting Amazon links though- and as I said - I do think they add to the community.

To date, the biggest and steadiest source of financial support for VideoSift has been traditional CPM advertising, though Charter memberships are definitely helping too.

How to give a woman a squirting orgasm (explicit!)

EndAll says...

>> ^gwiz665:
MGR: The educational slant on it makes it not porn. Porn is for enjoyment, this is not.
Like this isn't porn either (barring rule 34):

Those are hardly the same!

I've seen this video before, when I was about 15 and it blew my mind. I wanted to go test out my newly learn-skills.. and while it certainly is educational, I think it should stay on whatever porn site you found it on.

Also want to note that he mentions before doing this (in the longer version of the video) that his subject has been prepped for months already, with all the massaging and alleviation of pressure and all that. This wouldn't work to the same effect on any old gal. It's not entirely educational in that it's not easily applied knowledge. A lot of work went into having her in that state and able to orgasm in such a manner.

I dunno, I stick to the rule of 'if it's on a porn site, it's porn.'

And this isn't for enjoyment? Go to the original URL, look at how many views it has (8,831,170), and ask yourself how many of the people that watched it DIDN'T have their dick in their hand.

Top Gear: Bugatti Veyron vs. McLaren F1.

JayCeeOh says...

Horsepower... The Veyron has very little of that . Not as much as a Corvette, that's for sure.

Incorrect, sir.

A Veyron from the factory boasts 1001 HP at the rear wheels. The motor is essentially two 4.0 liter V8's wound together through a lot of engineering genius & electronic wizardry.

A stock Corvette ZR1 puts out 638hp at the rear wheels using a supercharged 6.2 liter LS9.
The Z06 model is rated at 505bhp with a 7.0 liter LS7.
A race-prepped C6.R Corvette is the lesser motor, putting out around 500bhp with the LS7.
A Callaway C16 tweaks the LS7 in different ways to jack the output to as much as 700hp.

In general, the smaller motor is preferred by road racers for the more usable powerband. The bigger motor is preferred by drag racers for the sheer displacement, but requires additional modifications to bump the HP, usually through turbocharging or supercharging.

It it possible that you were trying to drip sarcasm on us, but I saw nothing to indicate that this is nothing more than pure misinformation.

For those that care, the rating on the McLaren F1:
6.1 liter BMW S70/2 12 cylinder race motor capable of 627bhp.

They are all beasts of automobiles, to be certain. I'd gladly drive any or all of them, given the opportunity.

And yes, I registered as a sifter just for this!

Girl Asks For 3 Tattoos, Wakes Up With 56 Stars On Her Face

mizume says...

The size of tattoos she got would have taken a moment or two a piece (she wanted 3). There's NO way she wanted a 2-10 minute tattoo and fell asleep in the process. I don't think that much ink could possibly take more than 10 minutes, and would be surprised if each star took longer than 30 seconds (realistically prep time for the artist would have taken longer than the tattoo itself). Most people can't sleep while being worked on. The people that do often take something to help them sleep, and are going for several hour long tattoo sessions. Draw three small stars on a piece of paper. It doesn't take much longer for a good artist to work with the gun and skin.

This is total BS, and this girl may ruin the tattoo artist's career over it.

Most tattoo shops have written contracts to describe the requested tattoo and location/size for this reason.

Creationist robot falters under rationalist onslaught

spoco2 says...

What creationists DO want is for their belief to be taught alongside science as if it were on equal footing.


However, what I would LOVE for schools to have is a broad based 'religious education' class which teaches about all the major world religions and the people who believe them, the different countries etc. but does so in a way that isn't saying ANY of them are true or false. Just teach it as another form of history. Here kids is what makes up a large portion of the world. These are all the things that people believe.

But is that what is taught?

ooooh no, not here in Australia.

Our eldest is in Prep this year (preparatory year, before grade one, in primary school, effectively your first year of real school). On the enrollment form there was a question 'do you want your child to have religious education'. Now, KNOWING that state schools teach Christianity, and teach it as 'fact', we said NO. As did at least one other family (as they are Muslim). We discovered a few weeks in that all the kids were having Religious education, and that he was asking about Jesus and God... *sigh*. I was happy to discuss it, happy to say that the bible is a book of stories that try to give some good idea across etc. and that there may have been a man called Jesus and people liked what he said... BUT I don't want some person teaching this crap as fact each week to my son.

We said we didn't want it taught to him, so when it was RE class they put him in the back of the classroom to play. We said this was unacceptable, because a) it will make him feel a bit like an outcast, and b) he can still hear the class. So now he goes to one of the other Prep classes during RE.

Now, I can just hear religious people going on about 'What are you afraid of?' 'Shouldn't your child be able to make up his own mind?' 'You're being a fascist and being just as bad as the people you say are being closed minded'.


A 5 year old does NOT have the critical faculties to be able to tell if what they are being told is REAL is actually real or not. Plus I don't want someone at his school telling him these things as fact, only for us to have to tell him they are NOT fact. That'll just make him less inclined to have any respect for the actual, real truths that the teachers want to teach like... oh... science etc.

Any single faith based teachings have NO PLACE in a damn state school. There are religious schools for that crap. It has made us consider moving schools. And so many parents are just sheep and just accept it...


Robot Sheep Shearing.

Obama and Biden Go to White Castle, er, Ray's Hell Burger

Krupo says...

As much as it's annoying to see the press fawning over the leaders, this was fun.

I love the report from the CSM:

"The Daily Guidance from the White House said “12:30 lunch in Oval Office, closed press.”
But now we know better. By “we,” I mean the White House press corps, where this reporter had pool duty Tuesday.
Those wild and crazy guys at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue summoned the motorcade, and off we went across the Roosevelt Bridge into Arlington, Va., to Ray’s Hell Burger — a joint so new it still doesn’t have a sign up.
Obama and Biden entered through the front door. The press pool — yours truly included — entered through the back. At least Barack and Joe didn’t pull rank and cut the line: The leaders of the free world, all spiffed up in suits and ties, stood patiently with the regular lunch crowd, waiting their turn.
Obama then looked toward the pool and said, “Who’s taking orders here? My treat to the pool.”
Some declined, but others didn’t want to seem ungracious, so we ordered burgers. (Note: The five of us who did order are making a donation to charity, in lieu of attempting to reimburse POTUS. Caren noted that Obama has fed the press before, such as during the campaign, when he bought ice cream.)
While Obama and Biden waited in line, the lunch crowd stood and gawked, some took pix with cell phones. The two guys in line ahead of them studied their menus, oblivious to who was behind them.
When Obama and Biden reached the front, Obama greeted the two order-takers. A guy named Tim Murray took Obama’s order.
Then Obama took an order for his body guy, Reggie Love, and relayed the press’s order as well.
“These are to go, ‘cuz you guys aren’t gonna have tables.” Then: “We’re paying, or these people [the pool] are gonna write about how we’re free-loading.”
Obama pulled out some bills and paid, putting a $5 bill in the tip jar.
Biden ordered a Swiss cheese burger with jalapeno peppers. Biden paid for his order separately, with cash. He also got some food to go.
Then Obama said to the pool: “You guys are cheap dates. I can’t believe I couldn’t get more of you to order a burger.”
Obama and Biden sat at a table and had their lunch, while the pool waited outside. At 1:05, they emerged. Crowds cheered as Obama stood on the running board of his limo and waved.
Motorcade back at White House at 1:14 pm. Obama and Biden emerged from the same limo. No doubt they were prepping for the next event on their calendar — a closed-press meeting with President Shimon Peres of Israel.
I closed my pool report with: “I’m still waiting for my burger.” But I just heard from the pool minder, Ben Finkenbinder, who says my burger is waiting for me.
Gotta run."

Empahsis mine.

Funny stuff.

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