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Should I feel bad for laughing at this???

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^viewer_999:

"It also an unhappy truth that the cheapest food is the least healthy, so poor people are much more likely to be malnourished into obesity."

Big Mac: ~$3.50
Large fries: ~$1.89
Can of tuna: ~$1
Box of macaroni: ~$0.79
On the contrary, it's generally much cheaper to buy and prep for yourself than to buy such convenience/fast/prepped foods. You can make an entire tuna casserole for less than the cost of the fries alone, and for 1/3 of the total cost of the fast food combo.

Man, as horrific as tuna casserole already is, I would hope you put more in it than just tuna and mac.

Should I feel bad for laughing at this???

viewer_999 says...

"It also an unhappy truth that the cheapest food is the least healthy, so poor people are much more likely to be malnourished into obesity."

Big Mac: ~$3.50
Large fries: ~$1.89
Can of tuna: ~$1
Box of macaroni: ~$0.79

On the contrary, it's generally much cheaper to buy and prep for yourself than to buy such convenience/fast/prepped foods. You can make an entire tuna casserole for less than the cost of the fries alone, and for 1/3 of the total cost of the fast food combo.

Sarah Palin: Paul Revere Warned the British

Januari says...

Her intellect is... just revolting... She is an absolute embarrassment... not just to Republicans... or even Politicians... or even Women... that she has risen to the point where she can even be seriously discussed as a presidential candidate is humiliating to all of us.

You said it perfectly Blank... to not do... just the tiniest margin of prep work... Her stupidity exists on so many levels.

Epic Racist Moment on Game Show

MycroftHomlz says...

Is that all Asians or just Asian Americans?

If it is all Asians, that is unsurprising to me. Many oriental countries have extensive prep programs (not just courses) for the SAT, and GRE's. So it is not as good an indicator of success rate in graduate school or college as for Americans.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...

>> ^Drax:
An uncommon clarity, like in the same way Sketch described his trip? He's had plenty of time to review his story in how he's going to present it (the guy in the video). Who knows in what ways he's prepped the story in anticipation for this video.. he may have even been asked to by the people making the video for the sake of presentation.

That seemed well rehearsed to you? He seemed very honest and direct about his experience, not like he was reading from some script in his mind. When it was too emotional for him, he didnt even want to tell us about some of it..and he had trouble describing other aspects..usually people don't shed genuine tears when they're telling something well seemed to come from his heart and not his intellect.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

Drax says...

An uncommon clarity, like in the same way Sketch described his trip? He's had plenty of time to review his story in how he's going to present it (the guy in the video). Who knows in what ways he's prepped the story in anticipation for this video.. he may have even been asked to by the people making the video for the sake of presentation.

How To Dance At An Outdoor Drum & Bass Rave

Payback says...

Ladies, this is what happens when men get together in the woods. We hunt for about 20 minutes, kill the deer (it's not hard), prep it, then spend the next two days drinking and dancing.

Much like how we know when you all get together, it always ends up in some sort of drunken lesbian sex orgy.

Obama On WikiLeaks Source Bradley Manning:"He Broke The Law"

rottenseed says...

>> ^Morganth:

This was supposed to be a fund-raiser. Then someone jumps him with an unexpected question and everyone whips out their camera phones to put this on the internet. If you think Obama is being short and blunt, it's because he is and it's intentional. His every word will be scrutinized by CNN, FOX, MSNBC and plenty of foreign news agencies.
Imagine being invited to a party and while you're there someone pulls out a camera to ask you your position on controversial issue x. You have no prep time and what you say can't be taken back because it's going to be available for the world to see within minutes.
As for Manning, he's not being held indefinitely and he's not in some secret holding cell. He's in Kansas. And his pre-trail hearing is in May. For those of you who think he's some sort of reincarnated Rosa Parks, here are his own words, "If you had unprecedented access to classified networks 14 hours a day 7 days a week for 8+ months, what would you do?" or how about, "listened and lip-synced to Lady Gaga’s Telephone while exfiltratrating possibly the largest data spillage in american history...i could’ve sold to russia or china, and made bank?"
He did it simply because he was bored, he could, and he hated his crappy job with the Army sitting in front of a computer all day in the middle of a freaking desert. He ended up getting caught because he bragged about it wanting hacker fame.
Assange hasn't broken any US law. Manning's lucky that the prosecution isn't seeking the death penalty, which 'Aiding the Enemy' (one of the 23 charges against him) carries.

Well...he was a constitutional law professor. You'd think he'd know a little something about the presumption of innocence.

Obama On WikiLeaks Source Bradley Manning:"He Broke The Law"

Yogi says...

He doesn't need prep time...he knows exactly what to say because he's briefed on these questions because they can come up at any time. I started to not like Obama because he's just continuing on Bush policies and being a typical president. Now I'm starting to really hate Obama and I'm pretty sure I'd vote for anyone else now.

Where's that Obama army now anyways? We need them to defeat this bastard.

Obama On WikiLeaks Source Bradley Manning:"He Broke The Law"

westy says...

He is the president its a pritty simple question you dont need prep time thats the whole issue with polatics is that polatitoins can just say smarmy bullshit and get away with it. noone has a clue as to what or who abama is or what he realy wants to do .

>> ^Morganth:

This was supposed to be a fund-raiser. Then someone jumps him with an unexpected question and everyone whips out their camera phones to put this on the internet. If you think Obama is being short and blunt, it's because he is and it's intentional. His every word will be scrutinized by CNN, FOX, MSNBC and plenty of foreign news agencies.
Imagine being invited to a party and while you're there someone pulls out a camera to ask you your position on controversial issue x. You have no prep time and what you say can't be taken back because it's going to be available for the world to see within minutes.
As for Manning, he's not being held indefinitely and he's not in some secret holding cell. He's in Kansas. And his pre-trail hearing is in May. For those of you who think he's some sort of reincarnated Rosa Parks, here are his own words, "If you had unprecedented access to classified networks 14 hours a day 7 days a week for 8+ months, what would you do?" or how about, "listened and lip-synced to Lady Gaga’s Telephone while exfiltratrating possibly the largest data spillage in american history...i could’ve sold to russia or china, and made bank?"
He did it simply because he was bored, he could, and he hated his crappy job with the Army sitting in front of a computer all day in the middle of a freaking desert. He ended up getting caught because he bragged about it wanting hacker fame.
Assange hasn't broken any US law. Manning's lucky that the prosecution isn't seeking the death penalty, which 'Aiding the Enemy' (one of the 23 charges against him) carries.

Obama On WikiLeaks Source Bradley Manning:"He Broke The Law"

Morganth says...

This was supposed to be a fund-raiser. Then someone jumps him with an unexpected question and everyone whips out their camera phones to put this on the internet. If you think Obama is being short and blunt, it's because he is and it's intentional. His every word will be scrutinized by CNN, FOX, MSNBC and plenty of foreign news agencies.

Imagine being invited to a party and while you're there someone pulls out a camera to ask you your position on controversial issue x. You have no prep time and what you say can't be taken back because it's going to be available for the world to see within minutes.

As for Manning, he's not being held indefinitely and he's not in some secret holding cell. He's in Kansas. And his pre-trail hearing is in May. For those of you who think he's some sort of reincarnated Rosa Parks, here are his own words, "If you had unprecedented access to classified networks 14 hours a day 7 days a week for 8+ months, what would you do?" or how about, "listened and lip-synced to Lady Gaga’s Telephone while exfiltratrating possibly the largest data spillage in american history...i could’ve sold to russia or china, and made bank?"

He did it simply because he was bored, he could, and he hated his crappy job with the Army sitting in front of a computer all day in the middle of a freaking desert. He ended up getting caught because he bragged about it wanting hacker fame.

Assange hasn't broken any US law. Manning's lucky that the prosecution isn't seeking the death penalty, which 'Aiding the Enemy' (one of the 23 charges against him) carries.

Bill O’Reilly interrupts President Obama 48 times

messenger says...

Obama is a great orator, but man, the guy just won't stick up for himself in an interview. He doesn't even let on that he notices O'Reilley is being rude to him. He comes off like that kid in the schoolyard who likes it when the cool kids beat him because he thinks it means they're going to be his friends.

Does he have no handlers? Did nobody prep him on how to speak with such a skilled aggressive windbag hater like O'Reilley?

Perfect ramen, thermodynamics applied to pots & pans, & the glory of frozen food (Blog Entry by jwray)

peggedbea says...

my kids and i eat a mostly raw diet. i'm also insanely busy and i don't have a lot of time for food prep during the week. and honestly after work and school and the kids stuff, i often dont even feel like putting a lot of work into dinner.

i also noticed i was throwing out an exorbitant amount of fruits and veggies every week because we just didnt get around to eating them all.

this is something excellent we've started doing, that makes our diets healthier and saves a ton of time and money.

every saturday we go to the farmers market and stock up on our produce and raw nuts and seeds etc. then we spend sunday chopping all our veggies and fruits. we portion out what we think we will eat for the week and put them into small tupperware containers. now all i have to do at dinner time is (or when the kids want a snack) is open a few tupperware containers! done! the nuts and seeds get seperated out into individual serving size baggies (that we recycle week to week) and put into the snack drawer. they keep for a long time and we go through them quickly anyhow. but again, easy access for snacks or to throw on top of our salads.

for the excess fruits and veggies (what we know we wont eat in a week) they get portioned out into individual serving sizes, vacuumed sealed and put in the freezer. frozen grapes and strawberries make excellent snacks, but there are lot of things i just dont think taste good after theyve been frozen and thawed ... so instead of eating them whole i will throw them into my juicer or make a smoothie out of them and it works out perfectly. ill also make sauces and dressings and jams out of my thawed out produce from time to time.

it's healthy, saves me a ton of time and we don't waste even 1/4 as much as we used to.

TDS: Arizona Shootings Reaction

Lawdeedaw says...

Note: I am not spell checking--I had surgery recently and am not in right mind. But here is input.

@ Netrunner and Jigga; this is not so much about one or two or five-hundred people. This is about societal rhetoric. Here is a post I placed elsewhere.

Sara Palin is just a woman on a path to wealth and power---not any different than most men and women out there. How she does it isn't even unique either. I am speaking of society here, of us all.

Many just lay blame at this guy's mental instability, but here is a truth, or barring that, here is a statement that is not incorrect. "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. However, if the horse does drink, then you are the one that led him to the water."

My wife and I were talking the old schoolyard days. She mentioned a girl who always treated everyone nice. I listened and asked "Why is she nice?" My wife responded, "Because she never made fun of anyone or hurt anyone." I replied, "That is not nice, that is indifferent because she also never helped anyone but herself. And who did she hang out with?" And I answered for my wife. "She hung out with the bullies, the preps, and the kind of guys who would violate the weak with hockey sticks. Although I was never bullied, I know they were merciless. Now,dear, how can they be merciless? Because its popular. Because without this girl's attention, and every other "nice" girl's attention, their attitudes would change. But she encourages it, facilitates it, and does that make her a nice girl? It is just the same reason there are no "nice" guys left, because they finish last."

The "nice" girl in this story never realized she actively, unconsciously supported the Tards in school---but personal responsibility says she did. So I blame her for the punches and kicks others received? Not directly, but she had a part.

This nut job could have easily been offended by Gifford's "conservative" side, and took Alan Grayson's argument, and other left's too, and decided Gifford must die.

The problem was/is, the mentally ill are very easily manipulated, even when one does not know they are manipulating them. All he hears is "truthful" banter. He cannot see rhetoric. He believes. It is like giving a 20 dollar bill to a blind man. And so his actions are based on our lies. Of course "we" can tell which statements are lies---but as the years progress, less and less are able to because the truth is told less and less. Then, even the sane (Like nowadays) start believing the hype.

Brick Laying Machine

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

I've seen a few brick layers work while doing asphalt work off to the side. I was under the impression that a good brick design needs a layer of sand underneath and sand spread in between and over top of it to fill in voids. Where the sand in between is from the top and bottom layers of sand being shifted around as they place the bricks. Which doesn't appear to be happening here. So are there steps left out, or is this a "cheap" brick job versus someone who takes time to work the sand by hand to make them stable and last longer? And the machine loading and dropping like that is going to chip and break bricks more often as well...and cutting to fit patterns, etc is still manual.
Need more footage to see if this is an actual advancement or one of those machines that is trying to justify it's existence.

I know with asphalt the machine actually lays a better job than people can do by hand in the same time frame, but there's a lot of prep work to be ready for the machine and an hour or two of post work monitoring and rolling/compacting it when needed. Less time investment on the post work on highway jobs because they use low temperature material and it cools off much faster, and they tend to lay a lot of layers which cools off quicker because they aren't as thick.

I've laid a bit of brick in my time and I'm not sure one way or another if it's really an advancement. But I think the most important thing would be the surface you laid on. If it was sand/mortar/dirt that was also laid and leveled by machine then you'd get the job done in much less time. Having a level surface or adjusting the bricks one at time is probably the hardest part. You could then do the top layer of sand the old fashioned way. Pouring it on and sweeping off the excess doesn't take much time at all. As for the cuts. This is probably a pre-set pattern where the bricks are made to fit at the factory and sent out in the appropriate amounts.

It certainly is cool.

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