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The Cluster Fuck At The Oscars For Best Picture

Mordhaus says...

This is what happens when you let people with so much plastic surgery it looks like they have a perpetual Clint Eastwood squint, read out an award letter.

World's Best Party Magic Trick - Zach King

poolcleaner says...

Tough crowd, I got laid a couple times simply making the salt shaker go thru the table. Simple teleportation, but this guy creates biological life out of plastic! Gosh.

Hoverbike Scorpion-3

newtboy says...

It's a good thing someone just invented a new lithium battery (not lithium ion) with a plastic electrolyte that can't short out and explode and can produce 3 times the energy density of lithium ion batteries. I hope they go into production soon.

Asmo said:

Yeah, and therein the problem lies. We have so many great ideas but they all rely on power that we cannot supply enough of in the form factor required.

This is a funky idea for the lab, but without some form of extremely efficient high energy engine/battery etc, it's basically useless.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Nephelimdream jokingly says...

Well, when you have 18 fucking teams to pick and choose from anybody can be a fair weather fan. What I'm unsure of is just how y'all hydrate the athletes? Hasn't that shithole state burned down yet? Or is mother nature just waiting for SoCal to finally have it's last acre catch fire before she does us all a favor and douses the flames in the Pacific? I'm always rooting for the San Andreas Fault (would seriously be a great team/band name). Anyway, when the Patriots or Chiefs bounce your D-less Jokeland team, feel free to take a reflective walk on a polluted, overcrowded, homeless' toilet beach while I seclude myself in the backcountry, where our votes actually count. Far away from dirty syringes, plastic people, and a crumbling infrastructure. Enjoy that sunshine though! (google that, we get plenty of sun too, it's part of getting the best of all 4 seasons here.)

Comcast Repairmen Unconcerned Of Wrecks They Are Causing

JustSaying says...

It's true, those repairdudes are shitty, uncaring people and they could've at least improved their safety measures after the first accident. They probably didn't do it right in the first place.
those people crashing, they're shitty drivers. That's a 40 miles per hour speed limit on the road, right? That's 64 kilometers per hour. Look where people slide off the road. Look how far away they are from that truck. That's at least 50 meters. It's enough space to reduce your car's speed on a slippery road to make it safe to break for a full stop. But these people are slipping off the road before they're even close enough throw one of those plastic cones at the Comcast douchebags if they had one.
Again, the repairdudes are assholes but they're not causing the accidents, it's shitty driving. The drivers are breaking too hard and too soon on a slippery road to avoid a truck that's too far away to crash into.
Just take your foot of the gas, use your breaks just to reduce speed. If you're not driving an automatic, shift down a gear to further reduce speed when you're slowed down a bit. Once you're slow enough, like maybe 30 kmph or less, you start breaking for a full stop.
Don't stomp on your break 100 meters away from the obstacle. If you start sliding, release the break to regain control of the car, to get out of the slide.
Also, why isn't the actual scene of the accident secured? Why doesn't the guy who slipped off the road secure his own damn car? I don't know about the US but over here I'm required by law to have a warning sign in my car that I have to place 100 m down the road. That would probably placed before the hilltop, where people are unable to see the repairtruck. They would be warned that something's wrong down the road.
The idiot filming puts out more cones (or whatever those things are supposed to be) but her places them by the truck instead of securing his own crashsite. Instead of warning people coming up the hill, he berates the repair-assholes and shoots video of more shitty drivers crashing, doing nothing to prevent a bigger crashsite. Unless he's the Dovahkiin, his yelling won't stop the cars from slipping off the road.
That video is a total douchebagapalooza and their bandleader is the one filming.

Full Throttle Remastered - Teaser Trailer

ForgedReality says...

So how am I a different type of gamer? I've been gaming since the 80s, back when things like Zork were just a black screen with white text, and you got a white plastic rock in the box with the game (edit - actually, I think that was Wishbringer with the plastic rock...).

Full Throttle was a great game for its day but it really was quite short. Play through it again and you'll remember what I'm talking about. Even for its time, it was short. Most gamers these days will find this easily forgettable was my point.

poolcleaner said:

You're just a different type of gamer than those of us who thrived during the early eras of gaming. My brother and I used to do speed runs through Full Throttle just for fun because we enjoyed adventure titles so much. It's like watching your favorite movie over and over again, except that you get to interact with the characters.

Especially Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, most of the modern Tex Murphy adventures, and the Monkey Islands. Mostly Lucas Arts and Sierra, but companies like Access also provided hours and hours of the tedious adventure game shlock we enjoy. Hell, there were days where an entire 24 hours was spent playing text adventures, some of those hours spent replaying a game we had played through 100 times or more.

Plastic Surgery (1sttube Talk Post)

chicchorea says...


Plastic Surgery
posted by plasticsurgeryva 1 hour 36 minutes ago • 1 view
Dr. Arturo Valdez offers world-renowned plastic surgeon in Mexico: We can repair and reconstruct damaged tissue and skin to restore normal function or appearance. For more details, visit at

Movers broke his stuff

Payback says...

I suspect this is an insurance scam. His story changes as he tells it. Things like "the guy I bought this from is dead" then "it was my brother ". The packing is horrifically poor too. Who the Hell uses those flimsy plastic bins to ship stuff? Just silly. Even corrugated cardboard is tougher.

AeroMechanical said:

Also, though I'm sure it's not always practical, generally the irreplaceable fragile family heirlooms usually *don't* go on the moving truck.

How To Hug Another Man

Nora the polar bear plays in kiddie pool filled with ice


eric3579 says...

I don't get it. What's the point of torching a piece of glass/plastic? I find peoples fascination with cell phones annoying. Why so fascinated? I don't get it. Maybe i'm just old.

End of rant.

Things You Might Not Know: Glaciers Don't Go Backwards

greatgooglymoogly says...

Wow, I had no idea people though glaciers retreating meant the ice was actually going uphill. It's hard to understand how anybody could think that if they considered it for more than 30 seconds.

Yes, glaciers are like rivers, the ice plastically deforms and flows around obstacles. If anyone wants to see some great footage of this sort of thing, look up Chasing Ice

Cholofit Workout

Hiddekel says...

Went and watched a few of these on Youtube. I get frustrated when a guy like this with genuine comedic talent and decent production values, gets a few thousand hits, and a list of celebrities that got fat after bad plastic surgery gets millions...

Brian Cox refutes claims of climate change denier on Q&A

bobknight33 says...

What BS
You are implying that 80% of trees are gone. The # is more like 45%. Still enough to clean the air from any man activities.

50 billion farm animals really? the humane society puts it at 4.9 billion for 2016.

If not these eatable things then what ? lions tiger and bears?

Man made has trashed the planet ( plastics) sure but not one bit is attributable to global warming..

You are buying the Kool Aid of the left. The left want to TAX pollution . Its one big TAX Scheme!

transmorpher said:

Are you sure that 50 billion farm animals releasing methane would have no affect on the planet?

Are you sure that cutting down 80% of forests (trees absorb co2) would not have an effect?

You don't need know anything about maths or science to see that these huge numbers are significant regardless of what the sun is doing.

Just to make sure you can appreciate how much 50 billion is - it would take you 31 years to count 50 billion.

Human activity in the last 100 years (especially in the last 50) has drastically changed the earth.

Thunderf00t BUSTS the Hyperloop concept

nanrod says...

How do you know his mom is open to the air? My mom is in a plastic container waiting for us to scatter her remains in a sentimental location. Even if she was alive she would be one average target amongst 400 million. The WTC was one of a half dozen PRIME targets in the US on 9/11. The Hyperloop, on completion would become THE PRIME target in the US, not just for ISIS or Al Quaeda but for every nutjob who wanted to attract attention to himself. Hell, you'd probaly have rednecks out hunting taking potshots at it like it was a stop sign.

That being said, I'm still in favor of doing the research because even if Hyperloop never materializes, the research will inevitably have positive spinoffs. We should always dream big.

Payback said:

Your mom is open to the air. Few retards shoot AT her...

Not building something because someone can destroy it means constructing any building over 12-15 stories since 9/11 is ill-advised, yet people are still doing it...

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