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Takeout creates a lot of trash. It doesn't have to.

newtboy says...

California essentially banned them in grocery stores (oddly they still have free produce plastic bags) and charges $.10 for paper bags. It seems to be working.....

rbar said:

From 1 jan 2016 the Dutch government has obliged shops and restaurants to charge 10 cents for any plastic bag they give out.

This means plastic bag use in supermarkets, shops and restaurants has fallen by 70%. It has also triggered shops and restaurants to be more aware. Disposable napkins, cutlery etc are only given when asked. Part of this was that it is a cost to the companies and the government made it socially acceptable, even hip, to take these out.

Takeout creates a lot of trash. It doesn't have to.

rbar says...

From 1 jan 2016 the Dutch government has obliged shops and restaurants to charge 10 cents for any plastic bag they give out.

This means plastic bag use in supermarkets, shops and restaurants has fallen by 70%. It has also triggered shops and restaurants to be more aware. Disposable napkins, cutlery etc are only given when asked. Part of this was that it is a cost to the companies and the government made it socially acceptable, even hip, to take these out.

Sock Slider!

Space 1999 Breakaway scene

You Probably Don't Want To Microwave A Hard Boiled Egg

newtboy says...

Speaking from not try this with a full bottle of syrup. Boiling sugar and melted plastic are harder to get off your face than a little egg.

Curb your misunderstanding

JustSaying jokingly says...

See, life's just not fair. This kinda stuff never happens to me even though I have duct tape, plastic bags and a battery powered saw in my glovebox, like, all the time! I prepared for this!

Throwing water into lava may not be a good idea

Secrets to measuring a piece of paper - Numberphile

CrushBug says...

I would have got the 3 holes punches and I would have accidentally got the the ruler part, just because I love using this one clear plastic ruler I have at home.

Unreal Engine's Human CGI is So Real it's Unreal

RedSky says...

To be overly anal about it, uncanny valley concerns more the eeriness or revulsion 'peak' of a near lifelike replica. Think dead eyes in Polar Express or the plastic faces of Japan's android models.

This to me at least is beyond that trough on the uncanny valley chart, I do not sense any revulsion personally. I can of course detect it is still not real but no particular facet triggers that doppelganger reaction.

Lawn Bubble

nanrod says...

It's probably commercial turf not grown from scratch. To enable commercial turf to survive harvesting , transporation and installation, immediately after seeding a field they roll out a 20' wide biodegradeable plastic mesh which becomes incorporated into the sod as the grass grows. I've actually had a bubble like this beside my house, but much bigger, caused by a glitch in the irrigation system.

cosmovitelli said:

Surely some kind of lining laid under the turf?

"The Room" - Funniest Scenes

New Rule: Fee F**king

smr says...

Guys, it's the vendors. They pay for that "free" loan and a lot of the benefits. And the credit card companies lobbied it in by making it illegal for a business to charge a different price for cash than plastic. That's recently (last 5 years or so) been overturned. If you've ever had the distinct pleasure of navigating the byzantine and maddening world of credit card clearance fees, you would know that not all cards take as big a bite out of your transaction with the consumer. And it just so happens that the juicier benefits cards cost the vendor even more. That's a minimum of 1.8%, usually 2.5% and as high as 4%. That means the bank floats you the $ for 30 days average at 2.5% = 30% APR. It's quite a racket. There's a reason you get 3 very expensive mailers with fake cards and whatnot a week.

The Only Handheld Printer You'll Ever Need

jmd says...

Yes but the printer cost 5x as much as other printers and is made from the same plastic construction which calls into question how long the printer will actually last.

entr0py said:

Epson now makes a line of refillable ink well printers that lets you use ink from any manufacturer. One refill prints about 4,000 pages, and refill kits from 3rd parties run about $15 on Amazon.

It seems pretty nice so far, not as messy or complicated as ink well mods people used to hack together.

KIDS REACT TO 1990s COMMERCIALS: Trapper Keepers!

ant says...

For me, it was usability due to my multiple physical disabilities. Too bad they were cheap due to plastic and other materials, but cheapto replace.

JiggaJonson said:

Not the best Kids React video I've ever seen, but the little girl makes a good point about how the marketing for what was basically a binder made this product what it was.

When you send dad to get the boy a lunchbox

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