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When you send dad to get the boy a lunchbox

When you send dad to get the boy a lunchbox

blackfox42 (Member Profile)

Adam Ruins Everything - Keep America Beautiful

Second Oldest Trick in Sleight of Hand

blackfox42 says...



Second Oldest Trick in Sleight of Hand

Purple Mattress Sues Over These 4 Safety Questions

bamdrew says...

The little microbeads effectively prevent large surface areas of their purple material from fully flattening and sticking to adjacent purple material surfaces. So its a lubricant to keep their bed from sticking to itself. That's my assumption at least.

Probably safe enough unless someone was purposefully sleeping on the disassembled mattress and inhaling a lot of the plastic, in which case they could have some lung irritation.

Their R&D and Marketing teams should be working late nights putting together demos of exactly how much of this plastic micro-bead powder makes it up through their covering. I'm thinking demos of people in pristine black clothes jumping on the bed then laying on it, then getting up to demonstrate no dust on them through the mattress pad. They also should be looking at comping people better mattress pads if they still have concerns. Just my read of the situation.

Purple Mattress Sues Over These 4 Safety Questions

ChaosEngine says...

While suing someone for asking questions is clearly bullshit, his test at the end is pretty disingenuous.

You don't sleep on the actual plastic. There would normally be at least 3 layers (firesock, cover, sheet). Repeat the t-shirt test as you would sleep on it.

Purple Mattress Sues Over These 4 Safety Questions

RFlagg says...

Skimming through things there, things start becoming fishy. He's a social media specialist, and certainly mis-represents the lawsuit in his videos, and given he had a ghostbed email address at one point, seems to indicate a rather comfortable relationship with GB (who carefully worded the point on the email issue, leaving it open to admit that the guy did have an email with them, just doesn't presently).

At the same time, I think there is some valid concern over the powder, which I'd guess is to help release it from the mold and aid in keeping it from sticking while rolled. It'll be interesting to see some more independent lab reports than the ones we've seen so far. Also, how much of said powder actually gets out if you, like most people, don't rip off the sock and cover (aside to occasionally wash the cover)? I understand micro-beads can be unsafe to inhale, but in typical use, how much gets from the bed into the air compared to other items used on a daily basis gets in the air?

Also, not sure the Streisand Effect is going on, as Purple was really well known before. Almost every mattress commercial I've seen on the Internet has been for Purple. So I don't think this is spreading their brand... unless this about spreading his brand, in which case it could be.

Okay, so I started going on about the Streisand Effect and jumped subjects to some comments in the Reddit thread about people who've never heard of Purple, then back to the effect. I'll blame that on the fact I was running late for work.

Anyhow, as to said effect, given that Purple isn't suing because he asked about the safety issues, but is instead being sued for not disclosing his relationship with a competitor, I don't know if it applies. Now it probably is bringing far more attention to the plastic beads than otherwise would be there. Now he however is being exposed for his relationships with GhostBed, and lots of questions are being raised about him, which is why I said it might apply to him.

Meanwhile, as I noted in the original paragraph, some people are saying they never heard of Purple, so I was doubting this spreads the brand, nor improves GhostBed's standing.

I had more, but I can't recall all I was going to say as the comment system crashed beyond the point I could come back and edit.

Because the window will stop him...

Mookal says...

Most vehicle side windows are made of tempered glass, compared to the laminated glass of the windscreen. The windshield is designed to "hold" its pieces upon severe impact due to the lamination process (a layer of plastic material sandwiched between two layers of glass) whereas the tempered side windows will shatter into small relatively harmless globules. Tempered glass is used due to it being roughly 4x the strength of non tempered glass, and cheaper to produce than laminated.

Most automotive side glass is typically between 3-6mm thick, depending on the region of origin, eg Europe, Japan, USA etc. That said, calculating the compression, tensile and sheer strength a particular window can sustain is not exactly simple. However as a simple baseline, a 2ftx2ftx5mm sheet of tempered glass, with supports 2ft apart can support roughly 160lbs of sustained weight. In the case of automotive design, window frame support, distance of supports, curvature etc will change the properties and strength of the glass.

Long story short, with the vehicles window fully rolled into the frame, that lion would need hundreds of pounds of force directed at a single point to reach the shatter point. Granted, I've never arm wrestled a lion, so maybe those folks were just a can of Vienna Sausage ready to open anyway. Best not to mess with the king.

sanderbos said:

So now I am curious about this, based on the title.

So they have these safari parks right, where you drive your own car between the animals. So based on that I would imagine the car would be safe from lions.

But when I just think about it, and about how much stronger such animals are than humans, I would expect the window to break if a lion pounces at it. It would shatter of course, so it would immediately confuse a big predator, but if it is dedicated enough to get really angry at the driver (maybe if the car stereo would be blaring Britney Spears or something like that, really pissing of the lion), that car window would only be a very minor stoppage for the lion's attack?

Juicero - The 400 Dollar Ripoff Startup

Jinx says...

i kinda assumed the packets were biodegradable because I really don't know how a normal person would get around the guilt of using so much plastic for a glass of juice.

it seems they are not.

lurgee (Member Profile)

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

I had no idea cats liked bread this much

NirnRoot says...

It's not the bread. A lot of plastic bags are covered with tallow (animal fat) to make them slippery and keep them from sticking together (necessary so the machines can pull them apart when they pack the bread in the factory). Cats love the taste; that's why you'll often find them licking or chewing plastic bags (side note: don't let them chew: if they swallow a tiny piece, it can lodge in their intestines and block the smooth flow of food and waste, causing bloating and potentially a rupture). This cat obviously /really/ likes the taste.

This Is How You Sell A Refrigerator

bobknight33 says...

My grand parents fridge was well over 30 years st still working strong when they died. Same for their freezer unit in the basement. 30+ years old. Today's unit cheep plastics keeps you reburying one every 10 years.

Did not know that GE made these.

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