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Nassim Nicholas Taleb angry with economists.

westy says...

shame the scientist guy cannot talk in a way most people will listen to.

fact is anny mony system that has a large degree of human nature intergrated within it will not be entiraly prodictable as humans are not allways ratoinal and no person can predict the future and exsternal events that will shape the markets.

Realy good video that explanes mony. (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Ron Paul: Grilling Bernanke on 9/24/08

$700 Billion Bailout: "We should not be rushed into this!"

Asmo says...

>> ^ShakaUVM:
As a Libertarian/Republican I'm horrified by the government ponying up a trillion bucks to rescue a financial system that basically screwed itself over. This isn't the work of a conservative government - this is a massive slide into Socialism.

How is robbing the taxpayers of billions of dollars to ensure companies that are failing due to bad business decisions "socialist"..?

Socialism is supposed to shift power from capitalists back in to the hands of the people (eg. Labor unions are a socialist organisation, the willingly strike and endanger their own jobs for the greater good of the whole).

What you have here, Mr. Rebulican/Libertarian, is a government taking money from the people (you know, those things that socialists are fond of) and handing it to the capitalists with no strings attached. Even worse is the supposition that these monies will be used to pay out execs.

That, my friend, is criminal...

Last but not least, the whole stupid bloody market is prompted up on the very thin premise that one of your countries biggest creditors (you know, China... That big communist place, ooh, very scary...) won't just decide to dump your currency at which point the exact sum of the rescue package really becomes immaterial. Doesn't matter if you divide a dollar worth of zero by 700bn or 10 trillion, the answer is still "error".

VideoSpore? (Videogames Talk Post)

Abducted says...

I WAS going to buy this game. WITH REAL MONIES.
I don't do that very often, last games I bought were Crysis and before that Flight Simulator X.

But if someone is going to try and limit me to THREE installs I'm not going to pay for it. Anyone that is considering buying this, don't support them.

The sharing of creatures sounds awesome tho.

Olbermann Analysis of Palin/Gibson Interview

quantumushroom says...

Seems ridiculous to pin "earmarks" on any one candidate or party.

Whether you admit it or not, "you" vote for the clown who promises to bring home the most (vote-buying) pork. It's a consequence of a federal leviathan, wasting money collecting monies it has no right to, then urinating it away on nonsense.

Drive-by media have already made it obvious they're all shilling for the Obamessiah, so Cardinal Gibson's wooden, clueless jabs mean nothing. He "lost" his adversarial interview and now the olbyloon countdown to no ratings can dig through the scraps.

Philips Daylight Window Concept Presentation

westy says...

this looks cool but is enterialy a gimic. if you want to make a tun of mony out of something it has to have a true functoin , ore if it is a gimick it needs to be cheep enoughf that people will not mind throwing mony away on it,

this is like ariving at a hotel and it has a pc you can use then the hotel some how exspects you to spend ages fidaling with the screen saver and enjoy doing so making it how you like it. realty is when people go to a hotel thay want some place to sleep especaily if its a busniss trip maby some place to have something nice to eat and a drink.

if you can use this a a huge porno display then i take my words back

choggie (Member Profile)

Transplanting the Human Head

Jimmy Carter discusses Hamas with Larry King

choggie says...

"I think they do some terrorist acts"
"I thought I could convince them to be more accommodating"
"...they agreed completely, and they authorized me from the top level, to make that announcement to the public"

"Nobody told me not to go.....

Jimmy Carter is one of the biggest fucks on the planet-follow the money, eh? King Fahd was a longtime contributor to the Carter Center until he died-his foundation continues to accept monies from those who wish the see Israel disappear

"Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid"-I'd consider it an insult to myself, and a glorious waste of brain cells to thuumb through it-here's one blogger's reminder, after the usual brain-damaged responses to the label, "anti-semitic" using bastardized semantics and leaving meaning at the doorstep-
[Carter's message is simple and clear: End the unjust occupation, then let's start talking about peace. That's not antisemitic, it's anti-oppression.]-

"Scholars, founding members, of Carter's own foundation resigned over the book's outright lies and distortions. Carter refuses to debate anyone who is knowledgeable enough about the subject and the totality of his own defense argument is merely that "my book is totally accurate." Carter accepts major monies from those who oppose the very existence of the State of Israel... Methinketh, therefore, that anyone with a minimal degree of intellectual honesty has to be somewhat weary of the "truths" in his book.'

Carter the Tool. He needs to go back to farming-and not be allowed to speak in public, ever again.

Obama supporter does his homework, impresses interviewer

Abducted says...

17% tax much? Behold: The Finnish taxes!

As an average Joe with no kids and single living in Helsinki and earning 33600€ a year you pay 24,5% in taxes.
Cap is at a friendly 60%. That includes Municipal tax, Progressive state tax, church tax and healthcare payment. (in order of hugeness)

On top of this 22% VAT on everything. And special taxation on tobacco and gas, which makes up about 75% of the 1,4€/liter price. but at least there aren't any road charges.

And no, all this doesn't give free health care, but it's capped at 600€/person per year. I guess it's free if you are broke tho, seeing as you are getting monies from the social anyways.

Scientology VS Chaser's Free Gullibility Test

jwray says...

The "public support" items in those 990's are NOT government funding. There is a separate item for government contributions/grants, which is 0.

# Line 1a, Direct Public Support—contributions received directly from individuals and foundations.
# Line 1b, Indirect Public Support—contributions received through federated fundraising campaigns such as the United Way or the Combined Federal Campaign. Also included here are monies received from affiliated organizations (parent, subordinate, or supporting organizations).
# Line 1c, Government Contributions (Grants)—contributions from federal, state or local governments that are considered to provide a direct benefit to the general public. These contributions are distinct from monies received from government contracts or fees for services, which are included on Line 2 (see below). The distinction can be tricky. For example, suppose that a local government gives a rural health clinic $5,000 to support its operations. The clinic decides to use this entire amount to provide free Lyme disease inoculations to county residents. This is a government grant. If the $5,000 was given to the clinic in order to inoculate government workers against Lyme disease, and stipulated that the money be used for that purpose alone, it would be considered a government contract.

Item 1c was zero in all recent filings of Narconon and Criminon. Maybe the government is paying for services, but that isn't separated from all other service revenue in these 990 forms. Half the refs in that wikipedia article are dead links. So your links don't provide any definite evidence that Narconon received US government funding after 1978. It says they got money from school lectures in Massachusetts, but doesn't tie those to public schools. If there definitely is government funding for Narconon or Criminon, it should be challenged on establishment clause grounds, which will probably fail unless Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia die while Obama/Clinton is in office.

Ron Paul meets a Medical Marijuana patient

smibbo says...

and Gorgonheap, I'd really like to understand how you get from "laws prohibiting personal action" to "freedom" - seems to me that the former takes away from the latter. Seriously, explain how the former enables the latter becuase I really dont' see that at all. Asking the government to spend time, money and manpower enforcing laws that merely serve to make a personal activity more appealing to young people as well as divert said monies and manpower away from other, more socially deterimental crimes seems like asking the government to babysit our more "loser" citizens. Well I'm not seeing that. You call them losers but you want everyone to pay for punishing them for being losers? I can't understand how that is appealing. If someone's a loser, I say leave them to it. Being a "loser" is not a matter of doing or not doing an action; it's an attitude and you're not going to cure it by taking away their "fun".

The Death of Email (Geek Talk Post)

G4 Cube: Apple's most beautiful failed launched product

westy says...

with a computers if you are a pawer user you dont care what it looks like so long as u get good specification for price. apple pcs r the typ of pc that i would expect to find in the work place or a sitting room of sumone who has more mony than sence ore happens to like the apple as a product rather than wanting a pc for the sake of a pc.

i think apple is far better at producing specific items that benefit from simplification and highly focused in one area ore subset of usability such as the ipod and i phone. its unfortunate for apple that you have companies like Nintendo who have done the same thing for hand held consoles as i think apple could do a good job at a portable games console. i don't think apples approach works for for desktop computers due to the nature of what a desctop computer is used for and what it needs to do. oh apple do do a fantastic job on laptops. i think in the end its down to the fact that when an item is portable the aesthetic and ergonomics become such a large priority that the actual specificatoins r not so important so long as it can achieve its designated task to its full potentail.

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