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President Bush Chooses Cigarettes Over Children

Volvo 940 Estate vs. Renault Modus

Sift Money (Sift Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

I vote nay on the currency. It would destroy the VS economy. Right now you gain privileges in VS by longevity and effort. And having to earn coins to preform certain actions seems a bit tedious. On top of that there is no way to control the distribution of said coins. Economics today works on a system of currency circulation. Someone is paid for the raw materials. someone is paid to process those materials into product, Product is sold to the people who compile the raw material buy the product.

The system as I see it is siftbot hands out monies. People horde them, or apply them to different things, or hand them out as incentives. I see a lot of 'back door' deals. "Hey you get a shiny new coin if you upvote this video." Let the man work for a living and earn their keep. Involving a currency is only going to corrupt the community.

WeShow: New video aggregator on the block (Sift Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

It's a crap site. At least in the sift you can keep crap out but that just seems to be a cesspool where everything that stagnates sinks to the bottom. My loyalties are still with the sift. All of Bob Pittmans monies and dreams of cashing in on a good idea can lie with the other failed ideas of uber-wealthy investors.

Speaking of that whatever happened to the XFL? or Ishtar?

Drama King

What's the worst thing that could happen?

westy says...

if u end up with echanomick depressoin in colom a yes/false then u should still get it in yes/true becuse evan though the mony was not waisted u have still spent the same amount of mony. allso if it was sucsesfull noone would notice the fact that a disaster was averted becuse there would be no feedback so colom a by this model dosenot have a smily face. i would still argue coloum a is a better bet than colom b but still.

The World's Tallest Statue - Bronze Buddha in Uttar Pradesh

westy says...

yep lets spend a shed load of monny on a stutue in the porest part of a country. its not like it would make more sence spending the mony ore investing the time took on helping reduce poverty around the world.

Ron Paul on the Federal Reserve

choggie says...

The next administration will show us the true colors of an oligarchy's dominance over another....semantics and their roots aside, what we have in America in a failure to communicate....this is due greatly to a calculated re-wiring of semantics by a dedicated and persistent effort on the part of Newspeakers.....constant barrages until phrases become implanted in order for tolerance, justice, and meaning to be programmed and manipulated....try these on for size, and decide what meaning they have for you:

Hate Speech
Right to Life
Millitant Fundamentalist
Necessary Downturn

So many on the left are quick to describe right as using Orwellian Newsspeak tactics and on the right they do the same, they are both using it to affect and to sell, agendas that are out of touch with all men, and the continuing battle of ideas and words grounded in contrived sensibilities and reasoning, is the box the people in the middle are kept in.....quite insidious, really, give people a team to root for, a coliseum to showcase and unite in a common arena...... the diversion to keep the rabble happy and fucking and making new meat-bots....and paying their bills with monopoly monies,happy to perform when whipped.....up....and diversion will keep them together.....

"The Rectification of Names consists in making real relationships and duties and institutions conform as far as possible to their ideal meanings.... When this intellectual reorganization is at last effected, the ideal social order will come as night follows day - a social order where, just as a circle is a circle and a square a square, so every prince is princely [and] every official is faithful..."

Confucius (as described by Hu Shih)

how about Orwell describing what is being done today, the young energetic minds sucking it up and spitting it out.....(Lot of it around here)
...."Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meaning and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words and stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings, and so far as possible of all secondary meaning whatever."

When I smell shit, I say it stinks and demand it be dealt with, and look for the perpetrator now-a-days, to whine and wonder why they would possibly be expected to clean it up.......

Scientology at Virginia Tech

westy says...

aaronfr lol what do you meen avoid psycohology surly if you do annything that is to help sumone mentaly it will involve some form of psychology ? weather good ore bad. and im sorry but the woman was demonstrating a psycoglogical techneek to the reporter for avoiding thinking about annything. so saying thay are against psychology is a joke. aditoinaly scientoligy is all bassed on psydo scince so there psychology is a joke and probably more liekly to do harm than good.
the whole thing is a scham to exploit people and get monny of them. i meen blody hell evan the guy that set up sead the best way to make mony is to start a religoin.

How to pay for anything with blank paper

westy says...

its a mixture of stratagies. first of all you have to get sumone into a fame of mind thay are not notmaly in. this is realy easy if you are doing it to sumone who is doing a tedouse job. as thay are normaly set in a stedy mental frequency when you brake that frequency there is the opertunity to imput new data into the brain and it will bypass manny of the brains checks. he uses a fairly complex stroy to get the shop ceapers mind out of its useual rut thinking about directoins is quite a complex activity. then he hands over the fake mony but reasuers the shop keeper that its ok. the shop keepers mind is not doing the checks it would be normaly and so compleaty misses that its fake mony.

allso to pull this off you have to be realy well traind at controling how you say words interms of the speed you deliver them and the tone of voice. aditoinaly you need to lern how to structure words that sound like other words into sentences. this all works becuse the subconchouse brain takes in pritty mutch all informatoin and only sifts variouse parts of it to the conchouse.

Meet Tony, A 25yr Old Backstreet Boys Groupie

westy says...

he is not doing anny harm and i think its good he has found something that makes him happy. it would be alot better if he had a job and was paying for it with his own mony though.

although i dont like backstreet boys if he had a colectoin of starwars memrabilea ore clasic arcade cabinates ore something that was more cultraly acepted as cool then i dont think people would have the same response. the only realy sad thing is he hides it all away in his house. would be far better to have it in a museaum

2007 VideoSift User Survey Results (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

I don't understand the charts and graphs.....the only place I am represented is other.....and the female do, do too much of the freekin' work around here, don't you losers know how to treat the ladies????!!!!

What about the bullshit causes like famine and animal rights???OH Course support technologies.....dumbasses, it's what got us all here now!! The commitment is to the survival of the species, not giving monies to gorps, glams, and gorilla insurgents.....The Humanity!!!!

Animal Rights: Or, How I Lost Hope In the Human Race by Pretending Animals Are More Important HAHAHAHA!! love to get a jab in when I can, concerning the most out-of-touch, bi-pedal hominids on the planet.......

"Surprised again. I didn't expect the "other" category to make such a strong showing. I thought the Democrat leaning people would dominate, at least that's the vibe I get from the comments. "

yeah, forget everything you ever thought about this bit of confusion.....democrats/republicans......MEANINGLESS

both parties are staved for options....Options, you ask??? How does one cover up alllllll the nefarious dealings that got them to this point, and still hold down a convincing front???? They Can't, and rats are ship-jumpers, cause they know how to swim!!!

Now, fuck your political affiliation, it is the mettle that makes the man/woman/midget/negro/slug/human/animal rights activist.......wait, that particular creature belongs somewhere else.....

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? 10 reason

westy says...

way to go for the women on this program to totaly conform to a sterytyp. i hate the whole fight for women and what not. its like if more women want to hack then thay would whats the problem. its like the whole thing with women and games. the women who realy give a crap can go into the games industry and start making games that thay think women will enjoy if thats what thay want to do. ore evan men who feal like it might want to make a game spacificly for a femail market becuse thay feal it might make mony. evan though nothing is realy genda specifick ecpecaily core game play as it dosent yet have a mutch of a cultral preconceptoin only the games astheticks do. like pink been a girls color. the whole thing is stupid. its like racisum its sutch a boring thing fore those of us that r not sexist/racist/ close minded in general

Liar/Sub-human intervied by Vapid Talking Head

westy says...

the fact is all countries sell wepons all over the place
god knows how mutch usa mony is directly responsable for killing there own troops, with groups like the taliban been traind by amercans its quite amusing. so to try and say iran is activly trying to kill amercans by seeling wepons ore having wepons end up in iraq is prity stupid. if we go to war with iran i hope sumone burns down the amercan embisy in london. shud get a bunch of people together and project burning flags of britan and usa onto the houses of parliment

30 Seconds To Mars - From Yesterday

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