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Dystopia Today: US Citizens Scramble For Food Aid

NordlichReiter says...

How do you survive in a semi socialist, semi nationalist, semi fascist, semi Marxist...

Scratch that. <because in a democracy peoples political views are free to be expressed>

How do you survive in a Democratic Republic nation whose politicians think throwing fiat monies at the market will make it better.

Simple, find a job, even if it pays low wages. This is the way to supplement what the Uncle Sam hands you.

Atari Punk Console

westy says...

i think you are missing the whole aesthetic of glitch music,

im not i totaly apreceat geting sounds out of random things and i can see the charm in that , but thats what you are doing when you are playing with a sinth on a pc ore when you are playing a gutar ore whatever as long as you apreach annything that produces sound with an open mind set you will be able to play with it and get interesting sounds. its just a fact that u get very little controle over the way these devices produce sound so yah its fun hititng scraping things in the enviroment to get sounds from them, but its not worth the hyp these people have bult into it.

say i go around hiting things and yah some things might make a sound i like which is cool and then id be like ohh how could i improve that ore use it to maintain my intrestead and eventualy you would probably invent an instrement,

i allso like the idea of geting an unintended sound from something that was designd to do somethign else now these people make it out to be some lade da artsy thing but the fact is the music industry asa whole has done this repeatedly and its a realy comon way for artists to generate a nesh for themselfs, like the tpan efect , ore bob marly playng the gutar in a unconventoinal way.

iv watched a number of documentries and know a cuple of people that do this stuff alot and thay feal like thay have to suport it in some strange way, its like limography in photography its fun and gr8 u can spend alod of mony on random camra bits but the fact is you can achive all the afects using photoshop, and infact at least with photoshop its intentoinal so thers an eliment of skill there, yes maby u just want a random afect and thats the charm but when that random afect costs alot of time and mony than it would to produce using othe rmethods. i would say the cheapest least time consuming method of achiving the same output is the best.

( if you like something on a subjective level fine i cnt argue that but if you have a conversation with that as the assumption all discourse is irrelevant)

Broken Window Fallacy (Blog Entry by jwray)

Farhad2000 says...

This stimulus package cannot really be considered a broken window scenario when talking about the infrastructure expenditure, because we have all seen the statistics for the depreciating infrastructure in the US that needs to be rebuilt or fixed.

Productive work is impossible to measure, I mean the creation of weapons and tanks is not really productive work since eventually it leads to destructive purposes.

However the stimulus package expenditure in healthcare computerization and education is productive in the long run.

It all really depends on application of the stimulus, or as you say efficiency. Simply giving states more monies to spend is not effective stimulus, because a bridge to nowhere is a net loss in the long run even if it provides employment in the short run.

Obama's $3350 Smartphone

westy says...

this is so child like "top secret " wooo wooooooooooo

security companies make a tun of mony making mundane things sound relay dangerous. it really is not that hard to make a pda ore phone device secure to a more than high level as well as remain functional.

Meet the future piano

westy says...

i understand how it works im just saying might as well just get a reli decent usb midi keyboard and get some relay good software save yourself a tun of money and u wont have to lug this thing around , if you realy give an ass about real peano sound then get a real one a anal audience certainly wont appreciate this anny more thay would a midi keybord, so why spend the mony on it when a usb keybord would do just fine and be 10x more practical.

It reminds me of when i used to play hockey and people would buy a stick for 250 pounds when a generic wooden stick for 10 pounds worked just fine ore evan a metal stick with a glass fiber end. i just dont like products where you are paying for bs rather than noticable quality, ovously if your loaded u would never concider the cost of something as an issue and porbably get 30 of these.

Hamas using UN ambulances as troop carriers

westy says...

why dose it matter what something is in law who cares what you call it genoside ,killing ,murder all are just words to describe people losing life through the acts of other people.

who cares if its legal ore not as an example its legal for me to join army and kill asama bin ladan that however dosent some how make it right ore good to deprive sumone of life,

in anny case there are manny ocasoins where lore is unethical due to it having to be a burcatical system so it can often be a pore benchmark for ethics.

in this scanaroi both sides have eliments of blame there are allso alot of people who are inosent and are bing afected by this war when realy thay dont deserv it.

my stand piont at the moment however is that israil are in the most comfortable/safer positoin with more resources mony and global political backing so it should be israil making more of an effort to acomidate hamass and the palastinean people. rather than dispropotoinalty bombing the crap out of evrything.

its like how after sept 11th if usa had evaluated its foghen policy and maby apreached things diplmaticly thay would have had alot of sympthay evan from more extreem people than usual which would have given them more leverage that thay would nto have normaly had, usa could have esealy contributaed to world peace but instead thay bombed the shit out of people pushing ther selfish global agenda.

Welcome to the upvote comment party... (Happy Talk Post)

Fjnbk says...


Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o' lang syne ?

For auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp !
And surely I’ll be mine !
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.


We twa hae run about the braes,
And pu’d the gowans fine ;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary foot,
Sin auld lang syne.


We twa hae paidl’d i' the burn,
Frae morning sun till dine ;
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
Sin auld lang syne.


And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere !
And gie's a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll tak a right gude-willy waught,
For auld lang syne.


XBox 360 - Dismembered Lips Sing A Happy Song...

westy says...

Microsoft normaly make good desicoins when it comes to marketing. In the games industry its very aprent that casual games are the easist and cheepest way to make alot of mony. i think 360 can work well as a casual console with the 360 having that in mind from the onset.

its funny how sony have thrown bags of mony into games like litle big planet and sony home to try and get casual gamers onto there system, when sony have spent so manny years bulding up the playstatoin brand as the hardcore games console. sony have realy comited themselfs to playing the technoligy game and delivering the fastest system with the best disk drive. the problem is this has made the ps3 exspensive to make and its not that much faster than the 360 due to some serouse problems with ps3 cpu.

the wii controles are mostly a gimic but that seems to have done well to grab casual gamers onto the console i guess its ll the fotage of famlies prancing aroudn the tv that has done it. I just wish more companies developed the games specificly for the controlers rather than last minit working out ways to make the controls work with the games.

India To Sue Bangladesh over Taj Mahal

nomino says...

The Indian embassy in Bangladesh has voiced its displeasure over the exact copy - and is hoping to sue for copyright infringement.

A spokesman at the Indian High Commission in Dhaka fumed: "You can't just go and copy historical monuments.

"Someone will go out there and have a look. The reports we are reading say it is an exact replica."

The £38m building, commissioned by wealthy director Ahsanullah Moni, will be located about 20 miles north east of the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka.

Construction began five years ago but Mr Moni says he came up with the idea in 1980 after first visiting the original "Monument to Love" in Agra, India.

He has imported marble and granite from Italy, diamonds from Belgium and used 160kg of bronze for the dome.

In support of his project, he said: "Everyone dreams about seeing the Taj Mahal but very few Bangladeshis can make the trip because it's too expensive for them."

Peter Schiff on being mr. Right

westy says...

the problem is sometimes u just need a kick in the balls u have to take it and then get over it , at the moment the goverments r holding back the kick in the balls but presenting it as if we are having padding ore something that lets the kick in the balls take place slower, however mutch mony you throw at this and whatever systems you use int he end we are going to get a kick in the balls, i dont know about you guys but if i know something bad is coming and i also know it wont kill me i like to get it out the way.

so open up your legs and take it.

(i have some balls to lend to women if thay would like to borow them )

Shepard Smith (of Fox News) defends Obama

westy says...

u what lol the usa midea is conservative. lol like no where near libral. what is this guy on. i think the only resoins obama won are

1) mcain is realy shit interms of talking and comunicating snd detailing policy
2) mcain got palin on board and she was so tardish its ubelivable
3) the econimy went poo poo and it made it blatently obvouse that deregulatoin of mony was the root of the problem and yet mcain still wanted to deregulate

4) obama is pritty good publick speeker
5) obma is still quite concervative
6) obama is christain and amercans seem to want that evan though its retarded
7) i also think the obama and clinton fight got obama alot of free publicity and air time.

everyone gets fed up of war especaily when there is no decent war footage coming out of it. abama convayed a message of change from the curent climate. fact is obama probably wont change that mutch but people belive he will non the less.

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

11807 says...

>> ^mauz15:
And yet, someone just linked me to this very same video saying how after this "tough" interview it was no wonder Obama was not taking any more interviews in FL or something. The person said Biden got angry because she asked the right questions. Someone explain to me how can the 45 people who upvoted can see the bullshit but there are other people who actually think this is a defense for Mccain and a loss for Biden?

Well, it sounds like to me she's just preaching to choir. I can't see this interview converting any watchers one way or the other. It would just cement already established opinions on McCain and Obama.

It's even weirder to hear socialism as a buzzword again. Suddenly because there is international connections with a person, it makes him/her a socialist. I have a friend working with the Peace Corps. in China. Is he now a socialist? The way the term is being used you'd think we'd time warped back to the days when the government issued the "Duck & Cover" PSA's.

If redistributing wealth is socialist, then the "True Americans" best prepare to get rid of Social Security too, dooming all those who legitimately rely on it to postpone retirement or not retire all-together. Simply raising taxes here and lowering taxes there hardly qualifies as socialism compared to the literal transference of monies paid from workers sent to those retiring.

Powell Eviscerates McCain's Negative Smear Campaign

Maze says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
We WON the war in Iraq, which has a stable government.
you'll have to wait another 50 years when global warming has done nothing new.
Gays have more phony "rights" than ever.

another half expecting the government to take care of them like they were children, and getting the monies to do so off the first group.

Here, here! QM sees the true reality, he's not in some fantasy or delusion like the rest of you. He's clearly got the world sussed!

Iraq is a success, global warming is a scam, gays are poofs, and everyone left of centre wants to go on welfare courtesy of those right of centre.

And if you say otherwise... you're just a sheep!


Powell Eviscerates McCain's Negative Smear Campaign

quantumushroom says...

Obama has plans to slash federal spending to the bone, and decrease government size and complexity. Im not seeing how you can equate that to a creation of a socialist state.

If what you say is true, Obama would be upfront about it. He's not, because he's either lying or delusional. In no way will this guy shrink government down...not saying McCain will either, but McCain won't expand it the way Barry will.

Colin Powell says it well, a re-evaluation of the taxation system is not socialism, its responsible governing. Lest you apply those same metrics to bush when he got in power and changed the way the tax system worked, then Obama is not a socialist.

Powell is a well-fed traitor to those to helped raise him up (all Republicans). The man was a mediocre general and knows nothing about economics, except he demands his speaking fees up front. He's a minor disappointment with a minor impact on the election.

Face it QM, the republicans have bought the nation on the brink of collapse, both economically and militarily by committing the nations forces to an ilegal, unjust, vague war, and de-regulating the economy and allowing greed to be the controlling factor in the market.

We WON the war in Iraq, which has a stable government. While it's true that Republicans became fat and lazy the past 8 years (spending like liberals on the back of 9-11) it was not "deregulation" that caused market collapses but shifting government force to other things, like Democrats forcing Fan/Fred to give loans to unqualified applicants. You can't blame the free market, because people are wisely frugal when it's their money being spent, but when Big Government backs up any losses, then people become like drunk gamblers in Vegas...with other peoples' money.

When the history pages are written, the past 8 years will doubtfully look kind on Bush and his administration, for their failed economic policy, their failed foreign policy, their failure to address katrina, their failure to be diplomatic with rogue-leaning nations, their failure to maintain basic infrastructure, their failure to keep some modicum of peace in the middle east, their failure to govern responsibly and impartially for EVERY american (and not just the rich republicans), their failure to address global warming, their failure on promoting good science.....on literally every level, the cons have failed to deliver progressing the nation, and the world over the past 8 years.

I have no doubt marxist professors at liberal-run universities (along with the MSM) will write all of the above, but they've never been right about anything, that's why they and their "theories" hide in universities instead of cutting their teeth in the real world. Slouching towards socialism isn't "progressive" to the rest of us. I know you can't believe me, you'll have to wait another 50 years when global warming has done nothing new.

Entanglement with churches, guns, gay rights, the annihilation of basic civil liberties...the list gos on.

A mantra that has little to back it up. I see no decrease in civil liberties for any American. Gays have more phony "rights" than ever. Liberals hate religion but guess what?--it's here to stay. Gun ownership was just confirmed as an individual right.

I dont understand how you can consistantly sit there and keep pushing the line that anyone not republican, is a terrorist / communist / socialist / generic-bad-guy, given the history of the past 8 years...just astounding how partisan you are.

The reality of the situation is this: you cannot have one-half of the population trying to go at it their own way, making mistakes and poor choices that are an inherent part of freedom and hopefully learning from them, and then have another half expecting the government to take care of them like they were children, and getting the monies to do so off the first group. Whether you know it or not, America is in the midst of a civil war of values. Republicans range in opinion from Ron Paul to Pat Buchanan, so "partisan" doesn't describe things so accurately.

And lets not even get me started on the topic of republican socialism with the bailout...seriously man, get a grip.

Of course it's wrong, but it's an aberration, and unfortunately, is mostly clean-up of Democrat-created messes. There will be blood in the Republican Party, but first, Marx must be defeated.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb angry with economists.

13185 says...

>> ^westy:
shame the scientist guy cannot talk in a way most people will listen to.
fact is anny mony system that has a large degree of human nature intergrated within it will not be entiraly prodictable as humans are not allways ratoinal and no person can predict the future and exsternal events that will shape the markets.

We can however observe that the worldwide quality of spelling, grammar and punctuation seems to be on a downward spiral.

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