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How NOT to break a world record!

ajkido says...

This is not even near as stupid and embarrassing and lame as the Finnish Olli "Cola-Olli" Hokkanen.

Explanation: He tried to drink a 1.5L bottle of Coca-Cola as quickly as possible on a similar TV show. He stopped at 3rd glass out of 7 and said "I can't. It's too acidy." The show host asked if it came as a surprise that Coca-Cola contains carbonic acid... After that hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of Finnish kids posted their own videos on YouTube where they drank whole 1.5L bottles in a few seconds etc. On a side note Olli is now being charged for filming half-naked underaged kids.

Breathe On Me - Britney Spears

What the Media Thought Before Sarah Palin's Nomination

NordlichReiter says...

I come from a family that thinks that Obama is the Anti Christ. [Just to give you some perspective]

How do you think that makes me feel? [Rhretorical]

They think that failin has had 6 years experience as a Governor.

The gap between us grows every day because they claim to know who the puppet masters are, yet they still fall for the same old lesser of two evils bullshit.

Make your choice based on who is the best candidate for you, who represents you. Not because fox news says something. Not because me, or any number of the political sifters posted something that sounded good.

She is a very bad strategic play for McCain to those of us that are educated and well read about politics and how it works.

Its a ploy to get Hillary constituents, and to make McCain out to be progressive. Yet all it shows to me is that he will stoop to anything, even a sexist pick such as a less qualified aesthetically pleasing Governor. There are numerous other picks he should have chosen. I will stick with that bald coca cola guy, David something or other.

James Carville eats Palin supporter, Michelle Bachman (R-Min

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Mickey Rooney and Buddy Hacket Orgy

kronosposeidon says...


Let's see if someone finds this objectionable.

And to be on the safe side:

Proctor & Gamble
Blockbuster Video
Time Warner
Eli Lilly
General Motors
Ben& Jerry's
Tom's Rhinoplasty


Operation Baja Blast - "Borrowing" Soda from Taco Bell

jimnms says...

>> ^lighthouse:
The sad truth of the matter is that Taco Smell probably made a profit on the 'transaction'.
From Pollen's Fast Food Nation:
“Today McDonald’s sells more Coca-Cola than anyone else in the world. The fast food chains purchase Coca-Cola syrup for about $4.25 a gallon. A medium Coke that sells for $1.29 contains roughly $.09 worth of syrup. Buying a large Coke for $1.49 instead, as the cute girl behind the counter always suggests, will add another 3 cents worth of syrup — and another 17 cents in pure profit for McDonald’s.” (pg 54)
The Math:
Large coke is ~$1.50 and has ~$0.12 of syrup. A large is say 32 oz or 1/4 of a gallon. That jug looks about 3 gallons to me or 3 4=12 Large cokes. 12 12c = $1.44. Taco Bell made a nickle off that chump.

You didn't figure in the carbonated water that's mixed with the syrup to make the drink. What about their utility bills and other expenses with operating a business? They also have to pay their employees.

I won't argue that Fast food chains are a ripoff, they sell crappy food that's not worth what they charge, but ripping them off because of that doesn't make it right.

Operation Baja Blast - "Borrowing" Soda from Taco Bell

12028 says...

The sad truth of the matter is that Taco Smell probably made a profit on the 'transaction'.

From Pollen's Fast Food Nation:
“Today McDonald’s sells more Coca-Cola than anyone else in the world. The fast food chains purchase Coca-Cola syrup for about $4.25 a gallon. A medium Coke that sells for $1.29 contains roughly $.09 worth of syrup. Buying a large Coke for $1.49 instead, as the cute girl behind the counter always suggests, will add another 3 cents worth of syrup — and another 17 cents in pure profit for McDonald’s.” (pg 54)

The Math:
Large coke is ~$1.50 and has ~$0.12 of syrup. A large is say 32 oz or 1/4 of a gallon. That jug looks about 3 gallons to me or 3*4=12 Large cokes. 12*12c = $1.44. Taco Bell made a nickle off that chump.

ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin

National Geographic Channel Presents The Human Footprint

Sean Hannity Loves America: Colbert Show

Senator Leahy rips Gonzalez a new one over Maher Arar tortur

NordlichReiter says...

Hey is that the guy from the coca cola commercial? He looks very, angry ... all the time.

This guy is a smug bastard, I'm totally sick of this sh.. crap ah wtf. This is old hat, but it still pisses me off.

Happy commercial from the Philippines

Where Coke really comes from

Underdog and Stewie Balloons Battle for Coca Cola

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'underdog, stewie, coca, cola, super bowl, charlie brown' to 'underdog, stewie, coca, cola, super bowl xlii, charlie brown' - edited by lucky760

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