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Miss California Directors Bitchslap NOM

MaxWilder says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
Prejean can say anything she wants, whenever she wants. However, the organizations she belongs to also have the right to disassociate themselves from her whenever they like. In this case, Trump chose not to exercise that right, but it has nothing to do with her "freedoms". Give me a break.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Do you also advocate that private organizations such as churches, the boy scouts, and various professional organizations have a "right to dissassociate themselves whenever they like" when applied to gays?


Get that? That clear enough for you? As long as it is a private organization that is receiving no government funding, they should be allowed to exclude whoever they want, whenever they want, without explanation. As long as they are not fanning the flames of violence, I don't give a rats ass if a church doesn't want to perform a marriage ceremony for a gay couple! WHO THE HELL EVER SAID CHURCHES WOULD BE FORCED TO PERFORM GAY MARRIAGES?!!? I know that's not specifically what you said here, Picklepecker, but you were driving at it, and that ridiculous idea drives me crazy.

If a Mormon was kicked out of the church for supporting gay rights, I wouldn't give a shit. If a Coca-Cola employee was fired for publicly supporting Pepsi, we wouldn't blink an eye. I see no difference.

So please stop pushing those ridiculous blanket statements on everybody who has more intelligence and better defined positions than you.

Pepsi Promotion Backfires With Fans - Pepsi Sucks!

Feeding time for Polar Bear

Earth Hour 2009

qualm says...

This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming.

For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote – Switching off your lights is a vote for Earth, or leaving them on is a vote for global warming. WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and reach the target of 1 billion votes, which will be presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009.

This meeting will determine official government policies to take action against global warming, which will replace the Kyoto Protocol. It is the chance for the people of the world to make their voice heard.

Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness.

In 2009, Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from. VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet. Over 74 countries and territories have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009, and this number is growing everyday.

We all have a vote, and every single vote counts. Together we can take control of the future of our planet, for future generations.

VOTE EARTH by simply switching off your lights for one hour, and join the world for Earth Hour.

Saturday, March 28, 8:30-9:30pm.

Make Me Laugh Saturday (pilot episode) (Parody Talk Post)

poolcleaner says...

Chimp attack 911 call: 'He's ripping her apart'
By Stephanie Gallman
9:09 a.m. EST, Wed February 18, 2009

(CNN) -- A Connecticut woman pleaded for police to "please hurry" to save a friend from an attack by a pet chimpanzee, according to emotional 911 recordings released Tuesday by Stamford police.

"He's ripping her apart," Sandra Herold, 70, tells dispatchers about her pet, Travis.

With the chimp squealing in the background, Herold cries out, "He's killed my friend!"

The victim, Charla Nash, 55, remains hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after the chimp, once featured in television commercials for Coca-Cola and Old Navy, attacked her Monday afternoon, police said.

Lame-ass British anti-marijuana ad

dannym3141 says...

I considered phoning up and complaining about this. Maybe if a lot of people did it, they'd sort their shit out.

Few things such as:
Many of the "problems" of marijuana you've depicted are factually spurious, there's little and often no real evidence to show that marijuana does these things to people. And in the cases where people do feel that way, they're outliers. You might as well warn people against the addictive and dangerous drug "coca cola" because certain children, when they over indulge in the caffeine and sugar, exhibit manic behaviour.

You also neglected to show that marijuana is a legal drug in a european country, a successful and peaceful european country, showing quite clearly that regulated marijuana use is both possible and (on evidence) doesn't seem to affect a population in a negative way.

Thirdly, the (spurious) negative aspects of marijuana that you depicted are less traumatising than the negative aspects of alcohol. Addiction rate is arguably higher for alcohol than marijuana (though it's hard to tell when marijuana users are forced to keep a low profile). Why not show us a similar advert showing us an alcohol user's many faces? A party attended by liver failure, over-confidence, violent behaviour, hangover, dizzyness and vomiting? Of course not, because these dangers are largely the domain of habitual over-indulgers, as is ALSO the case with marijuana.

Fourthly, perhaps you should add a disclaimer to the end of the advert below the information that "marijuana has been upgraded to a class B drug". Along the lines of "... against the advice of the government-requested inquiry." Because the inquiry found and advised the government that elevating the class of the drug would be a bad idea, and they did it anyway.

Finally, of course, no mention of the medicinal properties and uses of marijuana. No mention that marijuana is a medically endorsed drug for certain illnesses.

Might actually phone in or write in.. this advert is misinformation shown in a biased way.

National Geographic Channel Presents The Human Footprint

notarobot says...

>> ^bamdrew:
I knew a kid in highschool who drank 2 liters of coca cola every day.
he got headaches when he didn't drink at least 1 liter.

I wonder if he never drank anything else? I had friends who used to drink only pop or milk, never water or juice. They weren't very healthy. Most of them have gotten over their aversion to H2o.

The Untested Family Feud Video Game

Structure says...

>> ^spoco2:
I was trying to work out on what friggen basis it was matching those on. Coffee, PERHAPS because he says cup of urine, and the thing is stupid enough to take any 'cup of' answer... but pornography and soda? Is there a drink that has a name that has some portion of pornography in it?
Pretty bloody terrible!

This was back when Coca-Cola was testing all those new flavors. They briefly tried Coca-Cola Pornography but Pepsi Jizz outsold them. Taste tests were supervised by Larry Flynt.

Coca-Cola "Heist" Ad Sucks - It's Pepsi FTW!

NBC News Nov 27. 1978 - George Moscone & Harvey Milk Dead

RedSky says...

Regarding Dan White's trial and future life from Wikipedia:


At his trial, White's defense argued that his mental state at the time of the killings was one of diminished capacity due to depression. Therefore, they argued, he was not capable of premeditating his act of violence, and thus was not legally guilty of first-degree murder. Forensic psychiatrist Martin Blinder testified that White was suffering from depression and pointed to several behavioral symptoms of that depression, including the fact that White had gone from being highly health-conscious to consuming sugary foods and drinks such as Twinkies and Coca-Cola. A remark by Blinder that the sugar might have worsened such a depression was widely reported as a claim that the sugar had contributed to the depression, giving rise to the derisive label the Twinkie defense. The prosecution played a recording of White's confession expecting it to all but guarantee a first degree murder conviction. However, several jurors wept as they listened to what was described as "a man pushed beyond his endurance." The jury found White guilty of voluntary manslaughter rather than first degree murder. Outrage within San Francisco's gay community over the resulting seven-year sentence sparked the city's White Night Riots; general disdain for the outcome of the court case led to the elimination of California's "diminished capacity" law.

Imprisonment and death

White served five years of his seven-year sentence at Soledad State Prison and was paroled January 6, 1984. Fearing he might be murdered in retaliation for his crimes, California State Corrections Officials secretly transported him to Los Angeles, where he served a year's parole. White's release prompted another round of demonstrations; protesters still outraged by the brevity of his sentence publicly ate Twinkies, implying that they themselves might not be responsible for any violence they engaged in. After satisfying the terms of his parole, White indicated he wanted to return to his lifelong home of San Francisco; this prompted Mayor Dianne Feinstein, who feared for his safety, to issue a public statement formally asking White not to return. Nevertheless, White did move back to San Francisco and attempted to restore his life with his wife and children.

His marriage soon disintegrated. On October 21, 1985, less than two years after his release from prison, White committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning in his garage by running a garden hose from the exhaust pipe to the inside of his car. White's body was discovered by his brother, Thomas, shortly before 2 p.m. the same day. The Irish folk song "The Town I Loved So Well" was playing on a continual loop on the car's cassette player.

White was buried at Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno, California.

Coca-Cola 70's Christmas Hilltop Commercial

Itty Bitty Kitty Twins

Great Doogley Moogley! 100 Gold Strikes Again (Woohoo Talk Post)

MrFisk says...

He became a man the day of the greatest game he ever played. Everything he ever knew about common decency and morality he learned that day in October from Alan "The Horse" Ameche; and today in the SifTalk he would earn his wings. The crowd had assembled; a crowd of America's elite. Toyota salesmen from all around the country -- orientals and even those suspected of being orientals -- stacked on the thirty yard line watching him sweat and wipe caked blood from his face. The Gallow brothers -- Ernest and Julio -- party guys who had skinned a few Mexicans and forced them to carry them on their shoulders down to the pre-game tailgate parties at the colosseum. The Pepsi and Coca Cola bottlers of America -- Coke adds life; It's the real thing -- bombarded by missiles; flying flaming matchbook covers. The waterheads from General Motors up in the top seats where they belong; getting the worst of the pollution. All sorts of weird motherfuckers were at the Talk.
- Where the Buffalo Roam

Lunatic Douchebag Michelle Bachmann at it Again

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^bobknight33:
You bet there are also Stupid, uneducated, uninformed sheep voting for McCain, but the video was an Obama piece.
It is sad that this country would rather know watch some lame TV show than look at the political issues and who stands for what... The current crop of promoted Presidential candidates is a choice between a Democrat and a Socialist. Both systems are against the founding fathers hard work to create a Republic.

Obama is Anti American. Look at his past and who he associates with. You are the company you keep.

Your comment was good all up until the last sentence. So lets see, secessionists wish to be separate from the US, and the keating five a scam on the United States people. That is anti United States, by the way I am not an American I am a United States Citizen first, and because I live on an American continent.

America is a product of flawed conventional wisdom, created by the degradation of our independence, we are the United States, which are a part of the American Continent, this makes us US citizens (and its people who may not be citizens)first before we are Americans.

We're all living in America,
America is wunderbar.
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.
We're all living in America,
Coca-Cola, Wonderbra,
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.

ajkido (Member Profile)

chilaxe says...


In reply to this comment by ajkido:
This is not even near as stupid and embarrassing and lame as the Finnish Olli "Cola-Olli" Hokkanen.

Explanation: He tried to drink a 1.5L bottle of Coca-Cola as quickly as possible on a similar TV show. He stopped at 3rd glass out of 7 and said "I can't. It's too acidy." The show host asked if it came as a surprise that Coca-Cola contains carbonic acid... After that hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of Finnish kids posted their own videos on YouTube where they drank whole 1.5L bottles in a few seconds etc. On a side note Olli is now being charged for filming half-naked underaged kids.

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