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alien_concept (Member Profile)

Nightbreed Trailer

Sagemind says...

Actualy..., Clive created a second book called the Chronicals of Nightbreed which goes into a story background and photos of each character. A very cool book. The backgrounds of each creature is based on a combination of historical truth mixed with theology and Clives added touches. Each one is giving a past and a reality that makes you think, "hey, maybe these creatures 'are' real".

The problem with the movie was bad planning over all as after they created the main characters for the movie, they left the rest up to the "creature shop" who didn't produce enough to fill the set. They were scrambling to come up with new characters to fill the movie and make Midian look as full as it was supposed to be.

Nightbreed Trailer

ponceleon says...

You know, I kind of feel like Clive Barker movies have like one cool thing about them and are utter shit aside from that. This one for example: David Cronenburg is awesome, the rest of the movie is embarrassingly written.

When you think of a movie like Pan's Labyrinth and the amazing creativity of the creatures there, I really just shudder at the stupid "monsters" in this movie. Porcupine woman? Really? She shoots quills... you don't say.

Edit: Upvote, because I actually do enjoy bad movies almost as much as good movies.

Robert Wyatt -- Shipbuilding

Whose Line: Infomercial and 2-line Vocabulary

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

The original WLIIA was OK, but inferior to the American version which had better general pacing and more consistent humor. If you don't get it then you don't get improv comedy. Go to the doctor and have them replace your missing funny bone. WLIIA was 500% more funny than anything on TV when it was airing and about 1000% funnier than anything on TV today. I watched the British WLIIA on the old Comedy channel, and it was sometimes brilliant and sometimes torturously lame. Every time John Sessions opened his mouth it was painfully bad. The American version had its moments where the quality dipped, but by and large it was hilarious. More so than the British version. The only thing the British version has that is undoubtedly superior is CLIVE ANDERSON as the host. If the American version had Clive instead of Drew as the host it would have been perfect.

Jimmy Carr is the Original Gangster

11807 says...

>> ^Thylan:
Whos line is it anyway started your side i think, and that influenced a lot re improv.

Yeah, it did. Matter of fact, I watched the brit version of who's line is it anyway long before it became popular and came to the states (which was later remade with Drew Carey as host).

The original with Clive Anderson was better in some ways. Especially with the "helping hands" bit they did quite a lot. My favorite pair were Josie lawrence and that other guy that had the slicked back black hair. They were frequently just-raunchy-enough to keep it hilarious. The other cast members were also just as brilliant.

Drew Carey's "Who's line?" is good too, but there's nothing like the original.

Sideways - Dramatic Thriller Trailer

Zero Punctuation: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

'Extras' - Clive Owen wouldn't pay for that prostitute

Karl Pilkington's Movie, starring Clive Warren

James Brown races Satan (played by Gary Oldman)

Insane car chase from Shoot Em Up

schmawy says...

This was a wonderfully silly movie, and was actually quite a clever satire on gun-movies. I'd also love to be Clive Owen and wish I could get paid to thrash the farfegnugen out of German sedans.

Privateer 2 Intro Pt1, or Clive Owen before he was famous

Privateer 2 Intro Pt1, or Clive Owen before he was famous

Privateer 2 Intro Pt1, or Clive Owen before he was famous

spoco2 says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
As I remember the reviews were scathing because the requirements were pretty high and it wasn't exactly Elite done in better graphics.

Well, yeah, they kinda touted it as being Elite, when it wasn't really that open, but the reviews I was referring to are recent ones, so no system requirements come into it these days.

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