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EDD (Member Profile)

Eklek says...

viva la *dance!:) Some nice moves in that choreography, thanks for notifying me:)

In reply to this comment by EDD:
I noticed your message to doogle and I'm happy to provide what you were asking for

Please help with the votes, we really need to get the ball rolling in the "creation of *dance channel"-department!

Cheers, Ed

In reply to this comment by Eklek:
I agree. I'd love to see a sift featuring a well choreographed dance on techno/electronica, let me know when you find one..:)

In reply to this comment by doogle:
That may be dancing, but he ain't no dancer. No choreography. No message despite that he really likes the music and can't wait for some eyes on him at a club.

Eklek (Member Profile)

EDD says...

I noticed your message to doogle and I'm happy to provide what you were asking for

Please help with the votes, we really need to get the ball rolling in the "creation of *dance channel"-department!

Cheers, Ed

In reply to this comment by Eklek:
I agree. I'd love to see a sift featuring a well choreographed dance on techno/electronica, let me know when you find one..:)

In reply to this comment by doogle:
That may be dancing, but he ain't no dancer. No choreography. No message despite that he really likes the music and can't wait for some eyes on him at a club.

ULTIMATE FIGHTING!!!!! (1934 edition)

Awesome Football Goal Celebration

Awesome Football Goal Celebration

Madonna _Human Nature_

legacy0100 says...

I do see the artistic side of it.

Just that it's a bit too artistic to be commercial.

A bit foreign to appeal to the masses. The whole leather thing didn't help either.

All that choreograph was indeed impressive, especially Madonna dancing between the rope part.

I definitely get the philosophic message. Sexuality is human nature, it's natural.

The message was effectively sent. However, she sacrificed commercial appeal by doing so.

Only artists who have made name for themselves and with enough commercial success, like Madonna, can basically do whatever they want without having to worry about finances and make projects with such production scale.

I dare say, this isn't actually pop music. This is a performance describing 'Madonna's pop music', or brief history of it.

Actor Mickey Rourke should kick box Chris Jericho

Sagemind says...

I think Rourke would Kick his ass!
You can't tell me a guy named "Mickey" hasn't been in his fair share of bare-knuckled scrape ups. Look at him, he went from pretty boy to guy lying in the street with a bottle (a mickey) of Jack.
He's been around the block - and his years weren't choreographed!

Actor Mickey Rourke should kick box Chris Jericho

rougy says...

“Chris Jericho, you better get in shape. Because I’m coming after your ass.”

Rourke is 56 years old. That's just flippant braggadocio.

I'm sure Jericho is a tough guy, but who is he kidding? Wrestling is choreographed more tightly than a Broadway dance number. If he's so tough, why doesn't he do that ultimate fighting thing?

Wrestling is kind of like homo-erotic soap operas for simple minded men.

The odds are that Jericho is acting tough and mad just to pump up his fans.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Another Good Lightsaber Duel

Dueling Match - Dual-wield knives vs spear

Japanese Music Videos are WEEEEEEEEEEEIRD #1 - "Ne~e" by Aya

Astonishing Extreme Aerobatics

Tragedy-Bee Gees

Top 10 Jackie Chan Fight Scenes

Ryjkyj says...

Not a bad list. Though I'd have to say that #3 is the greatest fight scene ever. I really love Jackie Chan. I love that, even though everything is choreographed, it's still always just the actors and their props. No trick photography, no wires, and no animation. On top of that, his fight scenes contain their own plots and humor and all sorts of other little details. If you know his history too, you come to appreciate the scenes based on his relationships with the people involved and the way he grew up.

He was also a big role model to me based on the fact that a lot of his scenes are just really creative ways to run away or avoid actually fighting.


Oh, yeah... and this wouldn't work in a real street fight.

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