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World's Best Marriage Proposal, Ever

Confucius says...

I think the few comments Ive made, Ive been attacked by ponce....but wow...Id have to completely agree with him this time....

I hope this was staged....this guy paid and spent the time with 4-7 people and an electric wheel chair to perfectly choreograph and propose to this girl.

She is pretty hot though so maybe it was worth the trouble...of course on the other hand he just lost his man card.

MJ 'borrowed' his signature moves from his favorite movie..

EDD says...

>> ^deedub81:
Just because he was a dancer/choreographer/singer doesn't mean he's anywhere close to Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly.
Original? Yeah, I'll give him that

The 8 Tony awards he won and being the first person in the world to win an Oscar, a Tony and an Emmy in the same year support your theory


MJ 'borrowed' his signature moves from his favorite movie..

deedub81 says...

Just because he was a dancer/choreographer/singer doesn't mean he's anywhere close to Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly.

Original? Yeah, I'll give him that

>> ^EDD:
^Danny, you obviously haven't got a clue who Bob Fosse was. The man was a legendary choreographer himself and as a dancer, he's up there with Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly.

MJ 'borrowed' his signature moves from his favorite movie..

EDD says...

^Danny, you obviously haven't got a clue who Bob Fosse was. The man was a legendary choreographer himself and as a dancer, he's up there with Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly.

MJ 'borrowed' his signature moves from his favorite movie..

dannym3141 says...

What is endlessly more likely is that there's some style of dancing which bob fosse(?) adapted or used in this routine. Or his choreographer, or whatever.

More of a shared ancestor of both this and a lot of MJ's signature stuff, if you will.

A flying face-full of Bruno

kymbos says...

Jesus, we're supposed to be the most media-savvy generation in history, and people are still wondering if an MTV awards ceremony 'prank' is choreographed? I don't know what to say.

Funny stuff, though, and kudos to Eminem for being part of it.

Wichita City Hall Drive Thru

More Proof Wrestling is 1000% Absolutely NOT Fake

Duckman33 says...

>> ^EDD:
Duckman, seriously?
I can't believe you've been watching wrestling (assume from your comments) and have not once noticed all the fanboys that are maintaining it's "100% real" - not choreographed, utilizing full-strength blows, etc. I've never been a wrestling enthusiast, nor do I live in a country that hosts this type of fighting matches, yet I've met dozens of these morons.

Yes, seriously. I did say "anyone with half a brain" didn't I? If those guys are stupid enough to not realize they aren't really hitting each other, they have bigger issues to deal with. Perhaps maybe they'll try it out on each other and it will be EIA for them.

[edit] I doubt you'll find too many wrastlin "fan boys" here on the sift though, so who are you trying to convince?

More Proof Wrestling is 1000% Absolutely NOT Fake

EDD says...

Duckman, seriously?
I can't believe you've been watching wrestling (I assume from your comments) and have not once noticed all the fanboys that are maintaining it's "100% real" - not choreographed, utilizing full-strength blows, etc. I've never been a wrestling enthusiast, nor do I live in a country that hosts this type of 'fighting' matches, yet I've met dozens of those morons.

More Proof Wrestling is 1000% Absolutely NOT Fake

Duckman33 says...

>> ^budzos:
If by fake you mean choreographed then yeah, it is.
What the fuck else could I mean? Seriously, you tell me...

Evidently you chose to ignore the rest of my comment. Go back and read it. It's pretty self explanatory. BTW, the comment wasn't directed at you, so not quite sure why you chose to get so defensive about it.

More Proof Wrestling is 1000% Absolutely NOT Fake

More Proof Wrestling is 1000% Absolutely NOT Fake

More Proof Wrestling is 1000% Absolutely NOT Fake

Duckman33 says...

If by fake you mean choreographed then yeah, it is. The injuries these guys suffer from when things go wrong are definitely not 1000% fake.

It's entertainment. And anyone with half a brain should know it's fake because if it wasn't, the things they do to each other during a match would cause them to either be in the hospital or dead by the end of the match. I don't see why people feel the need to prove it's fake when it's 10,000% obvious that it is.

Bride Surprise LIght Up Wedding Dress

Lolthien says...

I'm sorry, I don't know what's worse, the fact that the dress lights up, or that their dance was so obviously rehearsed. It's friggin ridiculous, and I'm upvoting this so hopefully and future husbands out there can see how stupid you will look if you let your bride to be choreograph your damn first dance as a married couple. I give that marriage 2 years tops before the dude dumps her for some fat chick in the trailer park who at least doesn't try to control every goddamn thing he does!

Also, LEDs in your wedding dress is just stupid

Fuck you very, very much

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