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First World Problems

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

Cereal Killer

Cereal Killer

Snuff versus non-snuff (Philosophy Talk Post)

Lawdeedaw says...

Yes, but crazy people with assault riles rarely do those types of things to police officers. Yes, officers die commonly enough--but not an everyday occurrence when you include mad firepower, and veterans at that. Just like police brutality, that's an ultra rare occurence. I understand why you note what you note--and personally, we just disagree on the heart of the matter. It's a difference of opinion is all. However, you do explain things in *wiener* a way that I can appreciate; you have a better personality in regards to reaching my line of thinking.

The only true things that get under my skin are peoples comments, like the one that viewed the cop as less than human, like some ape scum that deserved to be shot and laughed at. Yes, that's assuming the worst about the vague comment, but we are adults and can logically do a case by case assessment.

On the note you made; what do you think about the second admendment and assault rifles? I believe in reasonable arms, and that does not include those. Obviously most agree--but I also view the law as more important than my own feelings. With that said, arms can be regulated, I think, within reason. *handguns versus assault rifles for example*


It's funny--I would have thought this sift talk would have prohibited an external link too, since it's just another way of posting snuff into the site--albeit in a round about manner. That's why I never thought of using Sift Talk as an outlet. Now that I know--thanks to you and Sagemind; I can use this format in the future. Which, although it doesn't completely change my opinion, at least helps with the limits and therefore improves my disposition of the sift.

***On a side note, and no offense to you lucky, why does the Lucky Charms' icon make me twitch with agitation? That's not normal, I don't think. That's outside of the cereal-box thinking. Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun.

peggedbea (Member Profile)

Stop Torrenting!

shuac says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^entr0py:
I love how the pirate has no friends, no living room and no overhead lighting. Just an empty cereal bowl and a portrait of a dog for company. This man needs some movies to keep him going. Don't deprive him of that.

Yeah my friends and I torrent wrestling shows and get together on weekends to watch them all. It's fun, socializing, we even go places sometimes and watch them on the way to say San Francisco.

San Francisci? So how'd ya came? Didja drove & didja flew?

If you "get" that reference, then I'll eat my hat.

Stop Torrenting!

Yogi says...

>> ^entr0py:

I love how the pirate has no friends, no living room and no overhead lighting. Just an empty cereal bowl and a portrait of a dog for company. This man needs some movies to keep him going. Don't deprive him of that.

Yeah my friends and I torrent wrestling shows and get together on weekends to watch them all. It's fun, socializing, we even go places sometimes and watch them on the way to say San Francisco.

Stop Torrenting!

entr0py says...

I love how the pirate has no friends, no living room and no overhead lighting. Just an empty cereal bowl and a portrait of a dog for company. This man needs some movies to keep him going. Don't deprive him of that.

Art table milled from a 400kg slab of aluminium

Sarzy (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Technology Used to Sell Kids Crap

Rebecca Black: Friday (Kill Me Now)

Truckchase says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

You cannot.
hope that answers your sincere question.

Damnit! Thank the gods for my smartphone, I've been trolling the mall for 8 hrs now. I wrote a sweet song I was gonna perform:


1 pm, wakin up in the shelter;
gotta get out before someone steals my cart
eatin cereal that I found in the garbage;
now that's pretty much the top of my day. tickin on and on everyone's drinkin!
gotta get down to the bus stop
gotta beg for money

I see my friends!
kickin in the alley *yeah!*
kickin on the cardboard *yeah!*
gotta make my mind up, who will share some booze?

it's thursday, or friday;
maybe wednesday or sunday....
not really sure but for me it's a -
weekend, weekend.

tuesday, monday;
can't recall the other day
everybody's lookin forward to the
soup line, soup line.

loiterin', loiterin' *cops*!
loiterin', loiterin' *run*!


lookin forward to this box wine.


My invisible pet dog "extreme Earl" wrote that last part. He'll rap in the final cut.

Cooking with Homer Simpson

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