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Cooking with Homer Simpson

Cooking with Homer Simpson

Technology Used to Sell Kids Crap

Minority Report Cereal Boxes Are Here

Ummm derp?

Ummm derp?

Ummm derp?

New Portal 2 Co-op Trailer (longer version)

Finnish guy shows off his unique gym training technique

kceaton1 says...

>> ^MaxWilder:

Wow, is he in for a wake up call when he blows out his back.

Yeah, to me it looked like he was trying to snap his fibula or tibia. Or, he was going all out and trying to take out his back. Maybe, he has one hell of work week in front of him and wants to just sit it out; forever.

The man clearly wears a shirt saying: "Don't PISS IN MY cereal! I AM A MOTHERFUCKER!!!"

Purple crocodile cereal? (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Sarzy says...

>> ^Throbbin:

If you don't mind me asking, WHY did you have to find this so badly?

I'm answering this pretty late, but I just stumbled across this. I HAD to find this because I had such vivid memories, both of seeing these commercials and eating the cereal itself, and yet NO ONE I knew remembered it (including my brother, who presumably saw the commercials and ate the cereal as well), and I couldn't find any evidence of it on google.

I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy, I guess.

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

GuyFawkes says...

Hey Genji,
Judging from your comment, seems im not the only one who shares my thoughts!

I remember when UFC first started in one form or another and guys would wear karate gear and the big sell was this guy is a boxer fighting a wrestler or this guy is a karate expert fighting a boxing guy.
But the "sport" seems to have evolved into an organized school brawl. The fights look amateurish and often dont go beyond 2 rounds, cause lets face it, not matter how big and muscly you are, skin is skin and easily cuts. The term "ground and pound" comes up often.

Dont get me wrong, I like a good fight just like the next guy... but im not seeing the skill in UFC. Where are the Tyson's, Ali's, Zhu's, etc.

Im keen to learn more, point me in the right direction

later bro

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
Goddamnit. Why do we always have this discussion?

The only person who's struggling after two minutes is Lesnar.

He's a transplant from "professional" wrestling. Which is why he sucks.
He has no skill. No Endurance. And no clue what to do inside an octagon.

Lesnar was only the champion cause he's built like a grizzly bear/tank/meat shield hybrid.

He is essentially baby huey.

Shane Carwin almost beat him. Frank Mir did once before. He sucks and everyone knows it.

Of course it's a sport old fogey.

Are you really gonna sit there and try to tell everyone that
doesn't take any athleticism, technique, training or endurance?

Fer cereal? = /

>> ^GuyFawkes:

I dont get this "sport", give me boxing anyday. For "professional" athletes they sure struggle after 2mins. Maybe its a gen y instant gratification thing... maybe im old.

UFC 121: Brock Lesnar vs Cain Velasquez

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Goddamnit. Why do we always have this discussion?

The only person who's struggling after two minutes is Lesnar.

He's a transplant from "professional" wrestling. Which is why he sucks.
He has no skill. No Endurance. And no clue what to do inside an octagon.

Lesnar was only the champion cause he's built like a grizzly bear/tank/meat shield hybrid.

He is essentially baby huey.

Shane Carwin almost beat him. Frank Mir did once before. He sucks and everyone knows it.

Of course it's a sport old fogey.

Are you really gonna sit there and try to tell everyone that
doesn't take any athleticism, technique, training or endurance?

Fer cereal? = /

>> ^GuyFawkes:

I dont get this "sport", give me boxing anyday. For "professional" athletes they sure struggle after 2mins. Maybe its a gen y instant gratification thing... maybe im old.

Steve Miller - Greatest Divorce Lawyer Ever!

GenjiKilpatrick says...

supply and demand.

There's no Relationships education in schools yet.

[Hell, they make you wait 'til you're a senior before they introduce Economics. for cereal.. wtf]

>> ^NordlichReiter:

This is exactly why I will never marry again. Simply because there is an industry built on greed that preys on divorcees.

"Alcatraz" Amanda - Dating on Demand

Gohmert Melts Down on Anderson Cooper Over "Terror Babies"

shagen454 says...

Wow, that guy is bat shit nuts! Goh mert! Goh mert! Goh mert!

Goh gettem gapin' holes dat dem der terror babies be der flyin' through em an' ah shakin' dem foundations tah der groundss. Anderson! Hel' us fill dese big dang freakin' holes!! Dang gonnit fill dem gapin' holes! Arghh!! Stop laughing at me John Stewart!! Jus luuk er dem evidences itz all arounds yous Stewarts an Andersons!! Dag nabbit dah all uv yous!

They say where I live in California is like a box of cereal. Without the fruits and the nuts only the flakes are left. Well, golly gee willackers - there must be an amazing analogy for TeXas and this guys sort of ilk (excluding Austin of course).

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