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It's all I have! (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

peggedbea says...

i find your breed fascinating
i was a mom by 19 and then a single mom by 23
i never got do any of that stuff
im extremely lucky if i go out sans children and have a drink with the boyfriend even, forget about a group of my friends, 4 times a year
and i always wonder if my friends that do actually still enjoy it ... were all pushing 30 pretty hard now... i was wondering if being a single person with disposable income and time ever gets old and lonely
i think im just being bitchy when i think things like that to make myself feel better
and i have an extremely awesome life. it just sucks for trying to date people from that other world.
maybe ill go find a starving african, i bet hed stay home with me all the time if i kept the steamer full of rice

Dragging Some Fun Back To The Sift, Kickin' and Bitchin'! (History Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Oh fuck, I just remembered another story that has a bit more of a point and is less evil, deceiving and such.

This takes place in Aarhus, where I study now, where the same American friend I mentioned above was visiting and playing for the first time there in a long time. So obviously we had to meet up and get hammered. Now, I had to get back with the last bus, around midnight, because I had to travel back to my island for a vacation at 12 noon. I had everything packed ready to go, except my harddrive, which I usually only remove at the last minute, but I was basically ready to go. So beer time.

We met up at the bar he was playing at, at 9 in the evening, I think. One beer took the next and suddenly it was 00:15 and my bus had just left. Fuck, oh well, I'll just have some fun and grab the first bus in the morning back and get a few hours sleep then.

Then came the shots. Fisherman, Jägermeister and other ugly, ugly stuff, and more beer. we stayed at the bar until about 2 or 3, when it closed down, and waltzed down the road looking for a new place to party on. We found a seedy little disco/bar thing, that we wandered into and had a bunch of tequila - I do ever love Tequila.

When it was 6 or 7'ish in the morning we were both heading back to our respective places. We had to take a bus on each side of the road, but at the same stop, so we just "walked" (nearly crawled) down to the bus stop and just hung there for a while. After a while, we had gotten in place on each side of the road, waiting for our respective buses. Mine came first so I hopped on and promptly fell asleep. I thought that this could do, because I only had to get off at the end point anyway, so I would regain consciousness before that (familiar bumps and whatnot). Well, 20 minutes in, I had no fucking idea where I was. Looked out, and couldn't recognize ANYTHING. So I was like, Oh Fuck...

I went up to the bus driver, who looked on me like I was a leper, and asked if it was going to the station I wanted to go to. He said "No, that's not this #11 that's the other #11 on the other side of the road...".

Well, fuck me. Both of us had gotten the wrong bus!

I eventually switched bus and got home to my place at, I think, 8 o'clock. And I promptly collapsed on my bed.

I had to be on a bus heading down to the train station at 12, so this could have gone completely wrong... and it did.

I woke up at 11:30, with a screaming headache, still woozy, and something didn't feel right. So I turned around and there was a nice big puddle of my own vomit in the middle of my bed. "Oh joy", I quietly thought to myself. Of course, that's in hindsight. At the time it was more like "aauuurrrgghhhhh".

I got the sheets of the bed and the bedspread off and put it in the hamper - no time to wash it anyway. Slowly, shakily I removed the harddrive from my computer (lucky, I can do that in my sleep), and tossed it in my bag and was on my way.

But wait! There's more!

In the bus, I had to be for about 30 minutes until it arrived, and halfway it hit a bump and something lurched inside me. "Ooooh fuuuck" I was having dry heaves and cold, cold sweat. In desperation, I grabbed a shirt from my bag and quietly vomited ever so slightly into it - it was even my favorite shirt! I slipped it back into the bag and was not at all in a good mood. 2 minutes after that a woman approached me and asked if my bag was supposed to have that seat all to itself - not the right time to be bitchy at all, if I had had any strength in me at all I would have throttled her where she stood, but alas I was a sick, drunk, tired, head-aching weakling, so I dragged my corpse to the second seat and put my bag on my lap. I was not a happy camper.

When I got to the train, I had to be on it for about 3-4 hours. Two times, I ran to the bathroom and puked again. Good times. The second time, I just stayed out there and fell asleep on the toilet for half an hour. Not my proudest moment.

When I finally arrived home, my dad thought I was dying. I was sick for three days - seriously, hung over, with the vomit and super-happy-fun times and all, for three fucking days.

Yeah, another sequence from the life of Nicki. I hope you enjoy my misery.

Why Is Blankfist Not on Siftquisition, or Hobbitted? (Wtf Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

in the case of creating sockpuppets, banning or hobbiting isnt an appropriate recourse anyhow. you cant do much damage with a probie sockpuppet and when you get banned, well you can still create sockpuppets.

and there are users who are actively using old sockpuppets as their current accounts and users that are obviously sockpuppets of former members and noone cares. dont misinterpret my statements for me caring a whole lot. i care a minimal amount to be sure. im just observing.

dft did ban the sockpuppet. im not sure what else you can do about it. its kind of elusive and kind of a side effect of the whole set up. and it was for jokesys.

[edit: this portion redacted on account of it sounded unintentionally bitchy.]

i think hobbiting people for killing their own sifts is ridiculous. btw.

even downvote sprees get corrected in the end. i suppose hobbitting can be useful in those instances to minimize the clean up for daglucky. other than that though, pffffty.

List of Whining Sifters (Terrible Talk Post)

WOW, I can't believe we lost all the votes!!!!! (Wtf Talk Post)

Zero Punctuation: Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows

Engels says...

I think you're meant to take it in character, as in, that's how the dark spiderman would think of it. He doesn't strike me as bigoted. Bitchy, spoiled, funny and impatient, sure, but not ignorant.

Saddam wanted live satellite debate w/ Bush 2003 Dan Rather

Asmo says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
One liar interviewing another liar. How exciting.

Yeah, no need to have their side of the story when you've got their oil.

"Spare our people harm"

"I call for this because war itself is not a joke"

Laugh it up BillO, for all your bitchy little comments you are now redundant thanks to the American people voting in Obama. Impotent. Without dick. Just a whiney old cunt full of sand.

Sifting as a Satement (Sift Talk Post)

schmawy says...

I think people airing their thoughts and beliefs on the Sift contributes a great deal to the experience. But don't neglect your own depth and diversity, the Music, Art, Engineering, History, Cooking, Wheels, and on and on. Don't short change us by not sharing your diverse interests with us. Your queues are heavy on the politics, and that's cool, but there's other stuff in there too.

The Sift has been "bitchy and rude" at times, and that's normal. I can't see that you're doing anything to exacerbate that or otherwise hurt the Sift. Good questions for all of us to ask ourselves I think.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

I have no hard feelings towards you, the same thing happened with my "and I for one.." video. I'm just bitchy about region blocking.

In reply to this comment by Zifnab:
As I said before, the original video was not a Hulu embed. I sifted it over a year and a half ago and it was a good old YouTube video. Then the great YouTube Simpsons purge came along and it died. You'll notice that I marked it as dead myself as I wasn't able to find a replacement source. I don't check Hulu as it is region blocked for me which pisses me off as well. It sat in the dead pool for over 6 months and then Firefly fixed it using a Hulu embed. I didn't even notice until this whole mess came up.

As soon as dag did the dupeof I swapped the embed to the YouTube version.

Zero Punctuation - Mercenaries 2

Love Song - The Cure (Tori Amos) Piano Cover

Krupo says...

Is it just me, or she holding the sustain pedal down WAY too much ... maybe it's masking the fact that piano could probably use a tune up too? Man, I'm tired and bitchy.

Upvote for coming out and the spirited singing though.

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

While you do a good job pointing out some perceived flaws, am curious to find out what you would do to reverse this trend? I think alot of what you mention is actually sociological and natural in our society. What you are pushing for is as DjSunKid said an extremist stance of feminism.

While there are women who strive to be the leaders in their profession and achieve something for themselves, there is a large segment of the female population that is quite alright with fitting in the stereotype of being female, of dressing up, of being sexy, of being chased, screeching when they see a mouse and looking for a big strong man. There is a entire industry centered around this. This is a standard that has been psychologically upheld by society as a whole, and women themselves. Something I see alot in the society where I live, the Arab world, very few girls try hard here because why should they? They are going to marry a Arabian Istallion and have kids and shop in Gucci and Versace. They are perfectly happy in that role.

I think some of that is social, some of it is psychological from media exposure, the barbie dolls, the princess stories and so on that build up a psychological outlook that some connect with and accept as their own and some reject.

For example look at someone like Ayn Rand.

I talked to a lot of medical students, some of them were female, most of them were heading to OBYGN and pediatrics, both deal with kids and children. They choose to do so. You will hardly find many women in the role of surgeon for example. Is this discrimination?

Back in University I had a chance to befriend a woman in her 50s who was doing adult education, she looked and acted alot like a man. Probing her previous profession she told me she was a construction foreman. She explained that for co workers and clients to take her seriously she had to adopt a hard exterior, or else no one would have obeyed her as a boss or took her seriously managerially. But she had no quams about this, she said certain businesses require male standpoint, not to mean the sex but the qualities, hard, aggressive and stubborn.

Look at how Hillary Clinton tried to meld her campaign, did it pay for her to play on her female side? did it pay for her to become more manly? Then look at someone like Margaret Thatcher. She was asexual as far as am concerned in her politics.

The equality of sexes has been reached, and there has been large progress since the 1800s and the suffrage movement. Women have the right to vote, work, enter politics, and professional occupations. There is still inequality when it comes to pay scale but I believe this is balancing out now in the world economy because administration and business is gender neutral most of the time. Results are far more important.

But does it mean the higher echelons of power are male dominated? Not at all. Germany, Bangladesh, US and many other nations have females who reached high levels of power. There is an abundance of strong female role models.

With regards to the comments on this website, this is the internet the demographic of this website is in the 18-25 range most are students, many are lonely introverted types. Most are male, some are here before or after being to a porn site. This goes a long way to describe the "Omfg shes hot" type of comments.

With regards to cinema and the like, its business. Its marketing and demographics, one shouldn't read too much into it.

The problem Hollywood has with creating female heroes is that they work on base levels so they push a hard women, which is psychologically constructed in such a way as being Bitchy. This is frankly because people in Hollywood think on those levels, they never deal in complicated characters. They need standardized themes, of conflict, and love and very often a strange sex scene where you didn't expect one.

Take the example of Lara Croft that was made into two films. The video game portrayed her as a smart intelligent royal who did tomb raids. Instead of vividly exploring this, by way of Batman orgins where she say fell into a cave and explored and developed into a tom boy and found a ancient dagger or something, they instead went simply with telling the audience that she is that way because her daddy was like that. Because Hollywood producers are idiots and they are desperately trying to connect and hit that 15-20 year demographic that needs to see a tit.

Boarding a train that does not need to stop to pick you up

MINK says...

if MG is going to make a retarded and bitchy driveby comment without thinking it through, i think a condescending reply is justified.

I could do more editing:
"Don't be so retarded. The train doesn't stop. Therefore it's faster and uses less energy. If you thought about that for ten seconds instead of trying to be snide and pitting your wits against japanese transport engineers you wouldn't look so stupid right now."

The Queue Is Still Not Fixed?!?! (Sift Talk Post)

jonny says...

No sweat. I'll keep an eye on it. Apologies if the original post came across as a little bitchy - I have an affinity for the queue. Nutsack kicks will be avoided.

First commercial to feature gays - ran once in 1994 by IKEA

youmakekittymad says...

other than some mild stereotyping what is in bad taste about this? the only thing (other than their predilection for furniture) that identifies these men as gay is their relationship to one another. no one is lisping, shrieking, drag-queen-style effeminate, rampantly bitchy, or any of the myriad other gay stereotypes out there. is showing gays on television in bad taste? is it that ikea is identifying them as a separate market? given when this ad is from, it was admirably forward-thinking of ikea to run an ad like this.

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