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Ellen DeGeneres asks McCain why he opposes gay marriage

dannym3141 says...

No idea what you're on about this time choggie, i saw you mention my name but it's unclear whether it's in a positive or negative light.

So i'll say "xD" and hope that'll defuse the situation.

All i can actually decipher is the bit where you say that gay people are gay because of an anarchistic drive, or a few other things. I'd just like to break the gay community down a little, as far as i know it (i'm not gay, i have some gay friends, in other words i'm no expert but i've seen a range);
(remember this is only how it breaks down in my head)
1) Attention seekers. Generally girls, younger. Mostly claim to be bisexual/kiss a girl to get blokes looking at her
2) Gays who enjoy the sex. Be it for the feeling of deviance or genuine pleasure from the act, they generally are only interested in 1 night stands.
3) Bisexuals who enjoy the sex. See above.
(both these categories usually end up having very brief relationships, and they're often bitchy)
4) Gays/bisexuals who are all about love in the truest form possible. Mostly bisexual by definition, they just fall in love with a person, and whatever sex that person is, that doesn't matter. Often sex is a secondary, tertiary, or less, factor for them. Sometimes sex isn't even in the relationship. Sometimes a bad experience with one gender will put them off that gender and they'll end up being exclusively gay/straight, but only because of the experience they've had.

Imo, 1 2 and 3 can all fuck off and die. I don't care about those people, they're wastrels and they actually disgust me with their fakeness.

4 are great. I'm straight, but other than a slightly higher interest in sex, i fit that description. I was once asked "if you fall in love with someone's personality, could you fall in love with a guy therefore?" and i said; i don't know. I think not, because i am interested in sex, and i am abhorred by the idea of me, personally, having gay sex. That's not to say i am abhorred by gay sex. Do what you want, yaknow?

What i conclude is that description 4 is a great type of person.. if only more people could judge on personality above anything else. But the fact is that we are able to make these choices and discuss this because we are driven to have sex. Everything around us is here because of sex. If we didn't want to fuck, we wouldn't be here.

So perhaps a mix of the two is the way forward!

(If anyone found this offensive, then you must fit category 1, 2 or 3, and i hate you.)

Further conclusion - anyone in a gay relationship long enough is probably a better person than most straight-married couples. They have a bigger right to marriage than those people!

"Sometimes I Doubt Your Commitment To Sparkle Motion"

critttter (Member Profile)

BLANKFIST (Mr.Stanley Kubrick-Bean) gets his 250 DIAMOND!!!! (Happy Talk Post)

Clip from "Battlestar Galactica: Razor" w/ the Pegasus

EDD says...

I actually felt there was less of the "icy-hot bitchiness and brutality" in Razor than in her scenes in the series, partly due to the fact that only about a half or even less of the film talked about Pegasus under Admiral Cain. OK, I won't spoil anything else for you, just see it sometime!

I Don't Care How, I Want It Now!

10398 says...

This video is ridiculous. If Hillary wasn't a woman this video would not exist. A man saying these things would be considered decisive and strong. A woman saying these things is considered bitchy and unreasonably demanding.

Big Brother Machine

Big Brother Machine

What's That Smell? It's a MINK Roast! (Parody Talk Post)

darkrowan says...

What can we really say about MINK. No, really, what can we say and get away with it on a public forum? Little it seems

Some say that MINK is a self-obsessed, egotistical, mean spirited bitchy little twirp. *shuffles around his papers* I guess I forgot the find something to counter that statement *looks at his papers again* Oh wait, now I see why. How'd I get some of your floor droppings is anyones guess.

Now moving on, I have come to find out some interesting facts recently about MINK.

- MINK cannot have children; Despite all the equipment working, should he ever manage to produce a fetus, scientists have all agreed that said fetus would in fact abort itself in shame.

- He has specially designed toilet paper that comes printed with diagrams instructing him on how to wipe his own ass.

-Despite being Lithuania , he has flown in to audition for American Idol,... twice. Neither audition has been televised, as the first consisted of a seventeen minute air-guitar solo, after which MINK whipped out his penis and yelled "Eel!" at Simon Cowell. In the second, he tried and failed to spell the word "apple."

That's enough for today, I'll leave him be. Not for pity, but because I have to go back to work now

Hillary Clinton Crying- "This is Very Personal"

smibbo says...

gee, i wonder how many people would jump all over the shit of a candidate who said the same words while pounding on the podium with passion and intensity. Oh wait, NO ONE because MALE candidates pull that macho crap all the time and people admire them but gahd forbid a female show some emotion!

ANd yet, if Hilary (who I am not voting for) were to try being steadfast, stern and seem passionate like a man, everyone would snark about how cold and bitchy she is. She can't win, in any sense of the word.

'Waiting' - Don't fuck with people who handle your food

Rocky Mountain Collegian: Taser This . . . F*CK BUSH!

swampgirl (Member Profile)

raven says...

thank you, that show has pissed me off for years.

In reply to this comment by swampgirl:
That was so eloquently kick ass

In reply to this comment by raven:
I hate the fact that this show is considered representative of my gender and its concerns... the leaders of the feminist movement 30 years ago would have been appalled to know this was what they were burning their bras for... so ignorant bitches like this can have air time and confirm for everyone that we really are just a bunch of silly, bitchy cunts who can only make babies and spend our husband's money... goddamn The View and any woman who has ever sat at its table.

raven (Member Profile)

swampgirl says...

That was so eloquently kick ass

In reply to this comment by raven:
I hate the fact that this show is considered representative of my gender and its concerns... the leaders of the feminist movement 30 years ago would have been appalled to know this was what they were burning their bras for... so ignorant bitches like this can have air time and confirm for everyone that we really are just a bunch of silly, bitchy cunts who can only make babies and spend our husband's money... goddamn The View and any woman who has ever sat at its table.

WTF? View co-host doesn't know if the earth is flat or round

raven says...

I hate the fact that this show is considered representative of my gender and its concerns... the leaders of the feminist movement 30 years ago would have been appalled to know this was what they were burning their bras for... so ignorant bitches like this can have air time and confirm for everyone that we really are just a bunch of silly, bitchy cunts who can only make babies and spend our husband's money... goddamn The View and any woman who has ever sat at its table.

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