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Buried Alive Prank Does Not End Well

Miss Gay Brazil gets wig snatched by catty sore loser

Ann Coulter On Medical Marijuana

JiggaJonson says...

Damn i wrote that^ before i finished the vid. What a bitchy hissy fit Ann...rawr

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Nobio - Dating with Biometrics

GOOD TO BE ALIVE-DJ Rap ( Charissa saverio)

Bank of America Refuses to Cash Check from Armless Man

So Here I am again..... What about Love? (Wtf Talk Post)

VideoSift 4.0 Launch! (Sift Talk Post)

Greatest wedding procession ever

shole says...

honestly anything from the eighties would have been better than the godawful autotune crap
just think thriller for starters
imagine their children seeing this fifteen years from now, asking them 'did you really actually like this kind of music in your olden times?'
looks like people had fun though.. and i guess that's all that matters in the end

i hope that didn't come off as bitchy and negative

American girl flips the bird, throws drink in dudes face...

inflatablevagina says...

Shes a bitch I will give you that... BUT she didn't HURT him.
She was being a stupid cunt.
He was actually being physically abusive.
That's fucked up. She weighs about 80 pounds. If you can't handle some stupid bitchy chick calling you an asshole... dont go out into fucking public because chances are... you ARE an asshole. I think he has proved my point.

Senator Boxer: Don't You Know Who You're Talking To?

ShakaUVM says...

>> ^cybrbeast:
The military always address each other with their title, so why not address a senator correctly.

Eh, no. Speaking from personal experience, they use sir and ma'am as a respectful form of address when having a conversation. They generally use titles when talking about other people. Maybe a little bit, I guess, but it's pretty awkward using a person's full title every three sentences.

Boxer was just in a bitchy mood I guess.

Obama and White House staffers watch 2girls1Cup (Comedy Talk Post)

How to be a bitchy and stupid biracial butterfly

yourhydra says...

I DID spell check it and it said it was correct! jeez. I KNEW it was wrong too.. bothered to check it and it fucked me up...oh well one thing is being stupid and another is making a simple mistake...but ye thanks i guess

>> ^JackKetch:
As for your headline, did you mean to write "conceited"? If you're going to sift a video ripping someone for their lack of intelligence, you may at LEAST want to use a spell-checker. Not defending this all-too worthless human ...
...just saying.
Conceded is a word, just not the one you were looking for.

JackKetch (Member Profile)

yourhydra says...

u know what i DID spell check it and it said that it was correct. I KNEW it was wrong... bothered to check it and it fucked me up. but ye...thanks for the heads-up/insult anyways. *looks at her university scholarship and cheers up*

In reply to this comment by JackKetch:
As for your headline, did you mean to write "conceited"? If you're going to sift a video ripping someone for their lack of intelligence, you may at LEAST want to use a spell-checker. Not defending this all-too worthless human ...

...just saying.

Conceded is a word, just not the one you were looking for.

How to be a bitchy and stupid biracial butterfly

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'conceded, jade, 50, bitchy, biracial, butterfly, idiot, americas next, top model, antm' to 'conceited, jade, 50, bitchy, biracial, butterfly, idiot, americas next, top model, antm' - edited by nibiyabi

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