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Siftquisition of feature Siftquisition (User Poll by Ornthoron)

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

cybrbeast says...

People will not change easily, it's naive to think this will be solved by changing attitudes. We need science and technology. Bio degradable plastic is the way to go. It can be made to last a month, a year, or five years depending of the use of the plastic.
Another solution would be to genetically engineer a bacterium that's efficiently eats plastic. We'd need to make sure that it could only survive in salty water otherwise it might start eating all the land based plastic that's actually used.

Neither have you tasted my jesus!

MaxWilder (Member Profile)

Throbbin says...

You're probably right....still arrogant though.

In reply to this comment by MaxWilder:
Are you 12? Geez, grow up.

In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
Lick my salty balls you arrogant prick.

In reply to this comment by MaxWilder:
Uh, Throbbin? It's actually not a "helpless harmless innocent civilian". Stepping through it carefully reveals that it's a soldier. But lets be clear, it's a digital representation of a soldier, not an actual person. But that doesn't have the same incendiary ring to it, does it.

This looks like an exciting game. Don't join those wack-jobs who jump to conclusions and hate all games.

The Johnny Depp Song

alien_concept says...

Johnny Depp, you're deep
I'd like to watch you when you sleep
And smell the shirt in which you slept
Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp, you're hip
I'd like to bite your lower lip
And scrunch your Edward Scissor-hair
Johnny bear

You've got tattoos, one said "Winona", I know
But you broke up with her, and now it just says

Johnny Depp, you're cruel
You're the harbinger of drool
Mow my lawn without a shirt
Johnny dirt

John A, John B, John C, John D, John EEEEEEE

Well, you like girls with foreign accents, tiny
I'm not a waif, but I could love you more than you
Probably deserve...

Johnny Depp, you're the bomb
If you'd come to meet my mom
I'd cry a single, salty tear
Johnny dear

John A, John B, John C, John D, John EEEEEE

Throbbin (Member Profile)

MaxWilder says...

Are you 12? Geez, grow up.

In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
Lick my salty balls you arrogant prick.

In reply to this comment by MaxWilder:
Uh, Throbbin? It's actually not a "helpless harmless innocent civilian". Stepping through it carefully reveals that it's a soldier. But lets be clear, it's a digital representation of a soldier, not an actual person. But that doesn't have the same incendiary ring to it, does it.

This looks like an exciting game. Don't join those wack-jobs who jump to conclusions and hate all games.


ROAST X: ITS XTREME!!!! (Parody Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

@schmawy: I didn't hear any complaining when the strawberry jelly was on your muzzle, you kinky bastard. Now behave yourself, I've got a new rifle to try out, kitty cat...

@blankfist: Gay jokes from blankfist...what a surprise! I hope your movies are more original than your comments, or you'll be back to directing gay midget porn soon enough.

@MycroftHolmez: I'm sure that would be somewhat funny if I had seen some geeky movie. Instead it's uninspired and boring. Like you, mycroft.

@mas8705: the channel envy is plain to see. Rocknroll is for men, videogames are for boys...and fat, ugly mid-30s losers who still live with their mom...looking your way, mas.

@kulpims: your name suddenly came up on the list of potential sacrifices.

@firefly: we Europeans aren't squeemish when it comes to phallic land damn prude.

@Zifnab: you know all that talk of me being Mr. Peanut was just a trick to get you to suck my salty nuts? Worked perfectly. His dark helmet bobbing forwards and backwards...memories.

@gorgonheap: you succesfully killed your own joke, not to mention what little respect you might still have had here, with that last comment. How can I kill something that is already dead?

@laura: look who the stalker is now...I want you to tear up that restraining order, laura!

@calvados: you did that with your ex-"girlfriend" as well. I've seen the room for doubt.

@gwiz665: Give me a challenge! This is a guy who sits in front of his computer all day, drinking cola and jerking off at regular intervals. He probably wears glasses too. His idea of wit is quoting Futurama. Despite being heterosexual, he hangs out in gay bars because no woman will speak to him. His mother makes up stuff about him so her friends won't think Lil' Nicky is as pathetic as he is. All in all, we're all richer people for not knowing this guy in person.

@nibiyabi: My hairy back and busted knuckles are powerful aphrodisiacs. Just ask your grandma.

@thinker247: I was looking forward to ripping you a new one, but then you end up praising my name. Bullet dodged for now...

@Crosswords: I'll make an exception and eat ice cream from your decapitated skull. THEN I'll get romantic with said skull. That knife-wielding raccoon won't be able to help you then.

@alien_concept: I think I prefer you keep sending me nude pictures of yourself instead of stuff like this. I know you crave my attention, but like I told you after those inappropriate phone calls you made: "I don't dig bald chicks or wooden legs". And I know you've tried to better yourself, but honestly; 3 teeth, no matter how white, are still 29 too few. Keep looking, Rae, I'm sure there are some guys in the damaged goods department that might go for you.

@NordlichReiter: ...and I'd do it again. And again. Then I probably wouldn't care anymore.

@my15minutes: your 15 minutes were up 5 minutes after you were born, you uninteresting spellchecker you!

@rougy: who are you, why should I care...and why are you wearing my dirty boxers as a hat?

@dotdude: I hear roast of dotdude is a Creole delicacy...

Isaac Hayes - Walk On By (Live)

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

CaptainPlanet420 says...

1) Season - dog season, it's always dog season
2) Place in the world - doghouses
3) Children's book - Dogbert goes to the store
4) TV Series - Dog Whisperer
5) Word - Doggles
6) Film - All Dogs Go To Heaven
7) Curse - Doggone it!
Creature - Dog
9) Past time - taking my dog for walks
10)Person - Rolph from the muppets

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat
12) Sweet or savoury - salty
13) Cereal or Toast - toasted cereal
14) Tan or pale - farmers tan
15) Shoes or barefoot - shoes with bare toes
16) Desktop or laptop - laptop on a desk
17) Drive or walk - ghostride = both
18) Drama or comedy - steven seagal does both
19) Sex or food - foodstamps
20) Futurama or Simpsons - hey dad, can i borrow the handgun?

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - see any of my fine 49
22) A great comment on one of your vids - "Oprah takes a dive" by gwizz
23) Most off the wall member - westy
24) Favourite user name - westy
25) Your most used channel - WTFFFFFFFF
26) Personal dumbass moment - hahahaha
27) Best avatar - John Goodman, clearly
28) Partner in crime - westy, though he doesn't know
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - no one still alive
30) Idea for the site - gimme 90's channel that I would care for like my own child

About you

31) Where do you live - in a big warehouse where dogs run loose, machines make noise and anything can happen
32) Smoker/non-smoker - plz see username
33) Left or right handed - I save the world with all 4 appendages
34) Hair colour - green, hello
35) Relationship status - I have 5 "close friends"
36) How tall - 6' 5" after I butchwax my 'do
37) Children - you are all my children
38) Ever had an operation - yes, i completed them all in 30 mintues too
39) Best feature - my voiceover
40) Use four words to describe yourself - By your powers combined...

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Princess Di
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - OJ is still innocent fund
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Princess Di
44) Relive a moment in your life - with my DVR, I relive them all
45) Have a superpower - mine are Superhuman strength, speed and stamina, Flight, Invulnerability, Super-breath, Telepathy, Psychokinesis, Shape-shifting, Control over the elements, Matter transmutation
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - who crashed the exxon-valdez
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - big oil
48) Be president for one hour - I'd consume the EPA
49) Delete a period in history - every time someone litters
50) Achieve one thing - make a television comeback

Kids In The Hall - Good Fucking Ham

Biden gives the democratic party some much needed balls (Blog Entry by BicycleRepairMan)

choggie says...

Quite the spin, quite the illusion-All you may be witnessing is perhaps, more ruse, more promises made by another cookie-cut, appealing to a universal contempt for actions on the part of a patsy, in GWBush's case, a family scapegoat-

So tired of politicians-They all suck salty chocolate balls, as does the illusory machine that feeds it to the masses, the paltry, defective, illusory, propagandamedia machine.....Yer all suckers.....

I...I...I Think It Touched My Brain!

spoco2 says...

Upvote just because it has a Neti pot. Although he has serious issues if he can't use it correctly.

I have one and they're friggen brilliant! It doesn't hurt, it doesn't make you gag, it doesn't even feel weird... unless:
* When you tilt your head you do so with a backwards slant so it falls out of your nose and runs into your mouth instead... that's not nice
* You have loaded up the water with so much salt it's not in solution so you end up with actual grains of salt in your nose... that kinda hurts
* You put something other than warm salty water in it... like... really cold water, or really hot water, or urine.

Basically, if you have a sinus infection, or gunged up nasal area in general, and are having issues with it... try one of these, they're really cheap, considered safe by all medical practitioners and have been used for centuries in various countries.

oh, and as a bonus unexpected side effect, my skeptic wife told me that it's stopped me snoring too... so bravo to these things.

Lightning Strikes, Triggered with Rockets

bamdrew says...

i saw something about it on the wikipedia page, so i imagine a conductive trail is under research. it makes sense to me that a salty trail of chemicals would be a decent path to ground, just like we're all pretty conductive on the inside.

>> ^deathcow:
u sure about the chemical trail? I have seen this done with thin metal grounded wires ... these rockets are typically launched by blowing into a tube by the way, and having air pressure flip a switch

deathcow (Member Profile)

bamdrew says...

i saw something about it on the wikipedia page, so i imagine a conductive trail is under research. as a bio-engineer it makes sense to me that a salty trail of chemicals would be a good path to ground, just like we're pretty conductive on the inside.

In reply to this comment by deathcow:
u sure about the chemical trail? I have seen this done with thin metal grounded wires ... these rockets are typically launched by blowing into a tube by the way, and having air pressure flip a switch

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