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The Dramatic Cat

rottenseed says...

It's been deemed suitable to submit a clip similar to another if music was added to modify the content of the video. I say you have big balls for it being an entry attempt at sifting a vid. But I like big mean I like when guys have big balls...uh...I mean nuts...I mean cajones...I mean I like salty nuts in my mou—

How to make sticky rice and mango dessert

Chocolate covered bacon!

Why women hate sports

Informal Poll: how do you determine a "siftworthy" video? (Sift Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

If you notice my highest ranked video was my first submission. I've only gone downhill from that point. I'm getting more salty and critical in my old sift-age so it's harder to get an upvote out of me.

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

Just call me Ryjkyj. I was born and raised in Vancouver, Washington. (which is not in Canada)

I was a lurker on the Sift for about a year or two before I signed up. Some of my friends turned me on to it and I've been coming here ever since. I have what's considered by most to be a sarcastic and negative sense of humor, so I'm sorry for offending any/all of you with anything I've said in the past. George Carlin is my hero.

I am 28 year old high school dropout who now lives in New York or The City. I moved here because my girlfriend (now my wife) wanted to go to school out here. My background is in home remodeling and coffee for the most part and I got insanely lucky when I moved to New York to get a job here:

So now I make way more money than I thought possible for my status and spend ALL OF IT on a tiny basement apartment that's more expensive than I could've imagined.

I used to be a gigantic stoner as only someone living on the I5 corridor can be but I stopped all that when I moved here. Now I barely even drink

I am still however, a pack-a-day smoker which has kind of limited my ability to practice my only real interest which is the martial arts. I do not respect Jean Claude Van Dam. I was in Tae Kwon Do from the time I was five until about 18. I know, I know, it's only a sport. Keep telling yourself that, couple it with the fact that I have never hit nor been hit by anyone in anger and take it how you will.

Now I basically just eat salty food and watch TV, though I do love to take long walks around this city and spend a lot of time at the museums here. I also spend any down time by picking up anything that even resembles a weapon and swinging it around like some crazy raver/Jackie Chan wannabe on speed until my arms nearly fall off. A pastime I have enjoyed since before I can remember.

I still haven't even bought a computer out here so literally all of my sifting time comes from screwing off before or after work. I miss all my friends at home (if any of them ever read this) but I love coming here and getting all the different perspectives from people around the world and watching videos until my eyes dry out and I start to lose depth perception.

Thanks to every single one of you, including Bill O'Rielly and even QM for making this a great place to hang out.

Oceania - Bjork

Tyra Banks Goes Homeless... FOR ONE WHOLE DAY

laura says...

oh god. I hate this.

Upvote just because I didn't know people could be so out of touch and still have the guts to go on television and say "look at me, I am so sensitive to 'issues'".
How embarrasing for her. Standing in front of a junk food rack saying "what's going to fill us up longer, something salty or something sweet?" seriously. Big raspberry. pppbbbbttttt

Hey - What's Your Favorite Sifting Snack? (Food Talk Post)

firefly says...

I don't usually snack while I'm sifting, but I do enjoy some Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn: the movie theater butter flavor with the extra cholesterol-upping, artery-clogging meltable butter you pour over. And to go with my salties, I gotta have sweets: a pack of Twizzlers.

...and a Diet Coke.

legacy0100 (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

I know! I've never made Kimchi myself, but I've watched my mom make it and she literally POURS salt onto the cabbage leaves.

In reply to this comment by legacy0100:
simple as it is, it takes a lotta work. BTW feel free to salt the crap out of the leaves. If they're slighty bit too salty, then it's perfect. When they get fermented the saltiness wears down a lot.

BTW it's very odd to see her doing this with traditional ingredients in a very modern kitchen. It just looks surreal to me.

Making Kimchi

legacy0100 says...

simple as it is, it takes a lotta work. BTW feel free to salt the crap out of the leaves. If they're slighty bit too salty, then it's perfect. When they get fermented the saltiness wears down a lot.

BTW it's very odd to see her doing this with traditional ingredients in a very modern kitchen. It just looks surreal to me.

therealblankman (Member Profile)

cheesemoo says...

Thanks again for the recipe! Just made it this weekend - double batch fed 8 + leftovers. Everybody loved it. I now understand why you would be outraged at the inclusion of flour in any alfredo recipe.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
There are lots of recipes that have an official way of doing them- sauces especially. Proper preparation of so-called "mother" sauces, such as bechamel, hollandaise, mayonnaise, demi-glace etc. are one of the foundations of French cooking- and following from that most of the cooking in great restaurants around the world.Many chefs work their entire careers as "Sauciers" or sauce-makers... that's it... that's their job- to make sauces properly. If a Saucier at a top restaurant used flour to thicken his Alfredo, he would lose his job.

Many sauces are complicated and time-consuming, not to mention delicate and demanding. Others are not- like Alfredo. It's unbelievably simple to make. Simply melt 6 or 8 tbsp. of good butter- unsalted is preferable as the cheese is quite salty already, along with 1 cup of heavy cream- heat it until the cream scalds (bubbles lightly- not boils) and the butter is melted, add par-cooked fettucine noodles to the pan and toss to coat. Then add another 1/2 cup of cream and a lot of REAL parmiggiano reggiano cheese- 1 1/2 cups is about right. Grate some pepper and a little nutmeg (optional, but delicious), toss to coat and warm in the pan until the cheese melts and the sauce thickens. As I said- traditionally it is served with peas and shaved parma ham- those can be added at to the pan at the same time as the par-cooked pasta- frozen peas are usually used as their quality is usually better than fresh.

Make this once, and I guarantee you'll never buy bottled crap again, and neither will you use "flour" in your Alfredo.

It is unbelievably rich and satisfying, make it for your sweetheart on a special occasion. Top it with scampi or chicken if you want a complete meal. YUM! Oh, and make sure you serve it hot- straight out of the pan onto the plate and eat it right away- it'll thicken too much if you let it cool down.

Zero Punctuation - Devil May Cry 4

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^Krupo:
>> ^EDD:
ok, it's a little bit off-topic, but Die Hard 4.0 was a very decent revival, I don't get what's his problem with it.

No, I'm not laughing at the idea that DH4 was very decent. I'm quoting myself in the theatre, laughing at the "magic hackers" in the movie.
For an action flick, it was amusing and did its job. But if you stop suspending disbelief for too long you find yourself laughing stupidly hard at a bunch of the technical twists/angles.
Also, the ZPR doesn't seem to be as nsfw as it used to be (maybe since the GDC presentation?), but still is a bit. I listened a second time to see if there was much obvious nsfw here, wondering if he was 'cleaning' things up. There was just enough to make it salty enough for a tag though.

Yeah, I love how everything, includine your toaster and sofa, are connected to the internet in that movie. Seriously, like, wtf?

BUt as for the review - Man, I could tell he really hated this game.

Lighthouse Porn.

Zero Punctuation - Devil May Cry 4

Krupo says...

>> ^EDD:
ok, it's a little bit off-topic, but Die Hard 4.0 was a very decent revival, I don't get what's his problem with it.


No, I'm not laughing at the idea that DH4 was very decent. I'm quoting myself in the theatre, laughing at the "magic hackers" in the movie.

For an action flick, it was amusing and did its job. But if you stop suspending disbelief for too long you find yourself laughing stupidly hard at a bunch of the technical twists/angles.

Also, the ZPR doesn't seem to be as nsfw as it used to be (maybe since the GDC presentation?), but still is a bit. I listened a second time to see if there was much obvious *nsfw here, wondering if he was 'cleaning' things up. There was just enough to make it salty enough for a tag though.

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