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Huge Great White Close Up

Asmo says...

I think this should qualify as *EIA because if you're right, messing with a pregnant female that also happens to be one of the most dangerous apex predators in it's home environment is asking to be weeded out of the gene pool... = \

ChaosEngine said:

IANAMB* but I think that might be a pregnant female. I don't see any claspers and the abdomen seems swelled.

Huge Great White Close Up

ChaosEngine says...

Wow, that is just *stunning. Diving with sharks is a magic experience.

IANAMB* but I think that might be a pregnant female. I don't see any claspers and the abdomen seems swelled.

*I am not a marine biologist... what? It's a well know internet acronym!

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

EMPIRE says...

yes, racism is terrible and american police is usually terrible as well, but I fucking hate these open-carry morons.

Also, the woman filming the black guy was pregnant and she willingly placed herself in this unbelievably stupid situation on purpose. I wonder if she was open carrying as well.

and I agree with ulysses1904, this proves nothing.

Completely Erase Entire Comments from People You're Ignoring (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

True, but not applicable here. In this context that kind of equates to:

"Never have sex and you'll get pregnant anyway."

To mix metaphors even further, my point is: there *is* no spoon.

speechless said:

Ignore sore teeth long enough and there won't be any teeth left.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

Mordhaus says...

We have decided? When did we have this decision? Because it's pretty much an assumption that we all feel that we are better off if our neighbor's children go to college, etc. The road bit is a terrible example, because even if you don't own a car, you use the roads or some other part of transportation that road taxes aid with. I don't feel that I should have to pay for other people's fuckups and I am not the only one to feel that way, by far. If you smoke all your life and then don't have insurance when the cancer comes around, maybe you should have made some other life decisions. If you screw around and get someone pregnant, it isn't my family's responsibility to fix your mistake. If you feel differently, then we are probably going to continue to disagree on everything else.

The numbers are the average of gross monthly income, before taxes. They have less purchasing power because they have far more money removed towards their taxes and because they have a VAT. The local purchasing power is going to vary due to cost of living in each state being different. For instance, the cost of living where I live is much higher than the rest of the state, while the state overall cost of living is less than some other states, such as California.

I am not playing with numbers or inventing facts, just listing what information could be found by simple google searches. As far as the top 5 bottom 5 bit, I can tell you the average middle class family income in 2014 was 4250 US dollars a month gross. This is the average for the entire middle class, which while declining due to various factors is still larger than the upper and lower class in the country.

I am not outraged and indignant for them, I am defending the facts. The fact is that for all they have, they pay through the nose. The fact is that they have a CULTURAL idiosyncrasy that allows them to be happy with being perfectly equal with everyone else, it is the only way a system like this can make someone happy. Do you not grasp that there is almost no single way to get ahead in a society like Norway's? You have to be identical to everyone else. If your idea of happiness is going to a dead end job, working 40 hours, coming home and not being able to do much because you don't have discretionary income, paying for others to not work hard, etc, then by all means move to Norway. Just be careful if you do, because they really don't like paying for immigrants to have free stuff. In fact, they recently had someone get quite violent over it.

I was raised to believe that if you put more effort in that another person, you should be recognized for that effort and get ahead accordingly. Does this mean I agree with CEO salaries? I do not, but that is a different discussion. What I was not raised to believe in is that, if you simply put in the minimum effort, you should get a medal or trophy for just competing. That is bullshit and counter-intuitive to the way the world actually works. If that was actually possible, Darwin would have had a wildly different theory about natural selection.

newtboy said:

I feel like both of you likely made mistaken 'assumptions' in your arguments.
I can't understand how a survey can say 'consumer prices are 36.9% higher there' yet 'local purchasing power is 14.29% higher in the US'...Those numbers don't seem to jibe, or really mean anything without more info. Is that per dollar, per capita, average salary, mean salary, what? If things really cost 36.9% higher there, we SHOULD have near 25% more 'purchasing power' per dollar here, not 14....but you also have to ignore that they have far more dollars per person (even after paying higher taxes) to make your point...and you must also count 'national oil revenue' as 'personal tax' to come up with your numbers...if you did the same for the US, I would accept that, but you don' if the fed only gets money from personal taxes.

EDIT: Also, are your numbers AFTER tax income? I note they are AVERAGE incomes, and in the US, most people make far less than the average, because the top 5% takes 50%GDP (+-). Remove the top 5% and the bottom 5% and you'll see the numbers change drastically, and it will give you a much more realistic picture of the average person's income. I seriously doubt the wage disparity is nearly as pronounced in Norway, but I don't really KNOW.

All you complain about them paying for (whether they use the service or not) is the same in the US, yet the services provided in the US for the money are almost useless, so a near TOTAL waste. Do you not understand that? We have decided that, in a society, it benefits YOU if your neighbors children get educated, and also if your neighbors don't go bankrupt over medical bills, and even if you don't drive, it benefits you to have roads in your area...etc.

I find it hilarious that YOU are outraged and indignant FOR THEM, while they are apparently MUCH happier with the system they live in than you are with yours. You might think about that a minute.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

sirex says...

Well firstly you're making an appeal to extremes which is besides the point, and secondly cancer or unemployment aren't (or at least shouldn't be in the case of unemployment) a choice which isn't the case with having a family. Also beside the point but roads should quite probably be paid by those that use them, which is why road taxing on cars exists.

Anyhow all that nonsense aside, to give you an idea how it works here; you get 6 months off _paid_, most employers push that out to a year. This leads to things like people coming back to work for 2-3 months after the year already pregnant again, then having their second child and taking anouther year off. At the end of the second year off they quit the job. Now, i've seen this happen several times just in my workplace, and i'd say roughly 50% of the people who take the time off when having kids don't come back at all, at the end of it though, they happily take the cash while on leave.

imho, if you want to have kids you should accept that it's going to take a lot of saving money up for it, and hell - it's not like we're struggling with population right now anyhow. People are having kids just dandy, so no, i don't think really any paid time off is a particularly good idea.

Mikus_Aurelius said:

No cancer, seems kinda unfair to pay health insurance premiums toward someone else's treatment.

Haven't been unemployed. Seems kinda unfair to pay for unemployment insurance.

Don't drive much, seems kinda unfair to pay for all these roads.

My kid is in private school, seems kinda unfair that I have to pay for the public ones too.

See where this reasoning takes us?

Labor Games- A Game Show While You Give Birth

Kitten Condos

poolcleaner says...

They likely had a litter from their lone house cat. That's happened to me on several occasions. Enjoy them as cute little menaces to society and then sell/give them away. Better to spay and neuter cats, but sometimes you get a cat that's already pregnant or it happens before you had a chance to.

From personal experience, a household with ~10 cats is manageable but that is where it gets hard (and I don't recommend it). Invest in a couple decent automated litter boxes, feeding set up so the cats don't crowd over one or two bowls. 4 is not bad. Makes for a fun little animal family. Hilarity always ensues. 1 is lonely, 2 is a rivalry, 3 is a crowd, but 4 is a silly family of prankster cats.

But then there is the mother who is off camera, so that's 5 cats. That's fun. Sibling cats who grow up around their mother become very caring and mature better. I had a scenario where my male and female kittens had kittens. It was so cool studying their family structure. Seeing the attachments the kittens have to the mother and father, and allowing it to grow to fruition is a joy to see, even if it's not always possible to keep the fam together every time.

Animal family units are awesome and I almost feel like every human family should have a protectorate animal family that is their duty to protect and nurture. If you can raise an entire animal family, you can do anything. Human families are narcissistic barbie playsets for most people, so this is less disturbing to me than a family with 4 children.

eric3579 said:

Cute,but that sure seems like a lot of cats for one household.

Rescued cougar orphans

Is Destin the best Dad there is?

Fairbs says...

I don't like the phrase, 'we're pregnant'. As a man, I feel you're part of the process, but you're are obviously not pregnant. I think it kind of takes away from the woman who actually has the growing parasite in her and it's her body that's going through all the changes, and also has to do all of the right things to ensure the baby has the best chance.

Surprise! I'm pregnant!

modulous says...

There was a whole host of contraceptive methods that I didn't mention. That some methods are more effective than others doesn't stop the existence of accidental pregnancies. I hope nobody is coming here for contraceptive advice, but if they are I'll thank you for the additional information anyway. I wouldn't recommend a 19 year old male has a vasectomy under most circumstances, though, any more than I would a hysterectomy for a similarly aged woman.

Sex isn't 'designed' for anything at all. It's a verb. It is no more designed than 'driving' is (a reasonable argument may exist that it is less designed than driving). It has many functions, procreation isn't the only one (which is why sex seldom results in pregnancy even when intended (I think its about 0.3% to 1% effective at causing pregnancy per attempt). The analogy is not the thing, the important point is the linguistic parallel rather than the similarity of action. One of a car's purposes, as you hint at, is to collide with things. This is not the norm, but it exists - whether it is for science or entertainment. Also, some people buy cars so that they can crash them for insurance purposes. Thus, one can crash a car deliberately, or by accident. Like a pregnancy. The fact that the car was built in a factory and the body was built through billions of years of evolution is not important.

An accidental pregnancy is a socially useful label used to describe the phenomena when people who have sex get pregnant, though pregnancy was not the intent of their sex. It is in contrast to a planned pregnancy in which the couple intends, as one of the outcomes of the sex, to procreate.

newtboy said:

You forgot vasectomies. They are near 100% effective...but only if you 1)wait after the surgery, because there's still sperm in the system for a while, and 2) go back to the doctor to get tested to be SURE your vas deferens didn't heal together, which happens in a few percent of cases. Once you're sure it worked though, you're safe for life (from pregnancy).

I'm not sure the car analogy works....driving isn't intended to cause 'accidents' like sex is....unless you're a demolition derby driver, then OK, I'm with you.

Surprise! I'm pregnant!

modulous says...

So you dislike the term accident?

I mean, if I have a car accident, would you say you love that term too? We know how car accidents happen, after all.

Or maybe it means 'unplanned'. I didn't plan on hitting that car, I didn't intend for my gamete to meet hers and successfully fuse and implant. I know that crashing, and pregnancy, are risks when I drive/fuck but that doesn't mean I intended for the risks to manifest at this particular moment in life.

And birth control failures are not extreme. They happen with alarming regularity (though they almost never result in pregnancies, much like actual sex). However - a woman who relies solely on male condoms for birth control has a 2% chance of getting pregnant that year (assuming average sex life). Hardly extreme stuff. 2 in every 100 sexually active women, fertile women who rely on condoms alone will get pregnant every year. It's between 1 in a 1000 to 1 in 100 for the contraceptive pill. Given how many people are having sex - this is not a rare thing.

Esoog said:

I love the term "accidental pregnancy". Come on, its no accident. By now, we should all know how it happens.

(yeah, I'll give you the rare birth control failure...but that's the extreme).

nock (Member Profile)

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Sex Ed teacher gets around no condom demo law

Jerykk says...

The idea is that sex should only be used for reproduction and not for fun. As such, if you're going to have sex, you shouldn't wear protection (as that would undermine your reproductive potential) and if you do get pregnant, you should keep the pregnancy because getting pregnant is the whole point of sex.

speechless said:

It's interesting to me that the same people who are anti-contraceptive (and against sex-education or availability of contraceptives) are also the same people who are anti-abortion.

How do they not see the correlation between unwanted pregnancy and abortion? And yet, they don't want any more "welfare moms" either? /confused.

jon stewart-deluge of depravity-the torture papers

scheherazade says...

I lost the link to this one old report from early on in the latest Iraq war. Anyone have a link to the one about US troops arresting hot girls off the street so they could gang rape them in prison, where the ones that became pregnant disappeared and were never seen again? They had a bit in the report about higher ups finding out and confiscating the cell phone videos, and the administration saying it would serve no good purpose to release them. I'm wondering if those vids will ever see the light of day... doubt it.


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