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newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Brittany Maynard - Death with Dignity

Sniper007 says...

When all information regarding this topic needs to be filtered through "peer reviewed scientific studies" invariably funded by mega corporations who have nothing to gain from discovering whole plant based cures, your opinions will be more than a little biased.

Here's a few accounts:

"Ten months ago girlfriend was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. Immediately switch to all organics/non GMOS and started taking the oil. Half way into the treatment test results showed the lesion had shrunk half its size and was now precancerous. Last week new tests showed she is not only CANCER FREE but PREGNANT which they said may never happen. Rick Simpson I really owe you, brother. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Jason
“I have a good friend Scott with cerebral palsy. About 6yrs ago he was in and out of hospital, they just throw in meds at him. Finally his mom said there's got to be another way. After he went from 200 pounds to 110 we thought we were gonna lose him until he started consuming cannabis. After six months he was back to normal and put all the weight back on and takes half the meds. He has outlived 3 times over what doctors said and they say he's just lucky. I have other thought.” Shane
“This is my brother who the dr said he had 2 months with inoperable liver cancer. That was a year ago. His tumor has shrunk to 1/4 size. His tumor markers went from 5667 to 94. He is living proof. He still runs his own business. Both Northwestern in Chicago and Mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota gave him that diagnosis. He consumes the oil.” Holley
“Thank God we found Rick’s site when we did..... I started the oil 4 months ago and the spot where my tumor was removed is closed up!!! They told my GBM stage 4. And I would die in a year and half. Been 15 months and feel better than ever.... We really want to tell the world!!!!! Saved my life for sure.” Rachel

-- Tell everyone you can that there is a safe and effective cure/control for cancer, and that it can be used as a prevention against cancer, too. The sooner you start spreading the word in your community the sooner people will overcome their hesitations and will demand this medicine. Be ready for a lot of resistance in the beginning. If you let them read posts and comments on this page, I think it will take less time to convince them. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about this medicine. JB

More info and testimonials: "Cure for Cancer: Rick Simpson Protocol -- the newest book from Rick Simpson and Jindrich Bayer specifically details how to use cannabis extract medicine to cure cancer, going into extensive detail on the official Rick Simpson protocol."

Little Boy Goes Off On His Mom For Getting Pregnant

Little Boy Goes Off On His Mom For Getting Pregnant

Little Boy Goes Off On His Mom For Getting Pregnant

siftbot says...

This video has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by chicchorea. If this nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.

Little Boy Goes Off On His Mom For Getting Pregnant

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

VoodooV says...

Then he changes his argument from "you can't prove it" to "women deserve to get paid less because they choose to get pregnant"

With a copious amount of ad homs, anecdotal evidence, conspiracy theories, and expletives.

Aka: trolling

Weird Al Gets 'Tacky' With Pharrell's 'Happy'

eric3579 says...

It might seem crazy, wearing stripes and plaid
I instagram every meal I've had
All my used liquor bottles are on display
We can go to see a show but I'll make you pay

(Because I'm Tacky)
Wear my belt with suspenders and sandals with my socks
(Because I'm Tacky)
Got some new glitter ugs and lovely pink sequined crocs
(Because I'm Tacky)
Never let you forget some favor I did for you
(Because I'm Tacky)
If you're okay with that, then, you might just be tacky, too

I meet some chick, ask her this and that
Like are you pregnant girl, or just really fat? (What?)
Well, now I’m dropping names almost constantly
That's what Kanye West keeps telling me, here's why

(Because I'm Tacky)
Wear my Ed Hardy shirt with fluorescent orange pants
(Because I'm Tacky)
Got my new resume it's printed in Comic Sans
(Because I'm Tacky)
Think it’s fun threatening waiters with a bad Yelp review
(Because I'm Tacky)
If you think that's just fine, then, you're probably tacky, too

Bring me shame, can't nothing
Bring me shame, can never know why
Bring me shame, can't nothing
Bring me shame, I said
Bring me shame, can't nothing
Bring me shame, it's pointless to try
Bring me shame, can't nothing
Bring me shame, I said

(Because I'm Tacky)
43 Bumper Stickers and a "YOLO" license plate
(Because I'm Tacky)
Bring along my coupon book whenever I'm on a date
(Because I'm Tacky)
Practice my twerking moves in line at the DMV
(Because I'm Tacky)
Took the whole bowl of restaurant mints. Hey, it said they're free
(Because I'm Tacky)
I get drunk at the bank
And take off my shirt, at least
(Because I'm Tacky)
I would live-tweet a funeral, take selfies with the deceased
(Because I'm Tacky)
If I’m bitten by a zombie, I’m probably not telling you
(Because I'm Tacky)
If you don't think that's bad, guess what, then you're tacky, too

nock (Member Profile)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hobby Lobby Dissent -- SUNG!

bobknight33 says...

Hobby Lobby has no objection of 16 forms birth control methods and gladly provides for its employees under the ACA act. They only object to 4, which these cause the demise of the fertilized egg.

To say this a serious blow to woman's right is bunk.

To say once again Men ( 5 to 4 men ) deciding women rights is bunk.
( men decided Roe V Wade)

If you want to prevent getting pregnant, Hobby Lobby has no issue with that.

If you want to murder, don't expect Hobby Lobby to pay for it.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Dr. Oz

Asmo says...

Umm, I'm not sure how your response is relevant to my comment...

Thalidomide was a drug given to pregnant women for nausea iirc which caused horrible defects in children. It was a classic case of a drug that was not regulated properly and should never been allowed on the market.

The reason why drugs undergo testing is because sometimes the side effects are far worse than any benefit they might provide. ShakaUVM was going on about deregulation, but if he'd watched the vid he would have seen the segment on a homeopathic remedy (ie. unregulated) which caused deaths and severe reactions. Perhaps if there was regulation, those people wouldn't be dead...

RedSky said:

Not true, at least not the primary reason.

The reason they're high is because pharmaceutical companies can get away with charging high prices and reaping high margins, because of their strong competitive position, margins some 50% higher in the US than the EU.


See page 12 - Pre R&D margins are 65% in the US to 43% in the EU.

A big reason for this is the lack of a universal public option, only Medicare exists for the elderly, Medicaid for the poor. With a universal public option like in most developed countries, the monopsony buying power of the government for a much larger part of the population would force down margins.

Emily's Abortion Video

lantern53 says...

Sure, I understand the other side of the argument, that a person should be able to do with his body whatever, which I can appreciate, however, we're talking about what rights the fetus has. At a certain point, the fetus has rights, which is why late term abortions are illegal in most places.

A friend of mine once got a girl pregnant, she went to have an abortion. He found out the girl would have had twins. He regretted the decision she made for the rest of his life.

My stepdaughter had a baby out of wedlock. She was pressured to have an abortion by her father.

Yesterday I attended her college graduation, double major, cum laude honors and the sweetest and most beautiful young lady you ever met.

My sister had a baby out of wedlock, she was pressured to get an abortion by the father's family. Now that baby is a physician's assistant, has two beautiful daughters whom my sister loves like nothing else.

So you can go and have an abortion, but what have you denied your own life...

I know a lot of you will just say 'it's her right, blah blah blah', but this world is not enriched by death, only by life.

BoneRemake said:

Yes it does, which is why logic dictates in most modern law what is and is not a functioning "human" or "embryo" or what have you.

You seem to really not want to understand... have you made any effort on your own to understand the other position in this fence post argument??

I do not want to offend but it seems so. a collection of cells gather into a certain stage.. at earlier stages it is just that. which is why I brought up the soul issue..

Emily's Abortion Video

ChaosEngine says...


I have to admit I started watching the video and switched it off almost immediately. I simply have no desire to see this.

I don't like abortion. I don't think anyone does. I'm 100% glad it's legal though, because until you're in that situation, you can't judge.

@enoch, a question (and feel free to tell me it's none of my business): You say don't condemn, but if the child was yours, would it be the end of the relationship for you? I've often wondered about this myself. I don't want kids, but I think I'd struggle if my wife got pregnant and wanted an abortion. Part of me feels that it's the ultimate dick move to abandon someone you love at one of the lowest points of their life, but equally, I'm not sure I could live with it.

VoodooV said:

I actually don't get her decision to film her abortion. I don't get why anyone would want to make something so private so public. But my approval is not a requirement, she could care less what VoodooV thinks, and rightly so.

Singapore Tourism Board - See where the world is heading

grinter says...

"Surprise! I'm pregnant!"
"Oh... well, I'm sure that the white AND red wines you drank with lunch won't deform the baby..

..also, did you just hand me something you peed on? I'm glad we didn't open the box at lunch."

Guess they got down on National Night?

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