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Wingsuiters Chase Skiiers Down a Mountain, One Almost Dies

Payback says...

Actually, that was some pretty deep powder on a 45 degree slope with no major oncoming obstacles. If you're going to hit something at Mach 6 and survive, it would be powder snow.

Several videos out there of people skydiving and surviving hitting the ground at terminal velocity with only a drag chute deployed. Granted, they are major puckered units, but that is a situation more akin to "almost died".

I guess what I mean is, I don't classify near misses as "almost dying". It's like saying she's "almost pregnant" after pulling away before coitus.

shveddy said:

Wingsuit terrain flying is kinda an either - or sort of thing. If something goes wrong you either have spectacular footage of a close call and you walk away scot free, or you die. There isn't much middle ground where paramedics would be useful.

This guy was incredibly close to dying pulling a turn like that.


Pregnant Mom Attempts Murder-Suicide by Driving Into Ocean

Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

Anti-abortion Ohio legislator-"I never even thot about it"

bcglorf says...

Was gonna come on to say exactly that.

It's too bad that having an actual debate on abortion is nearly impossible.

People that believe life begins at conception are morally opposed to abortion as based on that belief abortion is taking a human life and only tolerable or forgivable if done to save another life.

People who do not believe life begins at conception are morally opposed to dictating what a pregnant human can and can not do with their body, again based on that belief.

The debate IMHO must, absolutely must, be around when life begins but nobody wants to talk about that. People want to decry the baby killers and the woman hating religious bigots.

Meanwhile, that digging in of everyone's heals leads to abortion clinics being bombed to save the children, and people lobbying for abortions to be legal up until the day before the child would be born(current Canadian law I'll add). I'd dare say neither extreme is supported by the majority, but people's biases on the subject don't seem to allow enough compromise to condemn the extreme ends of there own 'side'.

robbersdog49 said:

That's what I was thinking. I agree with all the arguments people in this thread have made, that abortion is a good thing and that more people should fight for a woman's right to make their own choices about their body.

But I can't help but feel they're all missing the point. You're absolutely right, he hasn't thought about it because it's completely irrelevant to his reasons for wanting the bill.

Twist it round a little bit and imagine they were talking about actual murder of grown up people, and bringing in a law to stop it. The reporter asks the bill's sponsor if they've thought about why the murderer wants to murder. It would seem like a ridiculous question. What difference does it make? Killing people is wrong and you shouldn't be allowed to do it, regardless of how much you might want to.

Obviously that's a hypothetical situation, but from the republican/christian point of view it's an identical argument. The question is irrelevant.

Anti-abortion Ohio legislator-"I never even thot about it"

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Republican Shutdown Threats

Lawdeedaw says...

But where does that stop? Should insurance be able to deny pregnancy aid if it is not high risk? (You could argue fuck yes! Pregnancy is a woman's choice. You want to get pregnant, you get help from the pharmacy down the street! Sonograms? Fuck you.)

What about things to reduce pain like epidural? If they denied that maybe women would stop having babies so don't you think that wise?

lantern53 said:

Here we go again. You want access to birth control? Go down to the pharmacy and pick some up. Don't make me pay for it. You don't pay for my meds, I don't pay for yours.
Fucking gov't lying toads.

Men of the Sift, Is this a thing? Seriously??

Men of the Sift, Is this a thing? Seriously??

albrite30 says...

I want to get chingalera's comments pregnant.
Someone with some musical talent and autotune should put all chingalera's comments to soft music.

chingalera said:

Soul and R&B is in digression like most forms of popular music-The phenomena follows a pattern with the downfall of any great culture or society. World in decline = art in decline.

From lame-ass, base human experience lyrics like these to auto-tuning and other such overproduction designed to mask innate lack of talent, R&B has suffered the worst of the described decline. This song = complete, talent-free shit, but for those that have no reference, maybe it sounds what...Goodish??

It's the end of the goddamn world

True Facts About The Frog

Wife throws a Temper Tantrum trying to get her way

Pretty neat ElectroRumba!

robbersdog49 says...

That's a powerful song, particularly with the backstory. He sees a world where all the other kids have their dad to take a lead from, but he's only got what, a memory? An idea? Nothing to lead him. Nothing to show him what to do.

"Come on, tell us who does?
Everyone knows
How babies are made
But no one knows
How fathers are made
Mister Know-it-All,
It's in our blood, that's it.

Should I suck this out of my thumb or what?
Tell me where I can find the answer.
It must be at least a thousand times that
I've sucked my fingers dry."

My wife is 4 1/2 months pregnant with our first child. This song and video hit every insecurity I've got. I don't think anyone ever teaches you to be a dad, it's just in your blood. I hope I get it right...

Herbs And Empires: A Brief History Of Malaria Drugs

MilkmanDan says...

Interesting. I've got a semi-relevant story, but I get long winded so feel free to skip to the next comments if you like.

My wife (Thai) and I (American) had our first daughter this year. When she first got pregnant, one of the doc's first priorities was to get us both tested for "Thalassemia", which I had never heard of before. Apparently it is a blood disorder that affects hemoglobin production and therefore red blood cells -- if both parents carry the (rather rare) recessive gene, it can be a pretty bad deal.

It turned out that my wife is in the 1% or so of Thais that carry the gene (but she doesn't express / suffer from it, it is recessive and she has the dominant gene also). I had to get tested as well, but they said it would be incredibly unlikely that I'd be positive and I wasn't. So, our daughter has a 25% chance of being a carrier like my wife but zero chance of suffering from the effects of it.

Anyway, I was curious about the disease and asked the doc why it is a big deal here (every pregnant couple MUST get screened for it here when getting hospital/prenatal care) but I'd never even heard of it in the US. It turns out that the disease / genetic mutation arose only in places with high rates of malaria. As it happens, the genetic effect on your blood cells that the mutation has makes you more resistant to malaria -- full-on exhibitors of it (two recessive genes) are far less likely to die of malaria than people that don't have the gene. That is, assuming that you don't have the extreme variants of it that make it very unlikely to survive early childhood. Basically, if you have the disease and yet are healthy enough to survive to adulthood, you're close to malaria immune (that's overstating it, but ballpark). The malaria parasite can't survive and reproduce properly on your funky Thalassemia-affected red blood cells.

I thought that was a pretty interesting evolutionary response that must have arisen from some populations being pretty much decimated by malaria back in pre-recorded history. Current carriers like my wife are probably the descendants of lucky folks that survived a deadly outbreak in history by virtue of having a disease/mutation that is, under normal circumstances, slightly or even extremely bad in species survival / reproductive fitness terms. I thought that was kinda cool -- but I'm glad that neither my wife nor my daughter are/can be full-on expressors of the gene.

The Red Wedding

Yogi says...

The first part of the stabbing of a womans pregnant belly to me was horrifying. After that I didn't really care what happened to anyone else. After the shock of seeing that I realized that it looked amazingly fake.

If anyone here has ever seen someone stabbed I'm sure they could comment.

Mommy To Be Doll | They Actually Made That!?

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