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firefly (Member Profile)

32 best quotes from joss whedons sci-fi/western- firelfy

32 best quotes from joss whedons sci-fi/western- firelfy

32 best quotes from joss whedons sci-fi/western- firelfy

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Yogi:

Every once in awhile I pull out Firefly and watch them. To me it's just like Arrested Development...I could feel like crap and it'll make me feel amazing. I wish there was more but I'm damn grateful that there was something.

Sometimes it's best things die early before they sour. I pretend the first and second seasons of Battlestar Galactica are all that exist!

32 best quotes from joss whedons sci-fi/western- firelfy

Yogi says...

Every once in awhile I pull out Firefly and watch them. To me it's just like Arrested Development...I could feel like crap and it'll make me feel amazing. I wish there was more but I'm damn grateful that there was something.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

Psychologic (Member Profile)

GeeSussFreeK (Member Profile)

Christina Hendricks In 'Firefly' In 2002

THE ACORN 'Crooked Legs' from 'Glory Hope Mountain'

What are you Watching? (1sttube Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

I just finished The Pacific. I really liked Band of Brothers, so I had high hopes, but in the end I felt it was not completely up to par with its predecessor. Nice to learn a little bit of WW2 history from the other side of the globe, though.

Right now I'm at a loss as to what I should watch next. I watched the first two episodes of Mad Men, and while I enjoyed the retro scenery, the storyline didn't really drag me in. I'm thinking of continuing on with season 3 of Dexter, and watch Arrested Development for comedy, since everyone speaks so highly of it. When Game of Thrones comes out, I will watch that. I would love suggestions, though. Things I've seen and enjoyed in the past:

-The Wire
-Battlestar Galactica
-Doctor Who

For all you Browncoats out there: She Don't Like Firefly

VoodooV (Member Profile)

Summer Glau's wushu training

Dead Island Trailer - VERY well done

visionep says...

I'll watch movies that are sad stories about kids, but I won't normally watch them twice. Video games are a different type of entertainment for me where I need to put in physical and mental effort into the story to make it progress. By adding that extra involvement I become much more emotionally entwined with a game than I ever would in a book or movie.

I'm not saying that I don't like conflict or stories with trails and tribulations in general, it is more that some subjects when presented a certain way make me uncomfortable so I'll choose other forms of entertainment instead. It's akin to people not liking horror flicks because they don't like to be scared.

Grave of the fireflies is a good example of a movie that I think is really good, but I don't have any inclination to see again. While being very well done and putting a very realistic light on war, it is very sad and I don't search out entertainment that makes me sad.

No worries on the attack bit, I don't mind explaining myself when I was just being sincere.
>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^visionep:
Very well done, but like Heavy Rain I won't be playing this game.
I'd rather not explore those stories where I might interject my love and caring for my children with a digital character that is abused by the writers.

Do you not watch any films or read any books then? Or is it only digital fictional characters that you refuse to give emotional feeling to? It sounds as though you think you're being evilly manipulated. They've only done what fictional storytelling has done since forever.
"Abuse" of fictional characters is what leads to tragedy in a story, it gives a story a purpose and there's tragedy in (i'll be bold and say it) every decent story. Harry Potter's parents were murdered, he wants revenge. JK Rowling did not manipulate you to feel care for Harry so that you'd buy the book. Without his parents being murdered, there was no reason to be interested about his particular story of revenge and growth.
Would you really like to.. i dunno, read about some hobbits that find a magical ring which turns them invisible, so they win at hide and seek and live happily ever after? That's just a toddler's book.
How do you feel its different in game form? Genuine question, not an attack. Edit: well, probably a little bit attacking, you caught me off guard with that comment!

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