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farscape-scorpius interview-most under-rated villain

Jinx says...

God I loved Farscape. No doubt its not as good as Firefly, but its a show from my childhood. I watched through the first season again recently, and wow does it dump on the cheese (which I normally hate) but it somehow gets away with it.

Claudia Black helps matters a fair bit too.

farscape-scorpius interview-most under-rated villain

srd says...

It's a different kind of fun. Was Firefly better? Yes. Was Farscape shit? Far from it. Last of the good scifi series as far as I'm concerned. Everything since then has me either annoyed or bored.

Edit: Wrt different kind of fun - more Jim Hensony. Kind of like Pigs in Space for grownups who still love their muppets.

farscape-scorpius interview-most under-rated villain

ant (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I was struggling at the time and had too many things open to give the actual url. If you do a search for that title, it should show up.

I don't think it is a dupe though -- turns out there are lots of videos with pink owls. I got confused by the volume of them by the end.

Search for "owl" brings up loads of owl videos, pink or no.

In reply to this comment by ant:
>> ^bareboards2:

any relation to this vid "The Owl: 8 episodes. Not Nite Owl." There is a pink owl in it.

Fixed and thanks. : What's the URL to that video?

The Owl - The Fireflies (starring VideoSift's Firefly).

Zero Punctuation: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

firefly (Member Profile)

residue says...

thank you!

I agree, the pictures with boyfriends hiding behind their girlfriends are pretty awesome

In reply to this comment by firefly:
This is some *quality stuff, no doubt. :

My favorites are the guys hiding behind their gals such as this one:
or this one:
or this one:

My heroes.

Awesome photo gallery of people in a haunted house (Fear Talk Post)

Awesome photo gallery of people in a haunted house (Fear Talk Post)

The Avengers (2012) - First Trailer

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^berticus:

i would trade a million of these shitpiles for another episode of firefly.
fuck you, world.

Directed by Joss Whedon, woot? But ya, moar firefly would be great. Given that is isn't coming back (or have the same deflated spark family guy has if it did), I willingly accept the new projects of Joss Whedon whole heatedly, except Glee.

The Avengers (2012) - First Trailer

The Hero of Canton: The Folk Hero Jayne Cobb (Firefly)

Ballad of Jayne

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'firefly, serenity, whedon, jaynestown' to 'Hero of Canton, Ballad, Folk Hero, Jayne, Cobb, Jaynestown, Firefly, Serenity, Whedon' - edited by Lilithia

Firefly on-set shenanigans

Ornthoron (Member Profile)

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