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Ornthoron (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

firefly (Member Profile)

Rugby Rules 101

Firefly Outtakes

Firefly Outtakes

Sgt. asks Mila Kunis on a date.

ACLU-just say no to the war on drugs

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

Awwww..... FUCK that stupid "DING" sound. OMFG.

Agreed. It was *DING!* annoying, *DING!* pointless and *DING!* did I mention fucking annoying.

I like the concept of content producers agreeing to make more stuff in exchange for policy changes though. We could get another season of Firefly if they slash the military budget. Or Pink Floyd could reform if they repeal the patriot act. Or Simon Cowell could come back to American Idol if they get rid of the TSA... actually, fuck that. I'd rather be groped by a sweaty man at an airport than have more of that shit on tv.

Every Michael Bay Movie In Under A Minute

MarineGunrock says...

I agree with everything. Also, I need to point out that 99%of movie explosions are bullshit. Explosions do not have gigantic fireballs. I was fucking SHOCKED to find out Bad Boys 2 was a Bay film, specifically because the explosions (at the end, in Cuba) were so realistic. No giant flames. Just an explosive force demolishing shit. I'm mainly talking about the part where Will Smith shoots the guard post with the AT-4 rocket launcher. >> ^Jinx:

Actuaaallllly I really liked the way Firefly was shot. And that part of the movie where they rush the blockade with all those Reaver ships on their tale was class.
ps. Does anybody else find movie explosions terribly underwhelming? Oh, they set fire to some gasoline again. yawn. How about some actual shockwaves Hollywood, how about making explosions that look like they take people lives, not just eyebrows. Thx.

Every Michael Bay Movie In Under A Minute

direpickle says...

>> ^Jinx:

Actuaaallllly I really liked the way Firefly was shot. And that part of the movie where they rush the blockade with all those Reaver ships on their tale was class.
ps. Does anybody else find movie explosions terribly underwhelming? Oh, they set fire to some gasoline again. yawn. How about some actual shockwaves Hollywood, how about making explosions that look like they take people lives, not just eyebrows. Thx.

Joss Whedon wrote Alien Resurrection. Joss Whedon wrote Alien Resurrection! Joss. Whedon. Wrote. Alien. Resurrection.

Every Michael Bay Movie In Under A Minute

Jinx says...

Actuaaallllly I really liked the way Firefly was shot. And that part of the movie where they rush the blockade with all those Reaver ships on their tale was class.


ps. Does anybody else find movie explosions terribly underwhelming? Oh, they set fire to some gasoline again. yawn. How about some actual shockwaves Hollywood, how about making explosions that look like they take people lives, not just eyebrows. Thx.

firefly (Member Profile)

What if Earth had rings like Saturn?

Roger Goodell booed mercilessly at NFL draft

Another Earth - Haunting 2011 Trailer

poolcleaner says...

I had a dream about this movie once...

Oceanic Flight 815, en route to Earth 2, crash lands on a desert planet infested with giant sand worms and zombies. In an attempt to get home, the survivors encounter Jeffrey Sinclair on board a space station caught in a time rift, who reveals that he has been chasing Q who is commanding an army of half-Scarran, half-Sylons with Goa'uld symbiotes to conquer a magical island in Neverland. And the only one who can save the universe is Jim Raynor, captain of a stolen Firefly, and his life partner, a half Wookie, half Time Lord who has sworn a life debt to the captain. They have a depressed robot sex slave who isn't attracted to them and each of them owns a power ring, bestowed to them by the Guardians of the Universe (who are all dwarves, except for one of them who is Tom Waits).

You don't even want to know who the crew of the Firefly is. It will blow your fucking mind. Ok, I'll tell you: Napoleon, Socrates, Sigmund Fruuud, Billy the Kid, Genghis Kahn, and Ludwig Van; then for some reason Whoopie Goldberg is there with William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, and Malcolm McDowell, who can't stop pining over Beethoven. At the end of the movie, the crew is clean cut, the robots are all shiny, and the ghosts of Bill Hicks, Rufus, Obi-wan, Pizza the Hut, Dr. Frankenfurter, and Alf are all sitting around waiting for you to wake up -- but, when you wake up -- you're Homer Simpson! OMG don't tell ANYONE about the twist ending or the sequel where he meets Hank Hill who gets abducted by aliens and meets spooky Fox Mulder and that sexy redhead Leeloo.

My mind is exploding! There may be another me who isn't as awesome as the real me and enjoyed the movie The Notebook... Pshhhhhh -- Frell the frack off. Every alternate reality of me smokes pot and makes or plays video games. Stop trying to change me, universe!

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