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Transferring Power Points to another user (Sift Talk Post)

Monkey Protest

Mitt's Magical Mormon Undies: Penn Jillette's Rant Redux

shagen454 says...

Oh, come on. Most people in church are there as a part of tradition. I went to church for eighteen years and then when given the opportunity I ran far, far away. I hate stupid fucking American traditions that includes family gatherings at Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving all of it, its all fucking stupid, fuck it all.

But, many people find solidarity and comfort through keeping traditions, it doesn't matter if they think about or agree with the sermon because after the sermon donuts will be served. Id rather stand for the actual truth and be shoved into a police car because of it.

Grimm (Member Profile)

Do you celebrate your birthday? (Kids Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Incidentally, I did dedicate an International Day dedicated to ME as an event on Facebook this past summer - something I think I'll promote every year - because it was fun and people brought me coffee and donuts.

-People who know me on facebook can link to the event from my FB page.

Epic Bus Ad from Denmark - Midttrafik commercial: The Bus

spoco2 (Member Profile)

Börk, börk, börk!

Auger8 says...

Never noticed that was Jim Henson doing the Swedish Chef before but I can recognize his voice now. That doughnut bit was genius too!

Side Note: Why is the world is "Doughnut" spelled singularly "Doughnut" but plurally spelled "Donuts"! I just noticed this lol.

Usain Bolt gets a once over

Kofi says...

bah *dead . Sad panda.

There was heaps of this going on though. Who can blame them? Wish I was in that kind of shape. Then again.... donuts taste so good.


Most Obedient Cat Ever

Smoking Pot VS Cigarettes

Smoking Pot VS Cigarettes

Arrested for Fake Peeing

mxxcon says...

>> ^Confucius:

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
There's always some joyless old bastard.
Hope they sue him for wrongful arrest. You cannot let people like that get away with misusing their power

Cop is a douche but he has a point. Cops being called and sent around all over the city to stop people from fake peeing. Sure hope im not getting robbed when that happens when someone is fake peeing.
I sure hope given 2 calls at the same time, a cop would pick robbery over pee. And I sure hope that 1 camera crew at one location would not over-exhaust a police department that some crime would have to go unaddressed. Otherwise these pigs should spend less money on donuts and drugs and hire more qualified officers.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al Found Guilty of War Crimes

TheFreak jokingly says...

I've been inspired. I'm hereby setting up a tribunal to judge crimes against donuts. Winchell's will be the first defendant.

Done. Tried and convicted. I hereby demand that all Winchell's employees be handed over for sentencing.

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