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Dunkin' Donuts Employee Throws Hot Coffee On Robber

First Time Wax

Jumping spider mating ritual with sounds: Turn up the volume

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Porn Sites ( - Aziz Ansari

VBS: Fresh off the Boat: MISSION BURRITOS

chingalera says...

Used to live at 6th and Market in the second-story apt. directly above Cancun. just around the corner on 6th, Tu Lan Vietnamese (best in SF, SF-Weekly) and a 24-hour donut shop. Damn I miss San Fran!!

Developing Chemical Toxins to Dumb Down Society

chingalera says...

Yeah well, I'd like to borrow one of my favorite turns-of-phrase from those irritating Bible-thumpers there donut, a reminiscient quip applicable to your patently smug, ambivalent statement:

"Satan's greatest convincing the world he does NOT exist..."

uhhhh, Big Pharma is as close to fucking Satan that earthlings will ever see again until the next Holocaust my friend...

braindonut said:

I love nut job conspiracy theories in the same way I love cheesy movies.

Krispy Kreme Deals with an Unusual Request...

Reverse Donuts!

Reverse Donuts!

When Should You Shoot a Cop?

Buck says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Buck:
Very interesting. I've pondered this question myself many times. I know 2 good cops personally and cannot imagine a firefight with them but really WHEN is enough enough? I think I would go out in a blaze if they tried to f with me but maybe that is my ego talking.
Who is supposed to be policing the police?

They keep stealing your donuts?

lol nope but last speed trap I passed I stopped and yelled to the cop, "why don't you go find some missing children or something, instead of picking on normal citizens doing 10 above the limit!"
I was given a very dirty look and continued on my way.

When Should You Shoot a Cop?

Yogi says...

>> ^Buck:

Very interesting. I've pondered this question myself many times. I know 2 good cops personally and cannot imagine a firefight with them but really WHEN is enough enough? I think I would go out in a blaze if they tried to f with me but maybe that is my ego talking.
Who is supposed to be policing the police?

They keep stealing your donuts?

"Ghostbuster" Backflips Over Cop And Gets Arrested

I Got a Yoga Boner

Transferring Power Points to another user (Sift Talk Post)

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