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BABES 'N' DONUTS - Does this make you want to buy a Scion iQ

Yogi says...

>> ^hpqp:

Answer: no.
(also: what a ripoff of the Smart).

And every minivan is a ripoff of the VW Microbus...whatever.

I was recently in the market for a car and I looked at the Scion iQ and gave it a test drive. It was actually pretty cool and unique, and better than the Smart in almost every way conceivable (I've also driven a Smart). Here's the catch, it's billed as a city car, so it has a crappy CVT Transmission. As well as No cruise control, I cannot have a car without cruise control and this didn't even give the option.

Toyota will get my money when they bring the TOYOTA iQ over from Europe...not some crappy ripoff with bigger wheels.

BABES 'N' DONUTS - Does this make you want to buy a Scion iQ

Cop-Killer Suspect Lunges

lantern53 says...

They should have offered this poor child a donut and sweetly asked him to leave the room or sit down.

But why taser him? I don't think he would headbutt anyone or bodyslam a deputy or god forbid, bite someone.

Also, I would pay real money to watch some of you people do the work of police or jail officers.

The Simpsons does "Game of Thrones"

Krupo says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

Hmm. An tired aging behemoth trys to stay relevant by artlessly shoehorning the title sequence of a superior TV show into it's own. Where's the joke / satire / parody in this sequence? Why did they even bother?

You know that giant donut that ran down Hans Moleman? You're next!

I can haz LOLCat Bible? (Religion Talk Post)

Boise_Lib says...

Matt 6-6
so u be all leik MCHammertime and pray jus 2 make it 2day and stuff.6 Ceiling Cat is watching you prostrate but u donut no he is tho.7 ur pray shood not be made of fail.8 Ceiling Cat knows what u donut hate.


One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

DrewNumberTwo says...

There's no need to guess about why they let him go. He wasn't breaking any laws. They had no probable cause. The end.

I don't get why people are still insisting that the man was being rude. He is doing exactly what a lawyer would have told him to do. Let's be clear: The police are not talking to the man to have a conversation while enjoying coffee and a donut on a lunch break. The man has been legally detained and is being questioned in order to find out if he has broken any laws, or to find probable cause which will allow them to search him or his vehicle and charge him with a crime. That's not being paranoid. That's what we pay the police to do.

Watch part one and two of Don't Talk to Cops. It's not a video made by a paranoid pot head. It's a lecture at a law school given by a defense attorney and a former police officer. The man's actions, even if you still don't agree with them, will seem much more reasonable after you learn about how the police operate.


Russian Lada drift and epic failure

lose loose loser looser (Blog Entry by dystopianfuturetoday)

Don't get divorced, get a donut!

Darth Vader conducts Christmas Choir Flash Mob

New drug kills fat cells

deathcow says...

It is well known that homo sapiens evolved on the grassy plains of Africa, thrived and survived to this day, by consuming well metered doses of engineered pharmaceuticals.

I am so glad they have finally discovered the "missing link" here if you will, the secret to health. I knew all along that the supposed triangle of life - donuts, Coca Cola, and a sedentary lifestyle, were actually three parts of a quadrilateral. This fat killing drug will allow us to ascend the food chain even higher, by killing parts of ourselves to survive.

The only thing that gets me is that many people will refuse to take it. I think it should be added to our water supplies.

Amazing Puppy Rescue on Busy Freeway After Car Crash

OccupyTimesSquare - 1 Marine vs. 30 Cops

residue says...

For videos like this, context is important. All I see is some guy yelling at police officers trying to do their job. I haven't seen these officers hurt anyone, pull a gun, force anyone around etc. So yes, context is important. If the officers weren't doing anything before the marine showed up, then the marine is a jerk. If they were doing something, then he's justified.

I'm getting sort of sick of the asinine opinion around here that all police are inherently bad people

>> ^kymbos:

Yes, all relevant footage and full context must exist on one five minute video, or else nothing is valid!
Now, I must eat some donuts before spreading more wisdom on the internet.

OccupyTimesSquare - 1 Marine vs. 30 Cops

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