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BicycleRepairMan (Member Profile)

Michele Bachmann: "A Trap Was Laid" On Hardball

NordlichReiter says...

If Matthews indeed said anti American over and over that is called priming, and unfortunate, bachmann was weak minded enough (at the time) to fall into it.

See derren brown on priming.

Priming works in this way: When some one is emotionaly charged about a situation they can be primed because they do not take the time to think about what they are going to say, they just say it. People are susceptable to this when they are emotional, exhausted, and concentrating hard on other things.

They are not susceptable when they are passive (Not actively using much brain facilities), concentrating on the primer, and properly trained to be aware of priming.

There is a part of Derren's Show where he goes into a subway and tricks people into forgetting where their stop is. he fails to do this to one person, and that person is agitated and is using enough concentration to realize that this bugger is up to no good.

These things work very well, like when you stick your hand out as a gesture to shake their hand and then begin a rapid conversation. This can wipe a slate clean from certain people, salesmen use this as do door to door religions people. When a person actively avoids the handshake, that lets the other person know that their target is on to them, and even more better when the target is on to them and shakes their hand any way!

If I say turkey 15 times in a sentence to you, not all at once, but easily and normally eventually you will say turkey back to me.

Could You Forget Someone You Talked to 5 Seconds Ago?

How much money would it take for you to kill a puppy?

pipp3355 says...

the psychologist in me wants to point out a few things: robert cialdini, a research psychologist has written extensively on how people can be persuaded to do stuff they wouldn't normally do.

two such conditions under which a significant amount of people could be forced into killing a puppy are:

1. authority condition (as in the milgram experiment)
2. manipulation of the consistency and commitment effect

wikipedia article here:

here's an example of what i'm talking about, where derren brown psychologically manipulates a woman into killing a kitten:

How to Spot a Fake Smile!

NordlichReiter says...

With enough practice you can use your jedi mind tricks to fool any one. Even derren brown, all you need to know is when a person is at their weakest hour of the day.

No im not being funny or trying to joke with that above statement.

Hypnotist makes victim have sex with a chair

NordlichReiter says...

This is crap. How many stooges did he use.

I perfer Derren Brown. He is a master at attacking the mind's gate.

At least Derren Brown will show the experiments that go wrong, every now and then he meets some one he cant trick into his game.

The guy in this video is a flake, and the guy screwing the Chair... WTF was he thinking?

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

Kevlar says...

I'm Kev, 25, Rhode Island, East Coast USA. (Yep, the little state where Derren Brown just did his atheist-conversion special.) My heart is in IT, my education and current study is in visual media and I work at a college supporting research and funding... So I'm a paper-pusher AND a nerd. The avatar pic is of me in one of my 'WTF' moments.

As far as Videosift goes, I was a lurker for some time before signing up to vote and then took a long time before trying to submit my own videos. I specialize in using what little time I have to enjoy the top 15 and try and knock videos out of the queue, as well as enjoy the company and camaraderie of everyone here.

Oh, and I'm always late to the party. 101st poster seems fitting.

davidraine (Member Profile)

NordlichReiter says...

Yep took social phsych, can say that out of all the classes I took that one was the most interesting. A teacher that creates experiments in class rather than lecture all day is the best the best the best.

PS I wanted this to be a video comment, but alas I clicked the wrong tag. sorry.

In reply to this comment by DavidRaine:
>> ^Raigen:
I have watched this particular show in it's entirety, and Derren notes at the beginning that he uses no plants or actors during the course of his travels around the U.S.

>> ^NordlichReiter:
Do you believe every thing you hear or see on the Magic box.... did he just manipulate you over the TV into thinking that he is an honest non actor using master of suggestion?

An interesting point, though I would argue that if he is manipulating people into a particular belief over the airwaves then he could just as effectively use the same techniques in person. I think it comes down to whether or not you believe this type of manipulation is possible. In any event, the best defense is to take a class in psychology -- Become aware of the methodology and the mindset that leaves you open to suggestion, and you will suddenly find yourself immune to their effects.

Wisdom of Crowds - Derren Brown

Wisdom of Crowds - Derren Brown

Derren Brown Instantly Converts Atheists

davidraine says...

>> ^Raigen:
I have watched this particular show in it's entirety, and Derren notes at the beginning that he uses no plants or actors during the course of his travels around the U.S.

>> ^NordlichReiter:
Do you believe every thing you hear or see on the Magic box.... did he just manipulate you over the TV into thinking that he is an honest non actor using master of suggestion?

An interesting point, though I would argue that if he is manipulating people into a particular belief over the airwaves then he could just as effectively use the same techniques in person. I think it comes down to whether or not you believe this type of manipulation is possible. In any event, the best defense is to take a class in psychology -- Become aware of the methodology and the mindset that leaves you open to suggestion, and you will suddenly find yourself immune to their effects.

Derren Brown Instantly Converts Atheists

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^Raigen:
I have watched this particular show in it's entirety, and Derren notes at the beginning that he uses no plants or actors during the course of his travels around the U.S.

Do you believe every thing you hear or see on the Magic box. This is about manipulation. I was not at the set to see what they told the crowd to do, nor was I privy to any of Mr. Browns plans outside of the TV Show, therefore I can neither deny nor confirm that he used actors or did not. But I can confirm that the possibility that he used planted actors is still possible.

But think about this, did he just manipulate you over the TV into thinking that he is an honest non actor using master of suggestion?

Derren Brown Instantly Converts Atheists

Derren Brown plays with Simon Pegg's mind

This is what makes psychology interesting! - WOW!

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