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How to show that horoscopes are bunk - Neil deGrasse Tyson

The Boy With the Incredible Brain - Daniel Tammet

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Zonbie (Member Profile)

jonny says...

Thanks for the vote of confidence on the channel. I need to update that description. I've relaxed the rule somewhat, allowing a number of videos in which an "explanation" is implied. Basically, if it has enough description or info about a particular brain or mind process to imply some definite attribute of minds, then it's in.

When I created the channel, I specifically wanted to avoid it becoming a collection of videos about optical illusions, derren brown clips, and demonstrations by savants and other really smart people. The problem is, if I allow those things, then it is hard to argue against including videos of just about any demonstration of mental behavior, which would pretty much include everything on VS. In practice I don't think it's a problem, but I'm too much of a math geek to have such a loose definition.

Actually, the main problem is that I really don't have the time to properly manage a channel. At least, not in the way I would want to do so.

Despite all that and the fact that it only contains about 100 vids or so, I really do like that virtually every one of them can teach people about how their minds work.

In reply to this comment by Zonbie:
hey jonny, I replied to this, your channel is good!

a good rule -

anything that demonstrates the strengths and weaknesses of the brain, from hypnosis to manipulation, and how it works, all in this channel ----

(take out the requires explaining bit )

I hope you stick with it - good luck!

My girl has posted to relavant videos recently to your brain channel

What New Channel? :) (Wtf Talk Post)

Zonbie says...

aha yes the *brains channel - well jonny - is it kind of you to offer, I think there are a few more out there to try, and I think you should stick with the channel - I know alot of stuff must be long in there - however you should redefine it

From the molecular biology of neurons to theories of consciousness, the Mind and Brain channel is devoted to workings of the brain and its emergent mind. All videos in this channel offer some insight into the workings of brains (organic or synthetic). Videos of trippy optical illusions and Derren Brown mind tricks are generally not acceptable - unless, of course, they contain some explanation of how the brain is being manipulated to produce the demonstrated results.

to include any hypnosis or other trick, optical illusion - that while no prehaps expalaining the effect, requires the brain for the trickery to work.

This should be a fantastic channel! Take out the bit that requires some explaining, and you can have a channel choc full of brainteasers, opticals, manipulation, experiments, hypnosis, and medical related stuff - it'll be great

In the meantime...just as a side note - no to *zombie channel, fun, but dark and horrowshow cover that nicely

Zombie prank

doogle says...

If I was that guy, I would've put in another quarter. If I was his friend, I would give the quarter, just to see Derren Brown go through the whole thing again. But then again, for all the hassle, I'm sure Derren is going to have to raise the price to $200 a game, to be played only by people with assh*les for friends that let's a stranger drag you out on a stretcher to an abandoned building full of zombie extras.

Zombie prank

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'derren, brown, pub, video, game, real, shit, yourself, how, would, you, react, funny, sick' to 'derren, brown, pub, video, game, real, shit, yourself, silly, brain, hypnosis, trance' - edited by Zonbie

Zombie prank

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'darren, brown, pub, video, game, real, shit, yourself, how, would, you, react, funny, sick' to 'derren, brown, pub, video, game, real, shit, yourself, how, would, you, react, funny, sick' - edited by Zonbie

Convinced you're in a Zombie Shooter Prank

doogle says...

If I was that guy, I would've put in another quarter. If I was his friend, I would give the quarter, just to see Derren Brown go through the whole thing again. But then again, for all the hassle, I'm sure Derren is going to have to raise the price to $200 a game, to be played only by people with assh*les for friends that let's a stranger drag you out on a stretcher to an abandoned building full of zombie extras.

Convinced you're in a Zombie Shooter Prank

Richard Dawkins interviews Derren Brown

Richard Dawkins interviews Derren Brown

schmawy (Member Profile)

jonny says...

Absolutely. One of the best ones is dead. I'll go through them all more thoroughly, but you should put this into your playlist to replace the discarded dupe.

Any video in the brain channel should provide some info about how brains or minds work. Basically, the idea is to filter out demonstrations of mental behavior and include explanations of it. I didn't want the channel to be a collection of card tricks, optical illusions, and Derren Brown style mind tricks. Manipulating a sensory system (however wonderfully surprising), doesn't necessarily help describe the system. Of course, certain demonstrations of mental or neurological activity do help define their function. A behavioral change arising after some specific neuropatholgy, for instance, at the very least gives some indication of how that neural system is organized.

Any vid describing animal, or synthetic, minds and brains is welcome, so long as it helps inform the viewer about how such systems work.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Just wondering if there's anything in that would qualify for your channel?

Dim Mak - Do you believe? I don't

raverman says...

I think this is probably more the power of suggestion than any mystical wave of energy.

But i wouldn't discount the power of suggestion. If you've watched some of what Derren Brown can do to control people. it's powerful stuff.

Given that the people who seem to be most susceptible to this touch-less attack are his own students: they spend each session listening to his voice, they spend each session in repetitive motions and training... Also the pressure points he's touching are very similar to points used in rapid hypnosis techniques.

If anyone is going to be open to his suggestion that when he yells at them they will fall over - it's going to be them.

Derren Brown Instantly Converts Atheists

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'atheism, Derren Brown, skeptic, religion, evangulism' to 'atheism, Derren Brown, skeptic, religion, evangelism, evangelist, conversion, agnostic' - edited by nibiyabi

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