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Real Name: Owen
Birthdate: June 13th, 1971 (53 years old)
Birthdate: June 13th, 1971 (53 years old)
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Member Since: May 30, 2007
Email: my15min at gmail dot com
Favorite Sift: Shadow Puppets - animation by Chuck Gamble
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Last Power Points used: February 20, 2015
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Member Since: May 30, 2007
Email: my15min at gmail dot com
Favorite Sift: Shadow Puppets - animation by Chuck Gamble
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Last Power Points used: February 20, 2015
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Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
thanks for your promote @ mavis staples. sure hope it makes it to the sift now, if not ill keep just go and beg some more or spam it in my blog
>> ^siftbot:
User my15minutes is now ranked #78 and quickly gaining on you. Watch your back or you might lose your rank to my15minutes.
Now would be a great time to go camping don't you think?
Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 192 stars, earning you status of Gold-100 Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.
Thanks for the promote
In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
just did an adv search and couldn't find any other sifts of it.
Thanks. Actually, I'm not sure Brainstorm is a good fit. I intend the channel to be mostly a subset of the science channel, with a smattering of philosophy and psychology when they intersect with brain science. I need to make another talk post and let everyone know what it's all about. I was going through a lot of videos to get some in there before doing that though, so I'd have some concrete examples.
In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
jonny! cool channel. just went through my sifts.
figured this was a sure thing for brainland, but wasn't sure about this.
go ahead and invoke if it fits your parameters.
I think you'd be better suited to that my man
Excellent comment though, I thank you

In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
can we expect an *innuendo channel soon, your highness?
A hundred thanks for the post!
I liked it. The trailer, I mean - haven't seen the movie yet. Of course, being a New Orleans boy, I tend to like anything from southeast Louisiana. Angel Heart is still a fav.
Funny you mentioned jafo - I just caught Blue Thunder on cable last night. I tuned in right as Lymangood was asking about the letters on his hat.
In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
thanks, jafo!
not my best sift, i know. but still worth a rental as 'the exorcist' for atheists.
and gena rowlands & peter sarsgaard are teh great.
In reply to this comment by jonny:
The Skeleton Key trailer is dead, but here's a couple of possible fixes (first has the same thumbnail as yours):
The Skeleton Key trailer is dead, but here's a couple of possible fixes (first has the same thumbnail as yours):
Wow, That was outstanding, and a bit enigmatic too. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the ending.
how art thou, brother?
In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
>Hey m15m, is that Watchmen^?
yes, it is!
> I'm reading it right now for the first time.
then i can inform you, as would dr manhattan in his deterministic certainty, that you will soon recognize that thumbnail, shortly before the end. but then, of course, nothing ever ends.
> How are you doing, friend?
cigarette in one hand, coffee in the other. can't complain.
Though I'm not sure, I think 593.5 is the maximum distance you can get on this version of Penguin Smack. I have never heard of anyone getting a higher score than that. So congrats, because you have achieved Penguin Smack Nirvana.
And thanks for noticing the frame. A frame can make or break a video, n'est-ce pas?
In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
new high score on penguin smack - 593.5
nice doobie frame, btw
I don't know how I missed this but thanks so much!
In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
*promote *happy *commercial *animation!
because i can't pass up an opportunity to turn invocations into complete sentences!
I keep laughing at this. I can't seem to delete it.
In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
sometimes i doubt your commitment to sparkle glasses!
In reply to this comment by Ryjkyj:
I bet you ten bucks I could outsparkle you in the wineglass department.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Yes, I agree. I've discarded it - so feel free to repost.
In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
hmm. was wondering if this should also be discarded as a self-link.
i went to toss it up just now, even though it's a poor substitute for the clip i was looking for, which was a much better program i remember, explaining where the structure of human faces exhibit the golden ratio.
In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
In reply to this comment by curiousity:
Are there any videos of David Frum talking to a conservative host about the same issues?
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