
Member Profile

Real Name: Mike Sol
Birthdate: July 21st, 1987 (37 years old)

Member Since: May 18, 2007
Last Power Points used: January 23, 2011
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Comments to mas8705

Kreegath says...

Listen, I'm trying to keep this objective but your revenge spree isn't helping. If you want to be taken seriously you really need to stop acting so childish. There are probably a hundred videos in your pq/sifted list I'd feel warrants a downvote but they're history and I won't go back there just to get back at you. The least you can do is return the favour, is that really too much to ask? Really now...

Kreegath says...

Or you posted two videos I didn't like.
Stop taking things so personally, the world doesn't revolve around you, kid.
If you want me to upvote your videos, post better videos. I couldn't care less about your person, I'm on the site to watch videos that interest me and discuss topics with reasonable people. Therefore, videos and comments that don't fulfill those prerequisites get downvoted, even if they're posted by someone overly obsessed with site rank and getting recognized.

In reply to this comment by mas8705:
Man.. downvoting so many videos on one guy... that's pretty cold... even on videos that haven't been up for 30 minutes... Ever you have bad taste or you have something against me...

schmawy says...

Sorry, Mas, but could you go back and check to see it the "em" tag is closed on this comment? Everything after it it italicised. I think you just have to ad another < / e m > to the end (spaces removed). Of course if this is in any way a bother please disregard.

In reply to this comment by mas8705:
He just admit guilt! *hands swampgirl the noose and a wooden stake* use it wisely swampgirl, and make to go for the heart after you strike him down...

(Court is fun when my butt isn't on the line)

twiddles says...

Oh I don't think anyone was thinking you were stupid or was pissed.. was just trying to be helpful. I hope it works out for you.

In reply to this comment by mas8705:
Your right... Ant should decide if whether or not to discard this... I sent him a message about this... I'm sorry if I had been annoying about this... the last thing I want to do is piss people off for my stupidity...

In reply to this comment by twiddles:
Your best bet would be to nicely ask Ant to discard his. The reason I asked is that you have not explained what you think the remedy / policy should be or why there should be an exception in this case while there already is a clear precedent.

In reply to this comment by mas8705:
that's true... but at the same time, while he did beat me... he didn't recieve a 2nd vote whereas I picked up my 10 votes when I posted... I don't want to be rude in anyway, but this would be a bit unfair if I get a video discard for another video that hadn't got more than one vote...

again I don't want to be rude and I have nothing against ant...

twiddles says...

Your best bet would be to nicely ask Ant to discard his. The reason I asked is that you have not explained what you think the remedy / policy should be or why there should be an exception in this case while there already is a clear precedent.

In reply to this comment by mas8705:
that's true... but at the same time, while he did beat me... he didn't recieve a 2nd vote whereas I picked up my 10 votes when I posted... I don't want to be rude in anyway, but this would be a bit unfair if I get a video discard for another video that hadn't got more than one vote...

again I don't want to be rude and I have nothing against ant...

gorillaman says...

800 years ago when this pope got elected people noticed he was slightly creepy looking, which was slightly amusing for about three seconds.
Your video is entirely without merit - it isn't clever, funny, meaningful, relevant, interesting or even well executed; hence downvote.

In reply to this comment by mas8705:
Why so serious? This video wasn't suppose to have a point other than how the pope and sidious look the same...

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