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Member Since: October 7, 2007
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Comments to Thylan

dotdude says...

Our own Monster of Ceremonies, gorgonheap, will lead us in a dissection of Doc_M on Friday, April 25th @ 5:00pm MST. All participants are invited to bring their scalpels and other appropriate tools for this siftious endeavor. Medical records and other pertinent information will be made available here.


Issykitty says...

Thanks, Thylan.

In reply to this comment by Thylan:
Found it. I was sure I remmebred emailing the link of the original to a surfer friend of mine, so had confidence i'd ifnd it once home from work.

In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
I did soooo many searches and I couldn't find it. It must have terrible or nonexistent tags if a dupe is out there.

In reply to this comment by Thylan:
Dupe, but i'll need to hunt for it later.

Zonbie says...

Hi, thanks for the comment Yeah - I would like gametrailers to be an official Videosift source....but for now I have to stick with the You Tube version

I had a look through some of your posts too (Jonathan Ross and Halle Berry LOL)

Thanks though, and have a look a see some of my other vids I don't know know if you every played Dune 2000 I found a deleted scene of Mike McShane as Baron Harkonnen

Anyways, have a good one.

dotdude says...

A Snipe Hunt

A hunting party, lead by CaptWillard, will depart at 9:00 pm EDT on 4/3/08. The destination is a remote part of the Sift Forest near New Jersey. So practice your snipe mating call and stock up on paper bags.

Click here for further details.


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