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Member Since: November 19, 2006
Last Power Points used: October 19, 2010
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Comments to Oatmeal

Oatmeal says...

Sorry for delays everyone - I will have very little access to internet until August (as I may have mentioned somewhere before, I'm treeplanting in the middle of nowhere) so please have patience until then. Thanks!

karaidl says...

I can't help but notice you still haven't invited me to your collective. Oh sure, you're gonna probably say something silly like, "That's because you didn't ask." That's no excuse!

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Hi hi hi, Oatmeal. Mind casting "Power Word: Invite" on me? Got some essential vids in mind for contribution to your illustrious Collective. I enjoy PC games, Nintendo consoles/handhelds, and long walks on the beaches of Azeroth with my felhound, Thuuzum.

eric3579 says...

Oops, sorry I hadent got that far yet. Didnt mean to get your hopes up. It seems there have been a lot of good vids recently discarded unknowing to the original poster. I just didnt want you to lose it to someone reposting it. My apologies.

In reply to your comment:
Wow, thanks! you truly are saintly Eric, any time you need a save, let me know. Where is the video though? I looked everywhere and could not find it.

In reply to your comment:
I was pondering reposting a video which was yours , but has been discarded. I thought what would Jesus do? Anyway, I thought you should repost if you so desire.


johnald128 says...

In reply to your comment:
The big bang theory helps to explain why the universe is expanding. All the matter and enrgy in the universe (which is supposedly set, i.e. you canott create matter with out using energy, and vice versa, e=mc2) converged upon a single point and some massive reaction took place, which caused a huge explosion, propelling matter and energy in all directions, hence the big bang. The initial assumtion being that the matter and energy was already there. As an athiest, I don't see why people need to assume that the universe was created, why not theorize that it was always there and time is really of no concern. This also helps to explain why life could have occured randomly. Given, an infinite amount of time, (think each expansion and collapse of the universe), it could be likely that self replicating organisms could form. Our universe may simply be one "succesful" outcome in what, for all we know, may have been an infinite number of trials.

great post, similar to the way i see things. probly through the help of that special weed;)
i made up this equation :
chaos x infinity = everything.
kind of sums the metaverse/multiverse up.
there cant have been nothing, because what would nothing be... something: would require some deciding factor. the only option is that it's infinite and eternal, but obviously time like you said is a pointless concept when trying to conceptualize the big picture.
have you heard of biocosm theory? is an interesting idea

berticus says...

Ok, I tried submitting again, but it just finds the discarded version as a duplicate. So instead, I decided to put up the Quake done Quicker clip!

In reply to your comment:
Try submitting the video again, sometimes that works, if not, I can try saving the video and then you can put it in the collective. The system for putting vids in collectives is kinda messed up, not being able to put videos in the collective if you weren't a member before the video was submitted and all... but great video by the way, it would be a shame for it not to be in the collective.

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