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WTF have you done America?

mas8705 says...

Her's the problem that so many people have failed to consider. Why did Clinton lose? That is an answer that can't be so easily answered as one would think. Up to this point, the news medias all said the exact same things and focused only on the negatives for Trump and all the positives for Hillary even though one can easily argue how both of them were bad choices.

Trump said alot of terrible things, no denying that. But the thing however, is that Hillary Clinton isn't the most honest person either. It is because of how secretive she was and how it all felt as though this was all being "gift wrapped" for her that got people who voted for Trump.

The Racists, The Bigots, The Sexists and all other nutjobs that we have seen on the news medias and social medias are not the majority that voted in Trump. They are a percentage, but not the majority. To say that is the case would bring to question of how Obama won so easily in states that Trump took just as easily.

If you are struggling to tell your kids anything... Tell them this: Be honest and Trustworthy. Someone that others can rely on. Tell them that when they grow up, they will become better people than Trump and all other politicians in Washington D.C. and raise them as such.

This is why I struggle between watching this video. The things Trump has said should not be emulated in anyway, but the reason why Trump won was far away from the idea of how "Grabbing pussy" "building a wall" "Insulting races and the mentally ill" and all other nonsense we had to put up with this year being key factors of why Trump won.

Trump won because the people lost their confidence in those in DC right now and decided to gamble on Trump to make America Greater than it already is. Screw "Make America Great again!" this is about making our country even better and even greater than we stand now, and people believe that if there is a person who can do it, it is Donald Trump.

Just remember: Repubicans hate the guy as much as anyone else, and they will not hesitate to impeach the man the moment he f***s up.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

I just skimmed the wrap-ups on the 4chan/Podesta/WL thing that went down tonight and... well, it really is one of those moments.

Same login data for different services, recovery email at Yahoo, WH asking for SSN/DOB through email -- they either really don't give a fuck or they are utterly incompetent.

And it just keeps on giving. I got as far as seeing that both the CIA director and the National Security Advisor use AOL, which was when I called it a day.

There's only so much you can take...

Female High School Kicker Hits Like A Girl

billybussey says...

That just made my year! Gives me goosebumps every replay. You can see that he realizes he's about to be blasted right before it happens. She cut him off with a good angle from the middle of the field and really committed to the hit. Because she lowered her shoulder instead of trying to just wrap him up she got him good and kinda sent him flying out of bounds. The guy going "oh hoo hoo hoo hoo!" really rounds the video out nicely. I bet both teams have watched this video a million times each


Russian Cargo Ship Loses Cargo of Big Ass Pipes

Payback says...

Pause it right at the beginning. The second layer of pipe, first pipe, under the snow, seems to have lengths of 2x4 wrapping it like a barrel. Now I think about it, they probably wrap each other layer for protection of the layer above and below, which would suggest coated pipe.

bremnet said:

They aren't wrapped in wood, but if this is uncoated pipe, some will lightly tack weld a ridge or piece of scrap barstock to the OD of the pipe to keep it from rolling when building the stack

Russian Cargo Ship Loses Cargo of Big Ass Pipes

bremnet says...

They aren't wrapped in wood, but if this is uncoated pipe, some will lightly tack weld a ridge or piece of scrap barstock to the OD of the pipe to keep it from rolling when building the stack; they aren't there to prevent this type of major rolling action. At around 1:33 you can see one of these going over the edge. Just guessing, but these look to be in the 20" to 30" diameter range with plenty of length, so they're just really small ships with the ends cut off and will float for a bit until well flooded - lots of surface area there for some buoyancy, and I've seen 40 foot joints of 20" diameter casing float near the surface for 30 seconds or so when a bubble gets trapped temporarily inside before burping out and sinking to the bottom. At around 2:15 you can see the big reddish block with the vertical groove right on the corner of the load platform about 1/4 of the way up the frame. That's where normal humans stab the stake or pipe to help contain the load (so, the vertical pipe or solid stake goes in the hole, the load is built, and no rolling can occur - momentum is the killer here, so if you keep things from rolling, life is good. This was an excellent example of how not to load pipe on a barge / ship.

Payback said:

I was wondering why some of them seemed to float, but it looks like they were wrapped in wood planks.

Russian Cargo Ship Loses Cargo of Big Ass Pipes

Maypole as Metaphor

Police Officer Admits There Is A Code Among Police

newtboy says...

So, he says clearly that if cops think you have a gun, they will shoot first and figure out the situation later. That sounds like a reason to shoot cops first if you have a gun, not a reason to comply. Terrible.
Making a bad decision based on fear or hate that kills another person makes you a bad person. Making them consistently and repeatedly makes you a bad organization. Defending those bad decisions makes you a disgusting pile of shit that's not worth the skin you're wrapped in.

Lets see them get rid of those officers who are disgracing the badge first, then they can start complaining about the blowback it's causing.

Crikital/Penguinz0: Intense Arm Wrestling Match

The 5 Most Tragic Justice League Episodes

sixshot says...

Epilogue is one of the best but the guy made a mistake on that. It's not a wrap-up for Batman: The Animated Series. It's a wrap-up for Batman Beyond, since half of the episode takes place in that future.

Steve Hughes - About Terrorism (While It's Still Legal)

Payback says...

I dunno. I'd get medieval on some fuck who dented MY tank. You know how much depleted uranium panels cost? Then you have to get them vinyl wrapped, which NEVER Goes on straight. ever went to war in a tank where the carbon fiber print is off of straight? Fucking embarrassing.

Why You Literally Can't Overcook Mushrooms

Elon Musk Explains Why We're Probably Living In A Video Game

lucky760 says...

Help me wrap my head around this... He's saying:

There is one in billions chance that our reality is base reality.

In other words, it is overwhelmingly likely that our world is someone else's simulation because of the presumption that eventually we ourselves will be able to create simulations as real as our world universe is (which will then eventually create their own simulations as real as their respective universe is, and so on)...

Briefly: if it will be possible to create realistic simulations, we must already be in one.

I don't know if I can buy into that. I'd better not get into a jacuzzi with Elon or things could get heated.

Dragons - Overwatch Animated Short

artician says...

This is showcasing the New Generic. Blizzard used to push the boundaries for hyper-realism in CG, but everything from designs to animations in this is wrapped tightly in a security-blanket of technical and conceptual cliche.

Sign of the times, but I'm still filing a formal complaint...

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