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Sharing on Social Media (Sift Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

My apologies. I get easily wound up sometimes...most all the time. Yes, you did acknowledge the issue, and Im sorry if I came off as if you didn't respond at all. My bad.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That's not entirely true that you heard nothing back. I responded to you on your profile the first time you mentioned it. We know it's a problem and we've been discussing it. If it was an easy fix that we knew how to fix ... it would be fixed. I find it annoying too.

Eroding Electoral Confidence | Full Frontal with Samantha Be

bobknight33 says...

Democrats were put into the ash heap of history last 3 elections.

Your party is a disgrace and will take a decade to recover from the self infecting wounds.

ChaosEngine said:

No, Pat McCrory is a homophobic whinging loser who is soon to be consigned to the dustbin of history where he belongs.

Honest Government Ad For Proposed Australian Coal Mine

Payback says...

Well, at least you all down under can be assured and comforted that once the US is finished with Wounded Knee, ummm, I mean Standing Rock, Trump'll send over the combat-hardened police veterans to mop up your indigenous terrorists too!

Vroom goes the overly enthusiastic first timer

SDGundamX says...

LOL, having flashbacks to the first time I tried a go-kart. I cut a corner too close and wound up wedging the front of the cart on a raised embankment. Since the back end was sticking out into the turn, they had to stop everyone on the course and come over to help me lift it off the embankment.

I was there on a date, by the way. Not my smoothest moment.

John Oliver - New Email Probe

bobknight33 says...

If true then Americans need to find out what the heck is going on with Trump.
That being said:
Id take a Russian love more than Huma Abedin , the right hand of Hillary Clinton whose parents are fronts to Muslim terrorist groups.

YET again divert from Hillary's self inflected wounds.

No more fake whores can saver her.
More more main stream media can saver her.
The bitch is done.

WIKILEAKS: Podesta to Hillary’s Aide, ‘She’s Acting Like A RETARD – She Smells Like Boiled Cabbage, Urine And FARTS’

Drachen_Jager said:

Okay... Clinton did some questionable things.

Let's talk about Trump's e-mails

Evidence pointed to a Putin - Trump connection before, but now it's a lock.

This article is long to explain all the technical details, but the upshot is that one of Putin's closest allies runs Alfa Bank. Alfa Bank has been communicating in secret with Trump during the course of the campaign. Traffic peaks during pivotal campaign moments (conventions, debates, scandals etc.) The server was set up in a way that one computer expert said was the way organized crime does it when two different groups want to collaborate in secret. Once the first findings were published on Reddit, the Trump server suddenly went offline.

A week later, a new Trump server came online and the very first communication from the Internet to that new server was from Alfa Bank. This cannot be random, the Trump server has an unpublished address, so only someone who knew the exact address could contact that server.

I think it's very clear Trump is receiving instructions from Moscow. Probably due to his huge debt load. Draw your own conclusions.

@bobknight33 do you REALLY want a Russian agent in the White House? That's the sort of rhetoric you applied to Clinton, but it turns out it's actually TRUE in Trump's case.

What Pixar Animators Do In Their Spare Time

nock says...

They messed up a little bit. Hand wound pocket watches don't tick in the traditional sense as they have a balance spring that causes the balance wheel to oscillate at a resonant frequency typically much greater than once per second (usually at least 4 beats per second). Only quartz watches have the classic tick/tick/tick sound each second. Those only came out in the late 1960's and don't require winding.

Realistic Phantom 3 Drone Commercial at a wedding

"The Political News Media Lost Its Mind"

Januari says...


If American's are so easily wounded and their dignity so easily damaged, then they really didn't have a lot to begin with.

I don't believe most American's need to be protected from 'mean gestures'. Only extremely thin skinned narcissists and their weak minded supporters think this way. Its the childish mindset of the person who believes he can pull out his gun and fire at the individual who flicked him off in traffic. Its beneath a world leader and any legitimate nation. Not Drumph... or his supporters though, which is really sad.

bobknight33 said:


What a fool

How the Gun Industry Sells Self-Defense | The New Yorker

poolcleaner says...

From the article:
"Police say Campos demanded items before dawn Monday from several people playing the popular smartphone game that sends players to physical locations to "catch" virtual Pokemon characters.

"One game player who police say had a concealed weapon permit drew his own gun and exchanged fire with Campos. Both were wounded with what police said were not life-threatening injuries."

Donald Trump Eats KFC With a Fork and Knife

newtboy says...

Someone needs to shoot Trump so he has a wound to show when asked about the medal he's going to say he was awarded.

It's a bit funny that his followers don't get that his entire platform is just more of him being sarcastic. Boy will they be surprised when he becomes more progressive than Sanders.

Unarmed Man Laying On Ground With Hands in Air Shot

Mordhaus says...

To be clear, the situation appears to be as follows:

The police get a call about a person that may be mental wielding a gun.

Multiple police arrive on scene, where they find a black male and hispanic male.

The hispanic male is clutching something.

The extremely lucid and reasonable sounding black male identifies himself as a caregiver for the hispanic male, clarifies that the hispanic male is autistic, and that the item the hispanic male is carrying is a toy truck.

The black male does all of this, as well as trying to de-escalate the situation, while laying prone on his back with his hands in the air.

The police move in, at some point the black male is shot in the leg.

The police have full control of the situation, both parties are handcuffed.

Medical aid is not provided to the black male for more than 15 minutes. Not even an attempt by an officer to staunch the blood flow.

When the black male asks the officer why he was shot, the officer supposedly responds, "I don't know."

Now, let's examine this closely.

A gunshot wound to the leg could easily have nicked the femoral artery. I doubt the officers were trained to identify this. You can bleed out from seconds to minutes after your femoral artery gets damaged. A reasonable person might take off their shirt and compress the wound or use a belt as a tourniquet.

Before we consider that, really, we should look at one factor. If you choose to be a fireman, a policeman, or be in any other dangerous job, you need to be prepared to face actual danger. Being so scared that you might somehow, maybe, possibly get hurt that you proceed to jumpscare shoot someone who is fucking prone, is not being willing to face danger. It means someone joined the force to be 'better' than the rest of us plebes and not to face an iota of danger.

Also, if it was a white male, laying on his back and doing the same thing, do we expect him to be shot? The likely answer is no. I can't even believe that this was a likely shooting situation. At first, I suspected it might have been one shot that was accidentally discharged. That, while not acceptable, would have been plausible due to nerves. Three shots means three separate trigger pulls, that speaks to intent to shoot.

Luckily this man is going to live. He will likely sue and get a good chunk of money. If he had died, blood would have likely ran in the streets in Florida because one cop got scared that he 'might' be in danger. As far as that cop? He might lose his job briefly. Cop unions will do their best to get him back his job and will likely succeed. Let's be real about the possible ramifications of him going before a grand jury though. Even if he does, he will walk because the prosecutor will throw the case.

Unarmed Man Laying On Ground With Hands in Air Shot

newtboy says...

Yes, and that's why I display such contempt and distrust of them.

As I understood it, yes, 3 pairs of cuffs, all 3 attached to his wrists, not a chain of 3 pairs to make him comfortable. I mean, why is he cuffed at all? WTF?!? He's not 500lbs, the only time they use more than one pair in a chain is when the perps hands can't fit behind their back, NEVER for comfort....that's simply not what cuffs are about...EVER.

Yes, this level of 'incompetence' (if that's what it was, and I don't concede that) MUST be intentional. It falls so far below the bar we have set as reasonable, or the standards that police MUST meet through testing, that the only way it could actually be his incompetence rather than intentional negligence is if his supervisor intentionally falsified his test results to keep him on the it's either HIS intentional negligence or his supervisors, but either way, it's intentional. No question in my mind that SOMEONE along the chain of responsibility intentionally allowed this behavior...or this level of incompetence that it's clear would lead to this behavior. There was intentional negligence, no way around it.

It actually seems to indicate a lack of a reason for shooting in the first place to me.

I've seen a dozen videos about this. Numerous times they mentioned an over 15 minute wait before he was seen by medics, during which time they had him handcuffed, bleeding in the street, but not charged with any crime or even suspected of one....why the cuffs?

I think that there is a point where negligence is SO intentional, and the results of that negligence SO foreseeable that it's indirect intent. Cops shoot to kill...period. If they shoot inappropriately, like at someone not posing a threat, that's attempted murder IMO. Period. They intend to kill, it's not accidental. Wounding him was accidental and clearly incompetence, which should be another charge IMO, unsafe discharge of a least twice for those times he missed completely....and attempted murder 3 times.

(Side in the hell do you miss from that close with a rifle?!? That, as much as anything else, should have people up in arms, that an officer is so non-proficient with his weapon, but still allowed to carry and use it. WTF?!? I want every officer with a firearm to be reasonably proficient with it...really any person with one, but that's another discussion. Police have to train, and prove proficiency with their can this possibly happen without intentional skirting of the standards/rules/law?)

The biggest problem IMO is there's rarely any justice at all, even in those cases where there's incontrovertible evidence of guilt. Instant justice would be nice, but delayed justice would be FAR preferable to no justice, which is the current situation. How many recent killings of unarmed men have gone completely unaddressed? Far too many to count.
The system is set up in such a way that those charged with prosecuting police have personal and professional relationships with them that deny impartiality in almost every case. That is why there's rarely any prosecution, and even when there is (usually because they are pressured into it by public outcry) they blatantly throw the case in the toilet with no consequence....and there's still no justice.

Barbar said:

Absolutely the officer should be charged. I think it's a huge disservice to everybody that these things are so often dealt with behind closed doors. It breeds contempt and distrust, and it eliminates an important opportunity for the public to understand some of the issues inherent in policing, and it seems to let horrible crimes go largely unaddressed.

But 'triple cuffed' can only mean a daisy chain of cuffs. Nothing else makes any sense, and to do so means that they are making some kind of attempt to accommodate the comfort of the individual during the cuffing. Or do you think it means having 3 sets of hand cuffs individually applied to your wrists? Come on... Doesn't excuse the cuffing of the guy, obviously, but thinking that triple cuffing is some heinous extreme version of cuffing is absurd.

You acknowledge that he had bad aim, and that the majority of shots missed the intended target, whichever target that was. You acknowledge that poor leadership, training, and protocol may have contributed to this outcome, but then you make the leap that because these this incompetency, it must have been intentional. It simply doesn't follow. You might ask them to be held responsible, but it doesn't mean it was the intent.

Saying 'I don't know' in the immediate aftermath of a charged situation where you are just coming to realize you made a huge mistake and nearly killed an innocent seems reasonable. It does not mean 'I meant to kill you and missed." It seems to indicate a state of confusion or shock.

I heard absolutely no reference to any time frame, or them preventing medical assistance for more than 15 minutes. I'll just remain agnostic on that angle.

I'm no lawyer, but I would have thought that intent combined with action was the very core of attempted murder. Murder is all about intent, and attempted is all about action. Attempted manslaughter of some degree seems the most realistic charge to make, but that's up to people that better know the law, and are willing to spend hundreds of hours analyzing the situation.

A huge problem with the system is the way that justice is delayed for so long (assuming it is ever meted out). People want instant karma, immediate redress for wrongs committed. People see something, get heated, and feel that a strong reaction is called for in the moment. The system on the other hand is meant to be about dispassionate discussion of the details of the situation, and can take a long time to play out. This is a big part of why it seems so reprehensible when it's carried out behind closed doors; it looks like it's being swept under the carpet. Similarly this is why media coverage over sensationalizes crime. But that's a discussion for another day.

Anyways, I've already typed too much about this I think.

Dallas Officials Report On Shooting Of 11 Officers By Sniper

newtboy says...

And instantly the right wing starts doubling and tripling down on armed violence rather than any attempt to de-escalate. It seems at least some of them are just itching for a race war.

NOTE: So far this year, police have killed 608 citizens, and 26 officers have been killed on duty. ( That means it's nearly 30 times more likely that an officer will kill a citizen than it is that a citizen will kill an officer, yet cops claim THEY have the most dangerous job?!? They aren't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs, and are INCREDIBLY more safe than those they have contact with.

Side note: All night the media/police have said clearly that the one dead attacker in Dallas was killed by a self inflicted gun shot wound....but the truth is he was killed by an explosive attached to a police robot....a mechanical suicide bomb. Why did they lie about it all night? They clearly knew it was a bold faced lie.


newtboy says...

Why didn't he use it to 'stitch' the wound closed afterwards, like they did in Apocalypto? ;-)
We had these in Texas. Somehow, even with years of blowing up the entrance to the nest with fireworks, I never was bitten as a kid. Lucky me.
Before @ant gets too upset, they used the firework paper to rebuild the nest every time, so it wasn't as bad as it sounds.

Beyond LARPing---Full contact sword fighting

skinnydaddy1 says...

Almost looks like SCA but according to their wiki they only started doing this in 09 and SCA has been around since 1966.



I used to be really in to the SCA. They have two types of fighting . Heavy like what you see in the video and rapier combat. (light combat)
It can be a hell of a lot of fun. If you don't mind the occasional broken bone or wound.
The Drunken tourny is the most common cause for an ER visit.

It can get expensive but they do have loaner gear that you can use if you want to try it.

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