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Are you SYRIAs? (User Poll by albrite30)

gwiz665 says...

I dunno. I would normally say non interventionism, as other nations shouldn't interfere with the internal development of any given nation, but when people are being suppressed by their own government and they cannot break their chains, I would say that it's a sorry excuse to not help them take over their own country.

It's hard.

I do think that of course, the UN should be the ones to mandate it - a sovereign nation shouldn't just do whatever it wants all willy nilly.

Black Dynamite Movie (1974)

Bollywood scene forces top Hollywood directors to retire

RFlagg says...

...also the movie's name is Singham, the scene is an over the top version of one from Red (Singham added the car flipping over his head)... but Bruce Willis gets out of the spinning car to shoot at another...

Tiny Diapers for the Tip of Your Penis

13-Year-Old Natalie Portman on "The Jon Stewart Show"

glenn greenwald takes morning joe to task

Fletch says...

"Make the United States safer". Oh, ffs. Anyone else immediately think of Ben Franklin when you hear this bullshit line? I'll trade a 9/11 and a Boston bombing every decade for the governement staying the hell out of my phone and my computer. (Omg, am I starting to sound like goptea'er?). This crap that Obama spewed the other night, roughly "you can't have both 100% security and 100% privacy", is the ol' statue-of-liberty play. He's implying that these programs provide 100% security. You can dismiss everything he says after that because his premise is FALSE. You can dismiss everything he said before that as well, but that's another rant.

And Mika, you can't demand a "yes or no" answer when you just don't want to hear the explanation. There is a very good reason why you weren't paid as much as Joe, and you should thank your lucky stars they still let you read the intros. And stop with the huffing and tsk'ing and eyerolls. You're starting to look and sound llike one of those shrill FOX "analysts".

Willie, what a dumb question. Of course there is a difference between state secrets that do not inpinge on our freedoms and rights of privacy and those that do, you knob. Some would even say the ultimate purpose of maintaining state secrets is to assist in protecting the very American freedoms and rights that are being grossly abused by these programs. The difference between Manning and Snowden is that Manning exposed warcrimes and other abuses being committed on brown people, and Snowden exposed an invasive, Orwellian-level spying and data-mining infrastructure being used on Americans by our own government. So yeah, a little different. So what? Both heroes. And it infuriates me when our government goes after them and tries to paint them as treasonists. They have committed no crimes against America because the government is not America. It's straight-up self-preservation, and has nothing to do with protecting the citizens of this country and the tenets on which this country was founded. What Manning and Snowden did, however, does.

There was once a time when democracies around the world, whether imminent, new, or struggling, could look to the US for inspiration. Now, we could learn much today from a country like Turkey. They get it. It took a few whacks with police batons, and lots and lots of tear-gas, but they get it now. They get beat down, and get smarter and angrier. We just get dumber and dumber no matter what this government says or does.

“The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.”
― George Carlin

“Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!”
― Bill Hicks

Willy Wonka in the Shining

Willie the Chihuahua Really Hates Baths

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Willie the Chihuahua Really Hates Baths

This cat's pupils dialate with sound. I am very uneasy

deathcow (Member Profile)

Best Greeter Ever - BAM!!!

Best Greeter Ever - BAM!!!

Retroboy says...

That was not a bam.

That was a BAYAM.

Willie adds a consonant and a vowel just for being Willie. And the capitalization is well deserved by his extraspecial all right now.

We need more people like Willie, honestly.

(He also has intense knuckle scarring from stupid kids that punch the heck out of his hand.)

Best Greeter Ever - BAM!!!

Esoog says...

As much as I love to hate Walmart...I would love to see a greeter at any store with the positive attitude that this guy has. Keep it up Willie!

But the skeptic in me HAS to this video staged? So many people coming and going from Walmarts, and while filming, it happened that every single person walking by knew of is "Bam"? I guess it doesnt really matter if its staged or not. I like this guy.

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