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Child dragged by school bus in Kentucky

BSR says...

If the bus driver had to slam on the brakes the guy standing in the aisle would probably go through windshield. To hell with seatbelts!

Also, Family of girl dragged by JCPS school bus gets nearly $5M in settlement. Bazinga!

RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

bobknight33 jokingly says...

So you need a narrative to tell you what to think.

Sad that you do not know how to think about such a topic unless some spin from a new outlet tells you how to think about this.

Learn to form you own opinions-- you will be better for it. Hell you might even take you head our of your ass and actually see the light.

newtboy said:

Again, there is no larger story or narrative presented, just pure raw snuff footage. There was no explanation, no manifesto, no reporting at all, just straight murder on film.

It’s not weak mindedness to not enjoy watching violent child murders. 🤦‍♂️
It is definitely against sift rules to post them. I only hope those rules will be enforced.

The issues are important, not the graphic visuals of murders, especially not when you only show those from one side but not the other. I note you neglected to show video of the now thousands of Palestinian civilians and children murdered by the indiscriminate retaliation against civilians, so you absolutely do take sides here, comments or none.
This video is directly from and edited by the Israeli Defense Forces, and is 100% one sided.

What media is “spinning” the conflict? I’ve seen many, all described the attack as unprovoked and brutal, most called it terrorism. What’s not covered is the exponentially larger number of Palestinian civilian victims, despite having about 1/20 the population and no army. What’s often ignored is the inhuman conditions Palestinians are forced to live under, with limited, often no access to food, medicine, power, even water. Zero security, unlike expansionist and genocidal Israel. There’s your spin.

Yes, it’s pure snuff. There is no redeeming information included, just graphic murders on film. That is absolutely 100% clearly forbidden on the sift.

YouTube does not have a strict “no snuff” policy, videosift does and has since it started. Don’t feign ignorance. That said, it is age restricted on YouTube now. This is far from the first time you posted snuff and got called out.

@dag and @lucky760, sorry to involve you, but please make an administrative ruling and delete this if you agree it’s snuff, or rule that it isn’t. I take no position on a ban/siftquisition, but note it has been requested by others.

When A Janitor is Smarter Than The Students

BSR says...

Hell, it's been so long since I have used email that I can't even log into my email account without having to jump through hoops and give up my first born male child!

newtboy said:

Have you learned nothing?

Making A Magnetohydrodynamic Thruster

Toxicity (System of a Down) Halloween Light and Fire Show

BSR says...

My birthday is on Halloween. I'll accept this as my birthday song.

My mother was born on Christmas. I'm the only hell she raised.

Bannon On Oct 31 Outlining The Plan To Steal The Election

surfingyt says...

First co-defendant in Trump Georgia election case pleads guilty

There you have it. A Trump co-conspirator CONFESSED TO TAMPERING WITH ELECTION EQUIPMENT to get Trump elected.

It's so hillarious that the Republicans made themselves criminals and committed election fraud in their frantic search for non-existent evidence of it. They invented stories of a non-existent conspiracy to defraud the American public of a fair election, while actively trying to defraud us of a fair election.

Hell, conspiracy aside, the only people I heard of who committed voter fraud by casting multiple ballots or voting with a fake IDs were Republicans.

"his plea deal requires him to testify in future proceedings in the case, including trials of his co-defendants, including Trump."

the deep state is so deep that co-consipirators are going to testify agsainst Trump LOL.

Its just beginning bewb

Army Rangers SMOKED Some Crips in 1989

newtboy says...

Nobody got “smoked”, there were no injuries at all. Why the lie, @bobknight33? Why must you ALWAYS lie?

Curious why this 34 year old story is suddenly everywhere on right wing media and websites…and why they aren’t mentioning how it’s evolved over the years.
Is it an effort to poeticize a vigilante group as an example? They didn’t call police in the day long buildup to the shootout, nor immediately when it started, and they intentionally antagonized and threatened the neighbors they accused (without proof) of being gang members and shot up their house.

In 89 “lying in wait” was a death penalty offense in California…I guess not even a crime in Washington? They admitted they did exactly that.

Foulk said to 48 Hours in 1990 that he had told the Rangers to avoid hitting anyone and they followed instructions, not hitting anyone. In 2009, Foulk said to The News Tribune that one Ranger had in fact winged someone who charged the house. In 2022, he said to Fox 13 Seattle that the Rangers shot multiple people (no one ever went to any hospital with a gunshot). The story keeps growing every time he tells it.

Two men fitting descriptions given by the rangers were arrested on outstanding warrants and one later charged in connection to the shooting, and he received only one conviction, and only of second-degree assault. Neither lived across the street at the house the rangers shot to hell.
Many of the rangers lost their guns and Foulk says he was denied promotion as a result of the publicity caused by the shootout and that other Rangers were forbidden from visiting his home.

Downvoting this apparent attempt to glamorize what was a clear vigilante group that should have had much worse consequences than losing their guns and promotions.

When You Finally Hear The Lyrics

newtboy says...

So much more than a little creepy…he looks closer to 40 than 14! Born in 46, song was in 1980! The video is clear how inappropriate it is!

How in the hell was this not just OK but a hit song in 1980!?!

visionep said:

Makes perfect sense if written by a 13 or 14 yr old boy.

Otherwise, it's a little creepy.

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

bobknight33 says...

Triggered? Not in the least/

Nutboy. You are triggered Tool. Go sit in you little house and continue to believe that you are a big man.

Truth you truly have no grasp of reality. Yo drink your fake news as fast as you can. Hell you even go out of you way to prove your bigness. No on cares. You just a spect of dust.

I ignore you most day and toy you on other days.
I bet you still think Bidenomics is doing just fine. 3.5% of unemployment is great but thats all you see. Sad little man you are.

I see that we are getting close to a tipping point. It might take another 2 quarters, will see.

newtboy said:

Bwaaahahahaha! Really triggered today, aren’t we? 😂 keep those tears coming, so yummy.

Robert Gouveia Esq….😂 was he disbarred? His legal theories are INSANE. I’ve told you before, you need to learn to vet sources, not just listen to failed lawyers that now run a YouTube propaganda channel from mommy’s basement. I looked at his videos, he’s an absolute nutjob and liar that makes up the most insulting lies and feeds them to you.….just your speed. No wonder you believe such stupid nonsense constantly, looking at his videos if you believe him reality suddenly makes no sense at all. Holy sheep shit, you can’t figure out he’s a nut just from his previous videos? 😂 SUCKER! You’ll buy any stupid lie from the stupidest liars, won’t you. 🤦‍♂️

That’s the best response you’ve got. Someone in the office typed up the expected indictment and accidentally posted their copy for a moment instead of hitting “save” shortly before the grand jury was finished!? ROTFLMFAHS!! You should just stop trying, bewby. More grasping at nothingburgers….how’s that working out for you? 😂

Nice that even you have admitted that at least SOME of the serious anti American vote fraud charges against the rapist Trump are warranted (if only most are only “probably just BS to rack up numbers for fools like you to drink up.”, then even in your damaged mind some are not BS). I remind you, if only ONE is proven, Trump the rapist is going to prison and will die there….but hide and watch, all will be proven. There’s no doubt at all that they did the crimes, it’s all on video, and thanks to RICO, that’s it, all guilty. 😂

Flag Desecration

newtboy says...

Big surprise, @bobknight33 can’t understand what’s anti American even when it’s clearly spelled out in the US code….but you can’t read or write English above a second grade level (proven once again by this barely literate post), so it’s not that surprising.

Being against fascism and for the freedom to do what you want with your own body are VERY American sentiments, buddy. Again, no surprise you don’t understand. You believe we should have Christian Shariah law and no freedom of religion or bodily autonomy, and want to Make America Great Again like you think it hasn’t been since women and non whites got to vote.

Wearing an American flag as clothing, or defacing one to make a political statement is 100% AntiAmerican. I know, MAGA loves to do both of those things, so without putting two brain cells together you just insist that’s wrong, despite it being clearly stated in US law. Truth is that’s the least unAmerican thing MAGA has done…but it’s still actually an anti-American crime that carries a one year sentence.

Supporting an abusive civil servant displaying an anti American terroristic gang symbol of division that’s also undeniably a desecration of the American flag on a police uniform is about as unAmerican as it gets. Derp.

Again, your damaged little brain misfires…I’m hell bent against corrupt abusive cops because I love America, ya ijit.
(Btw- having a bent means having an aptitude, natural ability, capacity, or knack…so thanks for the unintentional compliment when you said I’m good at opposing corrupt cops.)

Enjoy watching MAGA eat itself and the Republican Party with it. Bankrupt in multiple states and physically fighting each other at GOP meetings. Talk about trash people! There is no group more trashy than MAGA, untouchable orphans in India are less trashy. 😂

bobknight33 said:

This if you anti American? -- Grow up
You have such a bent against cops and America, just leave, and go some place that will make you happier.

If you want to see anti Americans just watch ANTIFA and that fruit loop community protesting -- Trash people

Fastest 100 metres in high heels (male) ... 12.82 seconds...

noims says...

I wish we had a better angle. I mean, he was impressive and all, but how the hell did those heels not break?!

Texas Sheriff Files Charges Over Florida Human Trafficking

Opposing Forcing The Ten Commandments In Public Schools

newtboy says...

Doesn’t it bother you that your messiah/idol has proudly broken every single commandment, most of them daily? Clearly not, because even you don’t believe this nonsense.

He went so far as to create a golden Trump for you to bow down and worship. He is the epitome of coveting, adultery, “bearing false witness” (lying), and theft on an industrial scale, worships the dollar, doesn’t even know what the Sabbath is, and has never once given testimony that wasn’t false and self serving, and he definitely puts himself above god….
This is you guy, this you pick, the farthest from following these religious laws as you could find.….clearly proving you don’t believe in your religion or you wouldn’t support someone diametrically opposed to its tenets just because he hates who you hate and promises the moon.

You wouldn’t be in a party diametrically opposed to them either. Coveting and bearing false witness are the main features of your party, every MAGA rep has committed adultery and stolen, and taken an oath to put the constitution above their religion at their job (an oath most then immediately break, that’s 3 commandments broken with one “I do”).

Most Christians wear idols. Very few remember the correct sabbath, the Jewish sabbath, and almost none “keep it holy”. (Remember, “keeping it holy” specifically means killing anyone who works or has others work on the sabbath, stoning them.). You pick and choose which to observe and when, and which to force others to observe at your whim.

Good people don’t support evil for personal gain. Fascists do. You do.
It says volumes that you don’t understand this country was founded in large part as direct opposition to government enforcement of ANY religion. It’s the very first right the constitution guarantees…no government establishment of religion. Any college graduate knows that, but you don’t.

At most, only 3 of these commandments are crimes, the rest is immoral indoctrination.

“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion..” -John Adams, unanimously ratified by congress in 1797

I don’t know if there’s a god or a heaven, but one thing I know for certain is you’re going to hell.

bobknight33 said:

You shall have no other Gods before me
You shall not make for yourselves an idol
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not give false testimony
You shall not covet

MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod

moonsammy says...

OH MY. I watched the video after playing what I *thought* was the game, and I missed a LOT. I tried spoiling only tiny bits of it at a time and seeing how far I could get before I needed another spoiler, but it was too complicated to do it that way. Ended up just watching the rest of the video.

This is an astoundingly complex work of art. Huge credit to whoever the hell made it, and I hope more people (and not JUST people who've played Doom before) watch and/or try it, to appreciate just how amazing it is.

*promote this wonderful madness.

moonsammy said:

I played this without watching the video, and am glad I did. Really excellent mod, and the ways it fucks with you are quite ingenious!

750th Episode Opening Credits | Couch Gag | The Simpsons

newtboy jokingly says...

Or they could have left out Hans Moleman because something bad happened to him….like it always does.

I think it would have been hilarious to sneak Akbar and Jeff, or Bongo in there somewhere.
(I’ve been a Groening fan since the “Life In Hell” series)

noims said:

I haven't gone through looking, but it would be great if they left out Grimey, just to annoy his fictional corpse.

edit: aaaw, here's there beside Mindy 25 seconds in. Could they have left out Gill so he doesn't get appearance fees?

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