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Ideas for Kids Star Wars Party! (Kids Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

No NO NeuralNoise, Don't get it wrong - I though your ideas were great but my wife was there - and you know what moms are like - they just hate when you torture the kids... Party Poopers!

I even suggested the Gun Gun Waterboarding ride... She just looked at me weird - Clearly, as always, not getting what I was talking about...

Olbermann Donates $10K To Charity For Mancow's Waterboarding

Xaielao says...

>> ^demon_ix:
promote this finale to the Hannity-is-a-hypocrite saga.

I don't think that will end until Hannity himself stops being one.

That is a very solid gesture by Olbermann. Maybe next time one of the talking point spewing douche bags on the right will think before putting their foot in their mouth.. again.

Olbermann Donates $10K To Charity For Mancow's Waterboarding

rougy says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
If Hannity was standing atop his ratings and Olberman was standing on his, Hannity wouldn't be able to hear Olbyloon's quacking even through a megaphone.

And your source for that would be?

A verifiable source, or the dark reaches of your ass, as usual?

According to this site Hannity is ahead, but it's hardly a mountainous lead.

So basically, QM, you just lied again, and you don't give a shit, because lying is your second nature.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

Nithern says...


Yes, the people that gave that '3 times waterboard' figure, where proved WRONG, with evidence that one the enemy combatants, was tortured well over 180 times by the method. So, they then said 'five times'. Would you take someone serious, if they had lied over something important? THEN, in the face of the facts, lie a second time, even with the evidence is before them.

If we went back, and asked Americans 20 years ago, or 30, or 50, or 150, whether torture for the sake of national security, means ignoring laws, Amendments of the US Constitution, and internation treaties? There would be a resounding 'NO'.

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

ReverendTed says...

>> ^jmd:
uhmm...yea... err...ok. Somehow I don't think this was quite any where near what they actually did because...this is some tame shiat. Its going to take a bit more then pouring water over my mouth for 10 seconds to really scare me..I mean as one who swam alot when i was a kid...yea..holding my breath for 10 seconds wasn't exactly a feat of strength. Hell if you REALLY wanted to torture me, turn my head and pour that water into my ear... OMG I hated that!

You clearly don't understand waterboarding. It looks simple. "Oh, face full of water. I'll just hold my breath." If it were as easy as holding your breath and getting wet, then the average time to "uncle" wouldn't be ~15 seconds. There's an intense, overwhelming physiological reaction to the sensation.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

KnivesOut says...

The scary thing is, waterboarding is only what the spooks have admitted to. So if this is what our professional liars are willing to let out, what are they not telling us about?

I'm sure once the "enhanced interrogators" get all warmed up and limber, the real tools come out.

Car batteries and jumper cables, tin snips, vice grips, large needles. Sick fucks have been perfecting this practice for decades, so my pedestrian guesses probably aren't even close. Normal humans can't even imagine.

This is why the CIA should be accountable to someone.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

ShakaUVM says...

Actual terrorists are restrained, roughed up, screamed at, hooded so they don't even see whats about to happen to them, and then forced to undergo this for 15-30 seconds at a time, and undergo it more than 180 times each.

You're perpetuating an incorrect meme here. One terrorist was waterboarded that many times, and only 3 total.

When I was training to be in the Air Force, we had an OSI interrogator come in, and talk about all the dirty tricks they used to get confessions from people. Waterboarding wasn't one of them, being IMO too harsh for the Air Force.

But then again, in SERE training they waterboard the participants, but they certainly don't hook electrodes up to their genitals and run a lot of current through them, or chop different parts of their body off. So I'd say it's somewhere between acceptable practice (none of the OSI stuff disturbed me morally, and I'm someone who is very protective of civil liberties) and torture.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

Truth says...

What's up with this new water boarding trend? Can't we change the subject? Who cares about waterboarding, it's not like it's mutilating you or anything. Check out some medieval torture ways, waterboarding is nothing compared to that.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

Razor says...


I hate what this waterboarding/torture debate has become. People daring each other. Political posturing. A subject for one TV show's host to berate another.

Disclosure: I fully believe waterboarding is torture.

I'm very worried thought that this is going to lead to, dare I say it, a meme, where fucktards are going to be doing this to each other in their basements and backyards. Or the next initiation method for frat boys.

In the end the point, the real debate, is going to be lost. While I think there may be some benefit in having naysayers take a try at this so they realise how wrong they are, I have a feeling in the end all this daring will be self-defeating if somehow this becomes a mainstream thing.

Fear of prosecution motivates Cheney's defense of torture

brain says...

I think everyone is forgetting about the first time the media talked about waterboarding. Everyone knew we were waterboarding at least 6 months to a year before Obama took office. The memos Obama released only gave us information on specific instances.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

turboj0e says...

Waterboarding and the human body's reaction to it.

During this this technique, the feeling of drowning occurs through the collection of water and stimulation of nerves in the back of the nasal cavity.

In a topwater drowning scenario, a mixture of water and air is being inhaled into the lungs. The water settles from the bottom up and the lungs use the air. The lungs will function until they have been completely filled with water. Once the water has triggered nerve impulses in the nasal cavity, the body begins to accept death.

In waterboarding, this effect is given repeatedly. When the victim is sat up, the water flows from the nasal cavity into their lungs- and they might have the opportunity to cough it out. Then they are tilted back again.

Drowning = death. In a real waterboarding situation you make a person believe that they are about to die. Fucked up

The amount of water doesn't mean shit.
i'm not calling homeboy a liar but it feels more like a publicity stunt.
the "not a professional" torturer was a fucking meathead.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

Liz Cheney vs Lawrence O'Donnell on GMA

enoch says...

ok,can someone tell me what qualification liz cheney has in the matter concerning the defense of waterboarding?
besides being dick cheneys daughter?
thats it?? she gets asked on all these shows to defend this illegal war and illegal interrogations because she is dickie-boys lil girl?
and she infers that she has seen CLASSIFIED documents which may absolve her daddy of any illegalities?
oh good christ on a stick!!
whats next?do milli vanilli have the where-abouts of sadams weapons of mass destruction?
"there is a country-wide debate on whether waterboarding is torture"
NO...there isnt.there is no debate,nor argument.
waterboarding=torture..go check zonbies link.
what the debate is REALLY about is if bybee,addington and woo constructed a defense that will protect people like cheney and rumsfeld from prosecution.
which it will..there is equal justice in america,if you can afford it.

the fact of the matter is that waterboarding was created for the sole purpose of procuring a "false confession",china made it almost into an artform.
there has been no pertinent information garnered from detainess to date concerning terrorist attacks upon US soil.
the "war on terror" is a made up "war",just like the "war" on drugs.
the real reason for the "war on terror" is for defense budget reasons,fear politics and global american hegemony.
and before any of you neo-con "appeasers" attempt to attack my premise,maybe you should know what- the- FUCK a neo-conservative IS before you admonish my standings.
neo-conservative has NOTHING to do with being conservative,nor republican or even christian for that matter.
they were originally considered "neo-LIBERALS"..LIBERALS quantummushroom!!
i call them what they REALLY are...fascists.

this is a media made debate having no real grounds in a true debate.
a polemic meant to bolster ratings and be as divisive as possible,with no real conclusion,compromise or understanding.
in the end we all lose.
fucking media twats......

Creationist robot falters under rationalist onslaught

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