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Burger King employee slaps kid who was making a mess

newtboy says...

This was not an attempted “life lesson”, it was an angry punishment that teaches the kid it’s ok to physically abuse those that can’t defend themselves.
The lesson that may be learned is if you can act the fool enough to make an employee lose their cool and get violent, you can cash in big time.

He was in no was showing respect. He was smacking a kid that made him mad. That’s the lesson he taught, resorting to violence is acceptable if you’re mad. A horrible life lesson that usually leads to prison.

It may be understandable, even cathartic, but it’s also wrong.

Such a ridiculous idiot, bob. Every time, on every subject.

bobknight33 said:

Indeed a humanitarian, gesture. This is a life lesson.

Teaching respect for other peoples things is a philosophy,

The FBI Has Lied To Congress

newtboy says...

Still rehashing the Carter Page stupidity bob?
“ the Mueller Report concluded that the investigation did not establish that Page coordinated in Russia's interference efforts, but did establish that the Steele dossier was right about Page attending high-level meetings with Russians, even though he denied doing so.”

Pretty sad, especially considering all the convictions of administration officials for crimes against the US…Russian collusion/unregistered foreign agents …that came from it. Edit: Recall, Trump DID have secret meetings with Russian officials about Clinton at Trump tower during his campaign that he then lied about, and was only not prosecuted because the prosecutor said he was too stupid and ignorant to KNOW it was illegal so he couldn’t convict him…but it definitely was an attempt at illicit collusion with Russia that he admits to.

This investigation was thoroughly investigated and the actual investigation did not find what he claimed. Sorry.

Trump’s weaponization of every federal department is public record, from the DOJ acting as his private counsel and jack booted thugs to the IRS directing local police to label any protester an ANTIFA agent unless proven otherwise and hiring violent convicts to “infiltrate” BLM and instigate violence, to Trump repeatedly denying disaster relief to states that he lost in the election, to withholding military assistance to blackmail a foreign leader into investigating and accusing Trump’s political rival’s family, all verified and codified.

These hearings are a total joke, the weaponization of congress, and a pure, totally not serious, rehash of the Durham report that found absolutely nothing actionable, only a very few clerical errors, zero convictions. Republicans simply can’t accept reality. Such a fool you are, buying every lie and ploy, absolutely NEVER removing your blinders.

To summarize- from the Page investigation, if memory serves, there were 36 officials CONVICTED of hundreds of crimes, most involving hiding their strong financial ties to Russia…from the Durham report investigating that investigation came 3 charges that were all tossed out of court for insufficient evidence….nothing burger. Now the idiot Republican house is trying again with the same (lack of) evidence because you can’t accept that you are LOSERS!

When Trump weaponized the federal government you cheered and clapped. You only care because that extreme righty weaponization is ending.

Rick and Morty - Rick gave Morty a Lightsaber for Christmas.

newtboy says...

Holy crap….Roiland has been fired from Rick and Morty, and will be replaced for season 7-10!
This comes shortly after pre trial hearings over a 2020 domestic violence incident.

They knew and now we know the President knew

newtboy says...

So, now that you’ve had time to confirm that only Trump (and his SOD under his orders) can call up the national guard in DC, and that more police were requested (but not deployed) early by everyone but Trump’s pro-insurrection people….now what?

A federal judge has cited the house Jan. 6 committee's final report since it was made public last week, ruling Wednesday that then-President Trump's remarks to a crowd on Jan. 6 telling them to "fight like hell” could have signaled to his supporters that he wanted them "to do something more" than just protest. It was clear to all that peaceful protests outside would not “stop the steal”, another thing he instructed the crowd was imperative to “save our country”.
Clearly that’s not the only phrase he used that indicated he, and his people, wanted violence. “Trial by combat”, “take your country back”, “stop the steal” all imply the same call to violence, especially when delivered to his rabid, well armed, ready to get “wild” crowd.
While this does rise to the level of incitement, it does not create a legal shield that they were acting on legal orders from the president as many have claimed in court.

It’s also been made public that Trump tried to give a blanket pardon to every insurrectionist….indicating he knows it was a criminal insurrection because you can’t pardon innocent people….also indicating he believed it was only his rabid supporters there, because he would never consider pardoning ANTIFA activists (that weren’t there) for one picosecond.

bobknight33 said:

Who is in charge of capital security?
Who is charge of calling them up?

At what point did Trump say Lets Storm the Capital and take over ?

He never said / implied such a thing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today terrorist Trumpists “took credit” for the terrorist acts over the weekend across the nation, cheering them and hoping they did maximum damage to America. Also their communications about their plans to attack power grids were discovered.

In N Carolina they have all but said they were the ones who shot up the power grid, “we know why the power is out” “god works in mysterious ways. (Wink)” putting thousands in the cold and dark for days during a winter storm….and their digital communications planning it support that. Apparently this was done to disrupt a local drag show scheduled for 7pm Saturday, right after the sub stations were shot up causing millions in damage and freezing over 36000 people in their homes without heat or power.
In Florida militant Trumpist terrorists attacked drag shows with violence.
In Ohio they attacked drag shows and gay clubs, shutting off power, blocking all access in or out, taunting them with another mass shooting while dancing to YMCA (because you’re too stupid to know it’s a gay anthem about loving public gay sex….or more likely because y’all love public gay sex while you scream how hate it….that’s much more Republican.)

More death, destruction, and debauchery by the now publicly anti constitution anti democracy anti America terroristic Republican Party.

It’s ok Bob, I know you likely blocked me after you lost the election despite your still posting questions to me. You aren’t adult enough to stand behind your statements or hold a conversation, especially while every prediction you made in the last year fails to materialize and you lose your shirt while the right loses its clout, because you are nothing but an anti American troll…and likely really 14. I don’t expect you to have the testicular fortitude to respond….but you deserve a daily reminder of the anti American terrorist your messiah Trump has turned you into.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

luxintenebris says...

o r a n g e l o v e r s
don't get to call anyone
foolish - giving money to a 'billionaire'
a tool - Jan 6 was a sea of mallet heads
(used for dirty work)
imply others are more malleable than themselves (inspired to meaningless violence, told to 'guard' ballot boxes - like toothless people trying to chew gum - actively ignoring the plethora of graft (& other crimes), while listening to hate mongers trying to gaslight all the criminal/obnoxious/thuggish behavior. is enough to make baby Jesus cry.

that and PHAWK nuzz 🦜
is the height of unearned arrogance.

Blah Blah Blah?

Sheer poetry

bobknight33 said:

Blah Blah Blah.
You are a TOOL.
You are a FOOL
You are exactly what they want.

MEETING HER PARENTS | Anwar Jibawi - YouTube

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

How are you enjoying all the testimony corroborating the fact that the big lie was pre planned as a fraud, never had a thing to do with voter fraud but was nothing but a ploy to steal power and control by any means possible including violence, that every single claim came without a shred of evidence and wasn’t ever meant to have any, because they knew it wasn’t true before the big lie started.

Lemme guess….fake news.

Too bad most is on video with Stone and Bannon outlining the plot in October to simply claim victory, especially if Biden wins big, then claim fraud and maybe even find some (but that part isn’t a bit important to the plan). Pleading the fifth or ignoring subpoenas doesn’t mean you’re off the hook, it means your previous statements can be taken as your testimony with no rebuttal or explanations. D’oh!

"IT'S CALLED SHUT THE F*CK UP": Officer Has Had Enough

kir_mokum says...

"Two studies have found that at least 40 percent of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10 percent of families in the general population. A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24 percent, indicating that domestic violence is two to four times more common among police families than American families in general."

and this dude for sure hits someone in his family.

BSR said:

Yeahhhh. I'm calling problems at home with the wife.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s team won’t cooperate with their own special master by defending Trump, saying which documents they claim Trump declassified, because they’re saving that for trial….so his defense team is demanding he be indicted for espionage!?!

Of course, since there is no evidence he declassified these documents anywhere, and even the president can’t declassify documents without going through the declassification process and leaving a record they were declassified, this means that no matter what lies Trump spouts and who believes them, he’s toast, he committed treason, espionage, and theft of government documents. Caught red handed with nuclear secrets in his desk that he swore under oath to the FBI he didn’t have.

Also, Trump was indicted in New York today. His children are included in the lawsuits that seek over $250 million and to remove all Trumps from any leadership or controlling positions in any companies in New York State and bar them from any real estate purchases for 5 years.
More to come, because criminal complaints surrounding his “staggering” bank and tax and wire frauds have been forwarded by the NYAG to the IRS.

I wonder if his $3 million criminal defense lawyer has returned to Venezuela with his retainer yet, you know he’s going to before the feds try to recoup those ill gotten funds too.

BTW- the US Senate unanimously condemned Trump today for his public attacks against the FBI and for spurring threats of violence and death against the FBI, it’s agents, and their families including young children by his cultists who have followed through by trying to murder FBI agents and their families up to and including trying to plant dirty bombs at FBI buildings. Not sure why the media didn’t cover that one whit, but they didn’t. So much for the liberal media doing all they can to hurt Trump, right? This time they covered for him 100%.

Hilariously, Trump’s spokesperson came out today whining and complaining that the Biden whitehouse isn’t full of “leakers” like Trump’s was. How unfair that Biden hired trustworthy people and Trump hired sycophants only interested in their own personal gains.

Also came out today that Trump is pissed DeSantis “stole” his idea of shipping immigrants to blue states and Trump wants credit, but at least he didn’t go as far as Trump planned by hand selecting the worst violent criminal migrants to ship to “blue states and cities”, not deport, not incarcerate, but traffic them deep into the US.
Murder, rape, debauchery, death and destruction….the actual Trump plan.

Your Trump descriptor of the day- perfidious- deceitful and untrustworthy. Never has one word described Trump better.

I love it when a plan comes together. 😂

PS- because I know you’re confused, here’s what a real leader looks like. Notice he barely glances at his notes the entire speech because he actually knows what he’s talking about, unlike another president that could barely read a speech and never once read one 1/10 as coherent and thoughtful as Biden gives without assistance. So much for that theory that Biden’s mind is gone, sorry friendo, it’s a steel trap.

Edit: Ruh Roe…New York just revised its sexual assault laws to essentially remove statutes of limitations, meaning Eugene Carol, the woman he defamed by calling her rape claims lies and is currently sueing him for deffamation can now sue for rape, and she indicated she intends to file Nov 24, the first day the law is in effect. A new felony case for Trump every day. This is you guy? This is you pick? 😂

His poor overworked emotional support aides, hired to give baby snowflake Trump daily ego stroking and kudos for nothing by surfing the web to find any positive tweets or troths about him.

Why Geography Makes The US Insanely OP

bobknight33 says...

Like I said all governments are corrupt, even ours. Democrats and Republicans are corrupt. Why would anyone spend millions just to get a 200K $ /yr job?

Trump is not Fascist, just has a large following.
Jan 6 was 1 day of that went sideways.

During Trump years the left burned looted killed many more. The Left are the dangerous side, inciting violence, anti free speech.

You just admit that this is true.

newtboy said:

Odd…then why do you support socialist programs for the rich? Privatizing profits but making losses public. (Bailouts, zero taxes, etc)
Why do you support fascist extremist politicians like Trump, Green, Bohbert, etc?
Why, if you love democracy, do you throw your hat in with those who violently oppose it when they lose and want actual dictatorship?

Grave Diggers “Can Hardly Keep Up With Demand"

newtboy says...

Your point?
States with highest gun violence rates
Mississippi -- 28.6 per 100000
Louisiana -- 26.3.
Wyoming -- 25.9.
Missouri -- 23.9.
Alabama -- 23.6.
Alaska -- 23.5.
The list, and trend continues.
Republican states consistently have higher gun death rates, the top ten states for gun deaths are all Republican led….so much for blaming Democrats.
Republicans don’t care. The #’s point this out horrifically and consistently.
Republican states also don’t care about keeping the lights on or having running water in their cities anymore…I’m looking at you, Texas and Mississippi. Florida has abandoned education in favor of far right wing indoctrination for children (maybe with field trips to Epstein island with the ex president if they’re good and pretty and will sign a binding NDA).

(Pretty chicken shit to claim Dems don’t care, while Cons block every attempt they make to solve the issue, but you do you.)

Um….did I EVER advocate gun free zones, or even indicate I think they’re possible in America? I don’t think so. Why must you always fight windmills and paper tigers? It doesn’t make you sound sane.
It would be excellent…if it were possible. No one is hunting inside city limits, if no one had guns, no one would need guns. It’s not possible unless we take drastic, unconstitutional actions (or change the constitution like the founders intended).

There aren’t enough gun regulations when a schizophrenic person can legally buy as many guns and as much ammo as they wish, and so can murderous gang members who served their sentence/probation.

They DO need MUCH better enforcement of existing gun laws, we agree there. If laws were applied consistently regardless of the perp, there would already be less gun crime. The problem with that being prisons are so overcrowded they simply cannot house more, and most police seem to not be interested in or capable of legal crime-preventative policing, so making illegal gun possession/use come with harsher sentences simply isn’t going to happen….and has never worked to stop crime.

They also need to remove “loopholes” (intentional back doors) that allow mentally ill and violent criminals to legally purchase firearms with absolutely no background checks and no paperwork. Seems to be a no brainer, but your ilk calls that “terkin’ er guns” (I have to believe because you know you’re all insane and can’t pass mental health screenings), not sane regulation.

No surprise you think more draconian punishment is the answer….how’s that been working out? Not great. Countries that focus on rehabilitation of convicts instead of simple housing for profit have recidivism rates near zero, unlike the US.

Using a gun in the commission of a crime already comes with pretty harsh penalties, btw….often turning misdemeanors into felonies just by having it, not using it.

Prison reform is one part of any functional answer, not more, bigger, worse prisons for longer sentences. Funny, you thought the same when Jan 6 defendants started being rounded up and denied bail…odd you cared about all those ANTIFA and BLM activist though. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Philly PA is a Democrat city/ state..
Democrats don't care. You #'s point this out.

2016 277 murders in Philly
2020 500 murders in Philly.
1990 500 murders in Philly.
2022 300 murders 2/3 of the way.

You want Philly to be a gun free zone?

Sorry can do that.
There are enough gun laws.

Need to make the punishment for improper gun use that causes these occurrences extremely harsh.

Bidens Border mess

newtboy says...

Such nonsense. Biden tried to remove the disastrous stay in Mexico policy, but was forced to keep Trump’s border rules until under three fucking weeks ago, dumbshit. He sent more back home to places like Hati than Trump did too. Derp.

Trump’s $40 billion fence hasn’t slowed immigration one percent, as expected. $40 billion more funding to border patrol would have been hundreds of times more effective….but not a monument to Trump.
Not using the border patrol to do useless, expensive political stunts instead of their job helps too.
Good BS blaming someone else. Republicans saying the borders are open is the number one reason people in South America believe it…that’s what THEY say, and why they’re coming now. This lies at least in part at their feet.

Funny how absolutely nothing was the president’s responsibility Jan 2017-21, but now everything in the country is his fault….except the things getting better like unemployment, wages, gdp, covid, the economy, gas prices recently, etc.

Bullshit. Trump never had any program to combat gang violence. Stop lying. His best plan was round up all Mexicans and you’ll get a lot of gang members too, but that’s a horrific and outrageous (and impossible) way to achieve that goal.

Calling them criminals invading is EXACTLY the point of this video, dummy. No one is barging into your house, most aren’t in the drug trade, for the vast majority crossing a line is the only crime they ever committed, and if our immigration/asylum policies were functional they wouldn’t have committed that crime. Just more nonsensical babbling from a ridiculous tool.

Funny how minor crime to save ones life is outrageous to you, but severe treasonous crimes for personal enrichment is a nothing burger. Stupid is as stupid does, and holy shit do you advocate for some stupid shit.

Denying asylum seekers entry was a crime when it started. Do it the right way or you are committing a crime every time you deny one. That’s Trump policy, no problem when he breaks the law, right? You don’t care a whit about law or crime, only about what you can pin on your rivals. Proven time and time and time and time and time and time again. You see no crime ever on the right, and fantasize about non existent crimes from the left, constantly.
Again, Barr lied and obstructed justice to protect Trump who lied and obstructed justice, court findings, but still not a crime because the statutes of limitations expired, right? No crime if they criminally slipped out of legal jeopardy….right?
And you also can’t see the hypocrisy. 🤦‍♂️

Answer this (I know you won’t, you are incapable of ever answering questions unless fed the far right answer, while I address every point you try to make every time)…how much has Abbot wasted on this stunt that hasn’t moved 1/2 days worth of immigrants out of state? Wouldn’t that money be better spent stopping crossings rather than with meaningless political stunts like this and the $10 billion waste of money with his border inspections that didn’t find a single stowaway or drug caches?

bobknight33 said:

Trump working on it, But this administration deiced to stop and keep the doors wide open.

You get what you vote for.
Highest OD rates thanks to Biden's administration.

And so much worse.

Good BS blaming everyone else. Biden administration is the enforcer of the border . This lies at his feet.

Trump was gathering up MS13 member but liberal cites were blocking and hindering.

Democrats like this. You gt what you vote for.

" @bobknight33, with the exception of the crime of illegal entry, undocumented immigrants commit crimes at levels much lower than citizens. "

That not the point I walk into you house sit on the couch and eat your food.. No crime Right???????

Come in the right way else you are committing a crime.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Why I Give Abortions

newtboy says...

That image they claim is 7 weeks is of a fetus well beyond 11 weeks at a minimum…at 7 weeks there are not individual fingers. Always more dishonesty from bob, who always believes his ends justify any means, any lies, and any violence or crimes necessary to achieve them.

There’s a barely perceptible nerve pulse at week 7 but not any heart at all… no functioning heart until week 20 you liars. No heart=no heart beat.


bobknight33 said:

Heart beat alive and well in week 7

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

Unsurprising, you cherry pick the one non crime mentioned then say something amounting to “look, that’s not a crime, it just indicates Trump is an infant that throws physical tantrums….that’s my man.”
And actually it is a crime, destruction of public property and vandalism of the White House….not that you care.
Also, it shows how outraged Trump was that there was no massive fraud. He wanted there to be fraud, he needed there to be fraud, or at least a lie that there was fraud, and was OUTRAGED there was no fraud and more so that Barr had admitted the truth. It shows how he is 100% not qualified emotionally to hold ANY office, much less the highest on earth.

Nice ignoring the physical attacks against secret service members while trying to personally lead the violent attack against America and the lynching of his own VP.
Good job ignoring him trying to let heavily armed crowds join his rally meant to march to the capitol building….armed to the teeth with everything from bear mace and spears to groups carrying assault weapons wearing tactical body armor.
Nice ignoring that he knew his crowd was heavily armed when he told them to fight hard at the capitol building and don’t let them certify the election (he may have said “don’t let them steal your country” , a distinction without a difference).
Be proud of ignoring all the Republicans who admitted knowing they committed crimes in an attempt to overthrow what they knew undeniably was a certified, fair, secure election by asking for pardons for their crimes they committed for Trump, including Trump’s chief of staff. Put your head in a little farther and you might be able to see out of your own throat.

Oranges of the investigation
Trump is no mental genius….and Biden handed him his ass without even holding rallies.
So….Sleepy Joe doesn’t need to be awake or conscious at all to be a much better president. Is that a compliment to Joe, a swipe at Trump, or both?

PS- kudos for admitting Biden actually is the current POTUS. I know that’s hard for you.

PPS- add to that news of Melania’s absolute refusal (by text, so recorded) to put out a statement calling for a halt to violence…..because they needed that violence and she expected her husband to be leading it.

bobknight33 said:


Ketchup on the wall, broken plate WOW CNN front page news !!!

POTUS getting mad and making a mess. This is impeachable. This is a serious crime. Brian Stelter is jizzing in his shorts over this wonderful news

Unlike current POTUS Sleepy Joe can't get mad because he can't remember anything.

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