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Sick of You, GWAR, in memorium

Sick of You, GWAR, in memorium

The Beatles - 'The Long and Winding Road' (live session)

If Google were just Some Guy

Enter The Dragon Remix

Neil deGrasse Tyson is a Buzzkill...!

Shocking medical story

bobknight33 says...

The Va system should be best system in the USA but sadly it is the worst system around.

If the government can't run the VA why let it run Obama Care?

There is no problem that the government can't make worse.

Why is she not on 60 Minutes or such?
What is her Congressman or Senator ding for her?
There is tragedy after tragedy with this soldier.

Little Child Bargains Like the Tea Party & GOP

Polybius - Composition for Computer Hardware

Burning and Burnt Cars from 9/11 and following days.

Cop Car Runs Over Skateboarder!!!

CelebrateApathy says...

FTFA: “I do not have any other details to provide to you,” said Sergeant Molnar. ”This is a personnel matter and state police does not have further comment on this matter.”

Bullshit. This is a criminal matter. Even though this video is edited it still appears the hit was intentional. Not sure about Virginia but shouldn't that be assault with a deadly weapon or aggravated assault?

Outstanding skateboarding in India

Cracked Chiropractor Commercial: Is This For Real?

hatsix says...

Yeah, I've been accused of that, but I blame that on the "arguing on the internet" aspect of things, rather than my actual mindset. For instance, as much as I talk up Medical Science, I still don't trust doctors, and in the last 10 years, have only visited to A) get a Physical Examination required by a job, B) get a prescription for a PT, C) Get innoculated for one of the bird/swine flu, as I had been sick for a week after spending a weekend at a "Gamer Convention" (PAX), where there were many confirmed cases.

But, while I don't trust doctors, I actively campaign against "Alternative Medicine", as I've seen many people hurt by it. I've seen one person poison themselves after getting food poisoning, because "like cures like", and I've had one friend commit suicide after they were convinced that the anti-psychotic medicine they were taking wasn't "natural", and quit it.

Whenever I think of alternative medicine practitioners and their criticism of Proper Medicine, I have one quote that sticks in my head, courtesy of The Big Lebowski:
"You're not wrong, Walter. You're just an asshole"

Sure, Medical Science can be improved. But you can't improve it by removing the science. You improve it by removing the politics. Remove the kickbacks from big pharma. Remove the groveling and begging for research funds. Remove the Actual Politics of Insurance and Medicare and Medicaid and VA Benefits. Remove the Actual Politics of the 'War on Drugs".

Those are the problems in our current medical community. But rather than attempting to solve the actual problems that we all agree on, most naturopaths are just treating the symptoms... working on the edges of society, and contributing to the distrust of the individual doctors, rather than the overhaul of the entire system.

And there are certainly many types of naturopaths. Of those that I've met (my wife spent three years in a "Traditional Western Herbalism" school, so I've met quite a few), most have problems differentiating between an idea and a fact. An unsettling amount believed that herbalism is effective because the ancient aliens that brought us to earth also brought us a dramatic and intelligent plant-system which was created to diagnose and treat all of our illnesses.

They believe that through meditation, they are able to connect to this awareness, and this awareness is what will tell them what to give their patients.

It's not the individuals I have a problem with, it's their poor education that I have a problem with. Some NPs can overcome the disadvantage of their environment that de-values scientific method and fact-gathering. Many MDs can overcome the disadvantage of years of de-valuing their own intuition.

But acknowledging the similarities between the two ignores the actual harm that is caused by alternative medicine. Alternative medicine shares the same risks as Proper Medicine, with the same chances of mis-treatment.... but it removes any chance of surgery or active treatment to cure issues. It removes the huge base of shared understanding, and replaces it with a very small base of folklore that has been accumulated through "give the patient this plant, if they don't die, it must have cured them".

Great Home Security!

Octopus Project - I Saw the Bright Shinies

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